The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 731: 731

A flash of black light suddenly diffused in the whole box.

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This scene directly scared all the others.

Even more began to scream in horror.

Because the scene is enough to make everyone hysterical.

"Xiaoge, I'm sorry, it's all my fault!"

Fang Huanan was also very frightened.

Chen Ge pulled her behind him.

"It's OK. You hide behind me!"

Chen Ge comforted her and said.

The black awn soon dispersed and turned into three streamers.

Finally, the three figures stood directly in front of Chen Ge.

This is two men and one woman.

One of the men, covered in black armor, looked magnificent.

The other, in a tuxedo, was thin.

As for the girl, it was a woman with long red wavy hair.

Her chin is very sharp, graceful posture, like a snake spirit.

The whole body is full of a strange charm.

These three people are all from jiuluomen.

One of them, Chen Ge, had already dealt with. The big man in black armor was the black general who almost abandoned Chen Ge.

The three of them are collectively called the nine Roman saints.

It can be said that he is a powerful general of King Jiuluo.

Naturally, the three people are also negative powers.

And this is what Ximen Qingda Shao relied on.

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In order to deal with Chen Ge, Jiu Luomen and Gu Jia arranged a lot of traps.

"Ha ha ha, how about Chen Ge? With my three friends entertaining you, I think my strategy should be very simple and crude, right? Even if you have two pairs of wings at the moment, it's hard to escape! "

Ximen smiles coldly.

At the same time, there was an evil intention in my eyes:

"after killing you this time, our Ximen family can inherit the wealth of the Chen family, half of the world's wealth. Ha ha ha, Chen Ge, I don't know how to thank you. If it wasn't for you, which family dares to expect so much wealth? And what you Chen's family has done, in the end, is a wedding dress for our Ximen family

"You must be in a bad mood, I guess? The more you look at me, the more upset you get, right? "

Simon counted a cigarette and asked with a sneer.

"No, I don't know why. Seeing these three people at the moment makes me feel very happy."

Chen Ge smiles indifferently.

"Oh? Are you scared? You tell me, why are you so happy? "

Ximen asked with a smile.

"I have a grudge against him for one of the three. I was just thinking about when I could get revenge for it. Unexpectedly, he delivered it to me by himself."

Chen Ge pointed to the black general.

At the beginning, the man broke his tendons and suffered a lot.

Now standing in front of himself, it's time for Chen Ge to take revenge.

"Black general, he's talking about you!"

And that girl now slightly sticks out her tongue, looks at the black general to say.

"Well, it's just a waste. At the beginning, I abolished him. Now, it doesn't matter if I abolish him again. The master has told me that I can still save his breath as long as he is alive!"

The black general said coldly.

At the moment, I saw him slightly raised his hand, a pair of iron palms, and instantly became dark.

It's like steel forks.

"Ximen Dashao, you have made a great achievement this time. Master, he will reward you well!"

The black general looked at Ximen Dashao.

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"That's natural. After our Ximen family succeeded in inheriting the property, I promise that you will enjoy all the splendor and wealth in the world in the future. What do you want?"

Ximen Qing said with an excited smile.

"Ha ha ha, that Ximen big young, I want a lot of men!"

The snake spirit like woman now smile.

"No problem, all satisfied!"

Ximen Qing also laughed.

A few people are about to chat.

Chen Ge couldn't help but smile and shake his head:

"Hello, I said a few people, you don't pay attention to me, I'm still here, and standing in front of you, you don't even say hello, have already started to discuss the partition of our family's property?"

"Ha ha, Chen Ge, I don't think you understand the present situation. You have been trapped in my plot and are in a desperate situation. I can tell you responsibly that you have been sentenced to death. This is your life. Although I am not as good as you in martial arts, I can hardly meet any opponent in the intelligence quotient area early in the morning!"

Ximen Qing smiles triumphantly.

"We don't need to talk nonsense with him. We'll take him and kill his limbs first."

The black general finished.

His momentum soared.

Then, the steel claw is raised, and the body is galloping with a kind of violent speed.And when he moved, the tables and chairs around him burst in an instant, which was completely awed by his momentum.

His current strength, compared with before Chen Ge and his fight, only strong not weak.


In the twinkling of an eye, his steel claws have arrived.

Followed, with a loud noise.

This blow did not hit Chen Ge.

It's about His body, unexpectedly in Chen Ge a meter away, motionless.

He can't go any further!

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The black general was terrified.

He clearly felt that he was locked in by a force.

The eyelids of women in black and men in Tuxedo jump wildly.

"A long time ago, I was not your opponent at all!"

Chen Ge said lightly.

"But now, you are like an ant in front of me!"

The voice just falls, a fierce light suddenly shoots out from Chen GE's finger.

This is a sword.

It's too fast.

And it's powerful.


Sheng Sheng split the black general in two.

When the black purple black body bloody presented in front of the public.

Everyone started to go into hysteria.

"Well? How strong

The man and the girl in the tuxedo looked tense at the moment.

"Dark dance, you hold him, I'll ask for help immediately!"

The tuxedo took a breath. He was very good at flying. When the shadow of his lower body shook, he disappeared directly from the window.

Only the girl panicked.

I want to escape, but I can't escape at all.

Chen singer up and down the knife, the girl was instantly dismembered.

In a few minutes, the form suddenly reversed.

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"This This This

Ximen Qing salivated wildly and his trousers were wet with fear.

"Chen Shao!"

He went straight to his knees.

"Sometimes you've said to me, what do you think I'm really curious about? Everyone feels that their IQ is superior and full of confidence! Compared with you, I am not as good as you, because more often, I am not confident

Chen Ge looked at him and said.

"Chen Shao, spare my life. In fact, I I was forced. Now that man has gone to rescue the soldiers. The king of Jiuluo and the Red Cross Society of the ancient moon came very quickly. Chen Shao, you will be in trouble. Please give me a chance and I will tell you the route to escape! Please spare my life

Ximen Qing kneels down and kowtows incessantly.

"Xiaoge, the man, he..."

Fang Huanan is still worried about the tuxedo man's escape.

Chen Ge, however, did not hurry to the window.

"Dear girl, close your eyes!"

Chen gedao.

"Ah? O o

When Fang Nan heard this, she closed her eyes immediately.

Chen Ge also closed his eyes. In an instant, he saw a golden pupil on Chen GE's forehead.


A sound.

The whole box was suddenly covered by a strong golden light.


Many people covered their eyes and began to scream bitterly. What's more, they froth directly and lay on the ground convulsively.

In the golden pupil, a shock wave shot straight up into the sky , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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