The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 73: 73

"Jadeite ring finger!"

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"Mr. Li is really filial. The value of this piece is at least 700000. Tut tut!"

People can't help but hear the praises.

You know, grandma's birthday, as a boyfriend to send 70, 000 jewelry, has been very visible filial piety.

"Well, Xiaoying, please ask Jiannan to sit down."

Take this trigger, grandma's happy mouth, can't put it down!

The more you look at Li Jiannan, the more you like it.

Even Su Ying's father felt light on her face.

It needs to be mentioned here. Don't think that everyone is here to celebrate the old lady's birthday, which is the embodiment of filial piety of this family.

This is only one aspect of it.

On the other hand, the old lady still holds the resources left by the old man when he left, including three sons and two daughters. Who can get them in the end? It depends on what the old lady says.

Therefore, the old lady's birthday is very grand every time.

"Grandma, this is my girlfriend Xiaoyu. We've also congratulated you on your birthday..."

This time, Su Qi is speaking, and she is also smiling and offering her own gift.

The old lady naturally smiles more happily.

Then there was a young man in his twenties and sixes.

In a blue suit, with his back combed.

Valiant, a look is the dress of successful people.

His name is Su Muyang. He is Su Muhan's cousin and Su Ying's brother.

At the same time, his appearance also let the present public attention to see.

Because Su Muyang, a mature career, is the most capable and the best achievers among these children and grandchildren.

He is also the future successor of the Su family.

"Granny, my grandson, I wish you happiness and longevity."

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"By the way, grandma, this is my new girlfriend, named Du Qing!"

Su Muyang introduced.

"Good, good, good. You really gave me a big surprise today! I have to have a good look at my future granddaughter-in-law, Du Qing. What do you do now? "

Du Qing said: "grandma, I am now working in BMW 4S shop, and now I am the deputy manager. Thanks to brother Yang!"

"That's good! Do you know Muyang because you bought a car? "

Su Muyang nodded: "yes, grandma, I didn't go to pick up a BMW sports car some time ago, so I got to know Qing'er!"

"OK, qinger, come by my side!"

Grandma waved.

"Brother, sister-in-law, sit down quickly!"

Su Ying also said hello with a smile.

Today, their brother and sister are really in the limelight.

According to the truth, the birthday celebration has been completed for the children, and now it is almost the same for the grandchildren. The birthday feast should officially begin.

However, today's protagonist, the old lady, is not enough.

It's like waiting for someone.

If this person doesn't come to celebrate her birthday, it makes her feel as if the birthday party is tasteless.

Who is it?

Naturally, it is Su Muhan, the granddaughter whom the old lady loves most!

"Second, where is my granddaughter

Asked the old lady.

Su Muhan's father Su Guoqiang and mother Wang Huimin are all there.

Some time ago, because of the poor management of Su Guoqiang, his company almost went bankrupt.

To tell you the truth, the old lady was very angry.

But I didn't expect that, in a flash, the crisis was solved by Jinling chenshao's investment.

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The company's problems are easily solved, but even better.

This made the old lady very happy again.

So Su Muhan is also more affectionate.

This speech, but also let Su Ying, Su Muyang brother and sister face some not good-looking.

But only in the heart of jealousy.

"Muhan, she said that he was waiting for a friend, and he would come soon!"

"Oh? Did Mu Han talk about her boyfriend

"It seems that..."

Su Guoqiang gave a cursory answer.

Muhan wanted to say hello to him today.

But Wang Huimin asked, who is her daughter's boyfriend?

But Su Mu Han didn't say.

Just let them cooperate.

Su Guoqiang and Wang Huimin didn't know what she was up to.

"Mom, look, Muhan is coming!"

At this time, Su Muhan came from the crowd with Chen Ge.

Otherwise just came over, but Chen Ge said to go to the toilet, just delayed.

"My niece Mu Han is really more and more beautiful!"

"Why? You see, it's her boyfriend who is holding hands with Muhan? ""Who is this child? Whose childe, why haven't you heard of it? "

"But in any case, the boy is a blessing!"

A group of friends and relatives pointed out.

"It's him!"

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When Wang Huimin saw Chen Ge, her eyes widened in disbelief.

No wonder the daughter didn't tell her who her boyfriend was. It turned out to be this unbearable boy.

Yeah, if you tell yourself, it's impossible to let two people together.

"Well? Who is he? "

Asked the old lady.

Wang Huimin did not dare to answer. If the old lady knew that her daughter had found such a bad guy, what would it look like?

"Grandma, I'd like to introduce him to you. He's my boyfriend Chen Ge!"

Although Wang Huimin is winking, Su Muhan turns a deaf ear and introduces Chen Ge.

"Oh? Mu Han, have you found a boyfriend

The old lady was overjoyed.

This is my favorite granddaughter, and her granddaughter's vision is very clear, and the boyfriend she is looking for is certainly extraordinary.

"Mm-hmm, Chen Ge, don't you call grandma soon?"

Su Muhan holds Chen GE's hand and is very close.

It's the first time Chen GE has seen such a big gathering.

But now, because it is disguised, so the feeling in my heart is strange.

Just now, Chen Ge was distracted.

Because Su Guoqiang, Wang Huimin, and Su Qi, Su Ying, they look at their own eyes extremely hostile.

After listening to Su Muhan's words, he is about to open his mouth.

"Wait a minute!"

At this time, I heard a cold drink.

Su Ying, of course.

Last time, Su Muhan with Chen Ge, in front of Jiangcheng, beat her and Li Jiannan in the face.

Let himself make a fool of himself in front of Su muchan.

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This hatred directly made Su Ying unable to sleep during this period of time.

She was curious. Who was this Chen song?

After a visit to their school, I found out that Chen Ge was a second generation of rich bullshit, just won the lottery.

In the past, he was a loser with no money and no power!

Besides, he was dumped by his girlfriend.

Su Muhan and Su Muhan did know each other when they were learning to drive, but there was no reason why Su Muhan would like such a person.

Why did Jiangcheng know him?

Hehe, it's even more funny to say, and it's not hard to guess.

Since the Chen Song won the prize, he has been spending money everywhere, buying a 360000 bag and going to various hotels in Jinling commercial street for high consumption.

Maybe Jiang Shao met him and thought he was very strong.

Because let others think that Chen Ge is very cow force this kind of thing, not only appeared cross river Shao one example!

At present, Su Mu Han really dares to bring this Chen Ge. Su Ying said with a cold face:

"Mu Han, Chen Ge, are you not allowed to send a gift to grandma

"Of course I will give them!"

Su Mu Han cold road.

"You sent it to you. I asked Chen Ge. Since he is your boyfriend, and you also said that Chen Ge is not a rich second generation? It's much better than Jiannan, so we all want to see what Chen GE's gift is? "

"That's right. I have to have a gift for the first time."

"Who is he? It seems that the family has a lot of strength? "

A group of relatives and friends, all of a sudden towards this side around.

I want to see what kind of birthday gifts they bring with their granddaughter's boyfriends , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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