The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 726: 726

The two people saw that the senior leaders of the school were all standing in a row under the platform.

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It's like a schoolboy who's been lectured.

And there is a bald middle-aged man, kneeling beside a young man at the moment, with a snot and tears.


Xu Meimei's eyes were wide open, unbelievable.

And the young man, dressed in gorgeous clothes, was actually the poor man who pursued Su Muhan yesterday?

I'm not dreaming, am I?

Speaking of it, her godfather is really unlucky. When he called to arrange this matter, he just let the listening Superman's Chen Ge hear him.

So there was no such thing. Chen Ge wanted to punish them. It was a matter of minutes.

"Mr. Mu Han, we apologize for what happened just now. You can get such a strong sponsor for our school. The school really doesn't know how to thank you. Moreover, Mr. Mu Han, Chen Shao has something to talk to you about!"

A middle-aged man stood up and said.

"Chen Shao?"

Su Muhan looks at Chen Ge. It's this strange boy who hasn't seen him for a few days. He has changed so much!

However, it is the curiosity of these things and the special feeling of this boy that Su Muhan nodded and agreed and followed Chen Ge out.

"What can I do for you? You are Chen Shao of Jinling business group. You like a lot of girls. I have nothing good to do. It's not worth Chen Shao to help me like this? "

Su Mu Han said directly.

"In fact, I want to ask you something!"

Chen Ge looked at her and said.

"Chen Shao, what do you mean?"

Su Mu Han asked.

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"I want to kiss your forehead!"

Chen gedao.

Seven days will soon be over. He has no time to do anything. What he can do is to make su Muhan's family carefree.

There is not even a chance to pursue Su Muhan again.

So on this trip, Chen Ge wants to kiss Su Muhan's forehead for the last time. One is to miss, the other is to say goodbye.

After he awakened to the way of heaven, he would never come back here, and I don't know how long it will take to find Su Muhan.

He did not want to, this short-term opportunity, he did not grasp.

"What do you say?"

And Su Mu Han is scared, can't help but instinctively back to the back of a step.

Seeing Chen GE's fingers flicked, Su Muhan suddenly found that his body couldn't move at all.

She looked at Chen Ge with some fear.

"Mu Han, you won't understand some things. Now you don't know how deep I feel for you! I've been looking for you for a long time, but you seem to be mysteriously missing. How can I find you? "

Chen Ge came to Su Mu Han's side, gently took her hand, and said.

But looking at Chen GE's eyes that wipe infatuation, Su Mu Han's struggling mood in the eyes, suddenly less many.

"I come to see you this time to say goodbye to you formally. After that, I will be staring at the villa of Yunding mountain all day long..."

Chen Ge said faintly.

At present, he held Su Muhan gently, and then deeply kissed her on the forehead.

Su Muhan's body trembled slightly. In her heart, it seemed that she communicated with Chen Ge in an instant.

All of a sudden, the five tastes in my heart are mixed up.

She felt as if she knew the boy.

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This feeling, from the first time we met.

Moreover, I seem to have a different relationship with this boy.

Because I see him, my heart will be inexplicably nervous.

Especially just now he gently kisses himself, which makes Su Muhan strange.

Also, because of their own excitement.

Su Muhan had never experienced the same kind of inner grief. It was just this feeling of sadness that made Su Muhan shed tears and his whole body seemed to be fragmented.

She seems to have missed this person for a long time, and they have been separated for a long time.

She missed him every day, but also let herself in pain every day.

God, what's wrong with you?

Su Mu Han was shocked to think, this moment, it seems that they are not themselves.

"Mu Han, I'll give you back the two things I owe you. I'll pay them back with my whole life!"

Chen Ge finally said something.

Then gently, he untied Su Muhan's acupoints.

Su Muhan is not moving, because her heart is in pain.

But Chen GE's figure, actually already in front of oneself slowly disappeared.

Until it's gone.

"I I miss you, little song

Su Mu Han can hardly believe his mouth, she actually said this sentence.At this moment, why do you feel so unreal?

At the same time, some luxurious room, although it is already late at night.

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But there was also a woman sleeping on her side, as if she had a nightmare. Her body began to twitch and cry

It's coming. Seven days is getting closer.

In recent days, Chen GE has been guarding the side of the Zhentian stone.

And Shen Shen feels the perfect Daoji in his body.

Chen Ge understood that the day of awakening Daoji was coming.

When he came back this time, to be honest, in addition to awakening Daoji, Chen Ge wanted to do a lot of things. However, he found that it was like fate. Every time and space has its own mandatory regulations, so he can't do too much.

When he understood this matter, the first time was to say goodbye to Mu Han, because he didn't want to leave with regret.

It's a blast!

When the mountain burst, thousands of members of the engineering team retreated to one side.

Because the center of the mountain suddenly flashed colorful colors and light.

They were shocked.

And Chen Ge at the moment on the arm of seven spots, has disappeared to the last.

Unfold your mind, and the mysterious man is watching from a distance.

You'd better not go, at least when I leave, I'll be satisfied to see who you are!

Chen Ge said in his heart.

Now I don't think much about it. I fly directly to the mountain to awaken the way of heaven.

Not far away, somewhere in the mountains.

A masked man in black, with a light purple in his eyes, was witnessing all this.

"What's the matter? What the hell is he doing? He has changed so much in just a few days? "

The man in Black said to himself at the moment.

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His voice, some old, but very loud and powerful.

"No matter, go and have a look."

As soon as the eyes of the man in black congealed, he would move forward.


All of a sudden, there was a hissing sound in the air, as if an arrow was shooting at his side.


The old man in black found that the danger was approaching him.

Not good!

He dodged the sharp shot.

But then, a dark shadow passed in front of him.

He was not slow, and took off his black face towel.

And two people, the short-term opposite.

The old man was stunned for a moment and ran away.

In front of him, there was a middle-aged man, just a middle-aged man with scars on his face. The middle-aged man was not chasing after him, but he was stunned when he saw the old man's face.

It was as if the whole person had been struck by lightning.

"How could it be!"

He said in horror and disbelief. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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