The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 732: 732

Man in tuxedo is flying.

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It's terrible. I have to get out of here.

It's more terrifying than the master.

Thanks to my quick reaction!

Get out of here!

He roared in his heart.

But at this time, a hot light instantly locked him.

He looked down and saw that a shock wave with endless energy was shooting at him rapidly.


His eyes gaped and he screamed hysterically.


With a bang, he became dust directly

Inside the room, Chen Ge slowly opened his eyes, and the golden pupil closed, everything was calm.

And Ximen Qing was already sweating.

The tingling in his eyes made him have a splitting headache.

The person in front of me is a devil!

This kind of terrible pressure is almost breathless.

"Rao Spare your life

He cried.

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"I once said that those who deceive my friends will die!"

Chen gedao.

With that, he raised his hand and pointed, and a flame immediately covered Ximen Qing.

Disgusting oil explosion sounds, accompanied by his painful scream, soon, XiMenqing has become a pool of burnt rotten meat!

Don't talk about the rest of the people. At the moment, even Fang Fang Nan swallowed her saliva in fear.

Even, she looked at the boy in front of her, so that she had been worried about the boy in her heart, and suddenly felt strange.

Two years ago, she still clearly remembered the scene when they first met.

At that time, he was pure and kind-hearted, and his whole body was filled with a simple breath.

Although he is Chen Shao, he doesn't have that kind of arrogance.

Even Fang Nan knew about Chen Ge before.

At that time, he was still self abased, some cowardly, and even dealt with a lot of things, but also could not wipe his own face.

Hehe, now think of it, Chen Ge at that time was really lovely.

I have always been attracted by this trait.

But now

He is too cold-blooded and cruel. Yes, the XiMenqing should be damned, and those people should be. But their way of death is too cruel, even cruel.

Especially Chen GE's murderous spirit, almost dare not let Fang Huanan close.

"It's all right. Let's go."

Chen Ge said lightly.

"Go to Where are you going

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Fang asked back.

"Slaughtered the ancient family!"

Chen Ge said.

Then he walked slowly outside.

Now, Chen's Island.

Now, the island has become a base for gujia, jiuluomen and Ximen.

In particular, the ancient family, they see that the island of Chen family is vast, and their ancient residence has been burned down, and they have plans to build it into a brand-new ancient home.

"Bah, you pickles, you originally thought that the ancient family was a famous secret school, but you were just a group of robbers!"

On the square of the Chen family.

Chen Ping'an was hoisted directly.

And the ancient family, active in the square, all coldly listen to Chen Ping An's fury.

"Hum, it's all like this. I'll knock out all your teeth and see how arrogant you are!"

Some of the children of the ancient family said coldly.

Finish saying, just want to start.

"Stop it!"

A cold drink came.

"Great grandma!"

The children of the ancient family on the square said respectfully.

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It turned out that it was Gu Yuehong who came with a party.

"Step back!"

Said Gu Yuehong.

"A few years ago, a mysterious master appeared in the world. He had the skill of wearing sheep for hundreds of miles. I thought that there was a new family of secret arts. Unexpectedly, it was you."

Gu Yuehong, with her hands on her back, looks at Chen Ping'an with a smile.

Yes, the man in front of me is very powerful.

But unfortunately, he met the king of Jiuluo. In front of him, he was vulnerable.

"Old witch, don't talk nonsense. Kill if you want

Chen Ping An said coldly.

"Ha ha, don't worry, you will die sooner or later, but not now. And I think you look very similar to a person. You are Chen DIANCANG's second son?"

Ancient moon red light said.

Hearing this, Chen Ping An's eyelids couldn't help but jump slightly.

"Do you know my father?"

This made him wonder.

"Well, besides, our ancient family has some origins with your Chen family! What's more, I really didn't expect that the descendant of the old fox was a top heroSaid Gu Yuehong.

Although Gu Yuehong directly insulted Chen DIANCANG, according to the normal truth, he heard someone abusing his father.

It's bound to be furious.

But Chen Ping An just took a breath.

"What's the origin of him and your ancient family?"

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Chen Ping An asked.

"Ha ha, indeed, this man, he can do anything. Even his own son, in his eyes, is just a chess piece. He deceives you all around!"

Said Gu Yuehong.

"Well, for the sake of those who are going to die, I might as well tell you, so that you can know what kind of person Chen DIANCANG is, and let you know that your Chen family is actually a joke! What a joke! After listening, I think you will really understand who is the robber! "

Gu Yuehong smiles coldly.

Chen Ping'an frowned. He just listened quietly.

"In your eyes, Chen DIANCANG is a father who has a good sense of business, strong strength and a sense of responsibility? In fact, he is not. He is a beast, a real animal. Moreover, your Chen family is not a powerful family for nearly a thousand years! You're just fooled by him

"Because you Chen family, before the earliest time, was also the secret law family! What's more, it's the strongest secret family on earth! There are essential differences between your secret magic powers and the rest of the secret magic families. Even in some aspects, the early Chen family is close to the level of the realm! "

The red road of the ancient moon.

"The Chen family was originally a secret method?"

This made Chen Ping an extremely surprised. Naturally, if he said so, some mysteries in his mind might have been solved.

"Yes, but it's a pity that when Chen Ping'an was 16 years old, your Chen family almost disappeared overnight, only Chen DIANCANG escaped. Naturally, at that time, the ancient family became the strongest secret family on earth."

"Because of the long struggle between the Chen and Gu families, the old fox blamed everything on our ancient family. He tried to seek revenge several times, and used all kinds of intrigues to plot against the senior officials of our ancient family. Unfortunately, his strength was far from reaching the level of the Chen family's early masters, and he failed every time! The last time, when he wanted to steal the treasure of the ancient family, he killed innocent people in several villages around him in order to force the ancient family to come out. Finally, he was encircled by the ancient family and was seriously injured and fled! "

Gu Yuehong sneered.

Chen Ping'an's eyes at the moment suddenly become a little trance up.

"He knew clearly that he was invincible, and he tried every possible means to attack your ancient family. Moreover, your ancient family was unable to destroy the original Chen family. My father could not have known this! Why are you still so entangled? "

Chen Ping An thought for a while.

"Hahaha, sure enough, he is Chen DIANCANG's son. His thinking is not simple. You are right. Even a fool knows that the collapse of the Chen family at the beginning of its heyday could not have been done by the ancient family. He was so entangled because he found a secret that was startling the heaven..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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