The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 730: 730

"What? This ancient home! It's time to kill them! "

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Chen Ge clenched his fists tightly.

"By the way, where did she go? What about the second uncle

Chen Ge asked.

Before shuttle, Chen Ge explained these things to Li Zhenguo, so Li Zhenguo knew them.

At present, Li Zhenguo said:

"Miss Nana was sent to the emperor's bar on Hong Kong Island! Second, they are trapped in the Chen family. The ancient family is well prepared there, waiting for you to fall into the trap! "

Chen Ge clenched her fists tightly.

"You first find a place to settle down. I'll go to rescue Nana first. You can contact the rest of the Chen family. After I have an account with the Gu family, you will wait for the opportunity to plan later."

Chen Ge ordered.

But Li Zhenguo, also knew that he could not help Chen Shao, so he just nodded.

Chen Ge went directly to the Hong Kong Island bar.

Inside, at the moment, it's already smoky.

There are a lot of drinkers.

It seems that Ximen's younger brother is a younger brother of ximenyu.

Chen Ge doesn't know who it is.

As soon as he went in, he directly asked the waiter, "there's a boy named Simon. Which compartment is he in?"

In private room 888.

"Ha ha ha ha, it's really a beautiful woman. If I can really enjoy myself, I don't know what it will feel like!"

A big boy and a young man are surrounded by many people.

Beside him, a beautiful woman was kneeling on his shoulder.

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This woman is Fang Huanan.

"Ximen Dashao, since you like it, why not?"

Some people couldn't help but echo.

And suggest that big and small, if large and small need, they can provide some necessary help.

"Ha ha, if I wanted to do that, I would have been like that. Do you need to remind me? But that would be boring. I'd like to see what it would be like for her to roll to my bed when she couldn't stand the torture

Simon said.

"I tell you, kill me if you have seed. Otherwise, Chen Ge won't let you go. Your Ximen family are really bold. Aren't you afraid of destroying the family?"

Fang Huanan directly scolded.

"Hum, Chen Ge? I tell you, the Gu family has prepared a lot of organs to arrest Chen Ge, and to tell the truth, we are looking forward to the Chen Song's early appearance, because the sooner he appears, the more we can enjoy all the Chen's! Ha ha ha

Simon said.

"Chen Ge, he killed Ximen Yu and had a blood feud with our Ximen family. Sooner or later, I'll settle the account with her!"


And just then, the door opened.

Is a heavyweight bodyguard, slowly walked in.

He has been in charge of the arrangement of Ximen University and youth, and he is the only one of the ancient families.

Now, outside this independent box, there are nearly a hundred experts responsible for the safety of Ximen University.

And this man is the leader.

"What's the matter?"

Simon said.

"Today, some people are going to die here. I hope those who once attached themselves to the Chen family and have nothing to do with something will leave!"

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The bodyguard leader said tremblingly.

"Well? Ah RI! What do you mean

Simon was surprised and surprised. "Now Hong Kong Island, but Simon family has the final say."

"Today, some people are going to die here. I hope those who once attached themselves to the Chen family and have nothing to do with something will leave!"

And the leader, as if he had not heard what Simon said, just repeated to himself.

At the moment, see this person flustered look, other people in the room are also some not calm.

An unnamed and dangerous atmosphere suddenly enveloped everyone.

Make everyone more nervous.

Leave! Maybe it's the best and only choice right now.

As a result, most of the people in the room stood up and made the gesture of walking outside.

"What do you do? At any rate, it is also the existence of many or less levels. How dare you be so timid? "

Ximen Dashao snorted a sneer.

As soon as he spoke, no one dared to leave.

"What are you afraid of? I'm here!"

"Ah RI, what happened?"

Ximen big little see less bodyguard way.

At this time, the bodyguard suddenly shivered, foaming on the ground, not long after, life and death in the past!


The woman in the box was screaming in horror.

Ximen Dashao's face was also a little pale.

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"Who? Who did it? Come on, come onHe yelled wildly.

"You really ate the gall of a bear heart leopard. You are a small family. How dare you swallow a giant elephant with ants? What's more, how dare you treat my friend like this

Just then, there was a ghost like voice around.

It made people cold to the extreme.

But Fang Nan raised her head abruptly.

Because this voice is too familiar to her.

"Chen Ge!"

Fang Huanan was surprised.

"What? Is it Chen Ge? "

Ximen Dashao's face was flustered.

"Chen Shao!"

And the rest, big and small, are also looking at each other.

In the next moment, the space in front of me suddenly twisted, and Chen Ge appeared in front of everyone like a ghost.

"Chen Shao!"

Those who are young and old naturally know Chen Ge. When I see him now, I can't help but fear.

"Chen Ge!"

Fang Huanan ran to Chen GE's side in a hurry. What happened these days scared her to death.

Can not expect, at this time, Chen Ge actually appeared, and stood in front of her.

"Don't be afraid! Today I come back, revenge, revenge

Chen Ge said coldly.

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This Ximen big young, obviously has already been sentenced to death.

When a lot of the rest of the young and old knelt down to beg for forgiveness, the young Ximen was going to die.

But at the moment, it is laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Ximen Dashao looks up and laughs.

All the people in the box were laughing.

"What are you laughing at?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Ha ha, I laugh at you silly!"

Ximen Dashao's eyes were full of banter: "Chen Ge, when I was in Taicheng, I heard that you were extremely cunning. I thought you were a very intelligent person. I didn't expect that you were a fool, a complete fool. Tell you that you have been cheated!"

"Cheated?" Chen Ge asked coldly, "what have I been fooled by? What's the trick? "

"Hahaha, don't you realize that there is some kind of coincidence from the time you met that damned Li Zhenguo in the street to your appearance here? In other words, it is Ben who leads you step by step. I know that you will run over first and save your best friend first. Therefore, I am waiting for you for a long time

Simon said.

"Yes, it's a pretty good plan, but you won't miss a step?"

Chen Ge smiles bitterly.

"I know what you want to say, I am not your opponent, you will easily kill me, ha ha ha, so here, there will be a special guest to meet you!"

As he spoke, Ximen clapped his hands.

In a flash, a black light swept towards the box , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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