The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 729: 729

Nanyang, port on Hong Kong Island.

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At the moment, in this busy place.

There were a lot of people around.

It turned out that there was a man crawling on the ground, causing many people to watch.

Everyone pointed out, but no one was willing to step forward to help.

"Wo Cao, isn't this Li Zhenguo, general manager Li?"

Finally, someone recognized the person in front of him.

Yes, this person is no one else. It seems that he is Mr. Li, who was famous in the business circles at the beginning.

My God, who is always Li? How could he be in such a field now?

He was shocked.

When he said this, many people took out their mobile phones to take photos.

Because in front of Mr. Li, at the moment, his whole body is full of scars, and he has been picked to break his tendons and tendons.

It's hard not to be sad.

"Mr. Li, what's the matter with you? I heard that now you are in Jinling, why did you suddenly return to the port?"

The middle-aged man obviously had a friendship with Li Zong, and he came to him sad at the moment.

At the same time, he also hastily took out his own water and wanted to give it to the thirsty Li Zhenguo.

As a result, he was kicked out before he put it to his mouth.

It was a few bodyguards in black coming with a sneer.

"Damn it, fatso, if you don't want to die, get out of my way. Don't meddle, or your life will stay here."

The bodyguard in Black said coldly.

Middle aged people want to retort, but see these people are really not vulgar, also dare not stop.

At present, I have to bear the pain to leave.

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And Li wanted to take a sip of water.

As a result, he was trampled on his hands by a bodyguard in black.

Step on the back of the hand is bloody, still crushing hard.

"I said," I can't drink water for seven days, but I can't stand it for three days! Damn it, I thought you were a big hit in the Chen family. I told you that the Chen family was renamed Ximen family. You are all Ximen dogs! "

The bodyguard said coldly.

And Li Zhenguo thirsty to death, to drink those water sprinkled on the ground.

"I wipe, you want to drink water, don't you? Hahaha, brothers, throw him into the river. If he can swim up alive, he will be very lucky

The bodyguards laughed grimly.


They answered in unison.

After Chen Ge left the island in the East China Sea.

Passing Hong Kong Island, preparing to return to Chenjia island.

Just in time, he hit the scene right in front of him.

But at the moment, he did not want to meddle.

Just about to pass by.

Hearing Li Zhenguo's painful cry, he thought he had heard it wrong.

Looking back, it was Li Zhenguo!

How could it be?

Chen GE's eyelids jump wildly.

Now it appears directly in front of these people.


Chen Ge exclaimed in disbelief.

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We met a few days ago, and it was fine. Moreover, Zhenguo has been dealing with the transfer of assets. People are also in Jinling. What's the matter?

When Li Zhenguo heard Chen GE's cry, he raised his head with a shudder.

"Chen Chen Shao? "

Li Zhenguo burst into tears.

It's like a straw in the dark.

"What's going on?"

Chen Ge asked in a hurry.

"It was the ancient family and jiuluomen who forcibly occupied the Chen family and handed it to the Ximen family in Taicheng. They took all the property of the Chen family! I'm against them, and I'm caught here! "

Li Zhenguo cried.

"Well? Who is this man? Is it the Chen Shao that Gu Jia is looking for? "

And a few bodyguards nearby look at each other, at the moment, can't help their eyes shine.

Now the ancient family ordered the Ximen family to torture the people of the Chen family in order to lead the Chen song out and catch him.

Ha ha ha, now it's a good idea. This man sent it to the door automatically.

At that time, their brothers will be rich.

"Who else did you Ximen family arrest? My second Uncle Chen Ping'an, what about them? "

Sure enough, something happened to the Chen family.

What's more, Gu Jia and Jiu Luo Wang traced themselves to here.

At present, Chen Ge angrily looks at the three bodyguards who take care of Li Zhenguo.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Several bodyguards laughed.

"Is this fool asking us questions?"

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"Yes, and, besides, with a look of anger?"

The bodyguards said scornfully.

Chen Ge frowned tightly.At the moment, he directly slapped one of them on the forehead.

There's a bang.

In front of the scene, like a mortar shell hit a watermelon, this person's head, instant thin broken.


The people around him were scared out of sight.

The remaining two bodyguards were stupid.

"Sleeping trough! He is so strong that we are not rivals of this man

The two bodyguards looked at each other.

Very panicked.

No wonder the ancient family spent so much effort to arrest him. He was so fierce!

"What happened? I'll ask you one last time! "

Chen Ge said coldly.

"Well, we won't say it. If we do, you'll kill us immediately, but if we don't, then..."


Their voice did not fall, Chen Ge fingers gently flick, two people's heads, directly burst open!

"Zhenguo, I will heal you first!"

Looking at Li Zhenguo in agony.

Chen GE's figure is a flash, is to take him to a forest.

Naturally, Chen Ge is now healing, there is no need to think about the past.

At present, Chen GE's eyes closed slightly.

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Then, it is to see his forehead, cangxuan God pupil gradually appeared.

A golden light covered Li Zhenguo.

After that, the wounds on Li Zhenguo's body healed miraculously at the speed visible to the naked eye.

When the golden light disappears.

Li Zhenguo felt the change of his body.

Looking at Chen Ge, there is no respect, no awe, but like looking at a devil, I can't believe looking at Chen Ge.

"Chen Shao You! "

Li Zhenguo didn't dare to speak because he was completely well.

"Let's talk about these things later. What happened to the Chen family?"

Chen Ge asked.

At present, Li Zhenguo talked about it all the time.

It turns out that

Five days ago, the Chen family had an accident.

Jiuluomen and the Gu family came to the door and caught the boss Chen Ping'an and Miss Fang Huanan. They deprived the whole Chen family of their assets. Li Zhenguo was arrested in the confrontation with them.

And their puppet is the Ximen family in Taicheng.

Now, the Ximen family are very domineering on Hong Kong Island.

All kinds of torture to the original Chen family.

"What's more, they were sold to the bar by the Ximen family after Miss Fang Yannan was your fiancee. Now, it is said that the ancient family has set up a lot of organs in the Chen's house, waiting for Chen Shao to fall into the trap!"

Li Zhenguo said everything he knew , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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