The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 74: 74

"I didn't bring a gift!"

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Chen Ge couldn't help laughing bitterly.

He wanted to buy one, but Su Muhan didn't agree, so he said two people could use one. Naturally, she bought the gift!

So Chen Ge came empty handed.

It's just to attend a birthday party to make the old lady happy. It's hard to think that Su Ying will make trouble on purpose!

"What? No gifts? I thought that Muhan's boyfriend could also bring out a valuable gift

"Isn't it that Mu Han's boyfriend is a rich second generation? It's reasonable to say that you should be quite familiar with etiquette. This is the first time you enter the house, but you don't bring anything with you? "

"Well, compared with Su Ying's boyfriend Li Jiannan, it's far from satisfactory."

Many relatives and friends can't help murmuring.

The voice was not small enough to be heard by all present.

So at the moment, the old lady's face is a little bit hanging.

She is not the kind of person who likes gifts, but the old people value face most.

Therefore, the attitude towards Chen Ge is not as intimate as Li Jiannan.

Just dry said a sentence is OK, let Chen Ge sit aside.

And light asked a sentence: "Chen Ge, heard that your home conditions are good, what business is it?"

"O'ao, dabble in everything!"

Chen Ge said lightly.

Although Chen Ge is telling the truth, it is somewhat disrespectful in the eyes of the old lady and others.


What kind of industry is it?

So sloppy in answering a question?

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Su Muhan said with a smile: "grandma, when someone comes for the first time, you should ask so many questions. Be careful to scare people!"

"Good, good, grandma don't ask!"

The old lady stopped talking.

After all, for Su Muhan, she is the most beloved.

"Well, is it really frightening him to ask so many questions? Or are you afraid to ask these questions? Sister, make it clear. What do Chen GE's family do? I think you know better than anyone else

Su Ying said this time.

What she disliked most was that no matter what Su Muhan said or did in front of her grandmother, she was right.

Granny will spoil it.

But they are also grandchildren. Even if they do something wrong, they will scold them.

So Su Ying, who didn't want to fall out with Su Muhan, couldn't stand it.

Today, I'll see how you su Muhan is proud!

Sure enough, this sentence caught the old lady's attention.

I think of the attitude of Wang Huimin, my daughter-in-law.

The old lady frowned and asked, "Mu Han, are you hiding something from grandma? What does Chen Ge family do

Su Muhan's face was tight.

At the same time, he looked at his younger brother Suqi.

Su Ying knows something. She must have her brother Su Qi.

As she thought, Suqi has not dared to face her sister's eyes.

"Grandma, I didn't..."

Su Mu Han tense way.

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"Oh, you're sorry to say it, right? Well, I'll say it for you today, grandma! Do you know who Chen Ge is? "

"He used to be a famous pauper in Jinling University. He earned his living by running errands for people Yes, indeed, Chen Ge had some money later. It was because he was lucky and won the lottery. Guess what? He's Chen ge... "

Su Ying didn't know where to collect the information.

In a word, it's very skillful.

As if she had seen it with her own eyes, she told all the embarrassing things before Chen Ge.

It includes the extravagance after winning the lottery.

It is said in public.

"What? It turns out that Mu Han has found such a man to be his boyfriend

"He is also said to be a rich second generation. In my opinion, it is this boy who deliberately deceives Mu Han, so he made up his own identity?"

"Well, it's just like this kind of person who has been poor for a long time. If he has a little money, he will be beaten. He doesn't know his last name! It's just a lottery. What about it? "

Words are terrible.

All of a sudden, another voice, in Chen GE's ear.

Everyone's eyes on Chen Ge changed.

"Well, so you're cheating on our family

Tang Ran is a violent temper, now directly stand up, cold voice questioning Chen Ge.

Not to mention the old lady's ugly face now.

Su Ying and Li Jiannan look at each other and smile triumphantly.

It's really cool to have such a bad breath!

Tang ran asked Su Muhan: "Muhan, didn't you just buy a BMW 7 series? Just now I thought something was wrong. Chen Ge should have driven here, but he didn't. I asked you, have you seen his BMW 7 series? "Su Muhan hesitated and didn't know how to say it.

"BMW 7 series, sister Tang ran, there are three BMW branches in Jinling City. There is no BMW 7 Series in this period of time. If there is one, I can't have known it!"

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"Why? wait a second! I remember, I remember who he is

Su Muyang's girlfriend, Du Qing at this time refers to Chen Ge.

From the time Chen Ge came over just now, Du Qing has actually been staring at Chen Ge up and down.

This man is familiar, especially familiar.

Where do you always feel?

But Du Qing couldn't remember where it was.

Just now, Tang ran talked about BMW 7 series.

Du Qingcai suddenly remembered.

How could she have never met this person, and she saw it in a BMW shop!

"Xiao Qing, do you know him?"

Su Muyang asked lightly.

To tell you the truth, Su Muhan found such a wonderful flower, but also let them these family members in front of a large number of relatives and friends, it was very humiliating.

Therefore, Su Muyang looks at Chen GE's face is extremely ugly.

Not to mention Ben and his second uncle's family, has been fighting openly and secretly.

At present, he should not only express his anger, but also let Xiaoyu say what she knows.

"Mm-hmm, of course I know him, brother Yang. Do you remember what I told you the other day? Some time ago, a wonderful boy went to our BMW 4S store to pick up the most expensive car. As a result, I recommended all the most expensive cars in our store. As a result, he said that these cars were too cheap to buy and left our store in pain!"

"Of course I do. What? That wonderful fool, is that? "

Su Muyang was really surprised.

Du Qing nodded heavily: "yes, it's him. I remember he was dressed in shabby clothes at that time, but now, I don't respond to it for a moment and a half."

this time, people look at Chen Ge again, and it has become very lively.

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"Who did Mu Han look for?"

"It's like a psychopath!"

Su Mu Han hastily way: "you don't talk nonsense, Chen Ge won't be like that!"

She's going to crash. What's wrong? Originally I thought of a very simple thing, that is, let Chen Ge pretend to be his boyfriend, to coax Grandma happy.

Second, it's to compete with Su Ying.

After all, Chen Ge had compared them yesterday.

But Su Muhan never dreamed that his cousin was so cruel that he went to investigate Chen Ge like this!

What's more, his new girlfriend, Tang Ge Su Muyang, actually knows Chen Ge?

What's more, he described Chen Ge as a fool.

It can be said that the whole incident is developing in the opposite direction that Su Muhan expected.

"Chen Ge can't be like that. Sister Mu Han, how can sister-in-law cheat you? If you don't believe it, ask your boyfriend Chen Ge, is it true that what happened at BMW 4S store that day?"

Du Qing said.

Chen Ge in the side has been quietly listening to, including this called Du Qing, he also recognized.

After all, no matter how to say, she only met Du Qing once. On that day, she was still wearing a black uniform. During the process of introducing the car, she kept calling other customers and didn't pay attention to herself, so there was not much intersection.

And Chen Ge still remembers that when he came out, Du Qing seemed to scold himself.

At that time, I didn't care.

But does Chen Ge want to refute it? How to refute it? After all, what people say is true.

At present, under the eyes of all the people, Chen Ge nodded: "what she said is all true. Indeed, that day, because I didn't choose a very expensive car in BMW 4S shop, I was very distressed because the cars there were too cheap!"

Chen Ge said lightly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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