The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 736: 736

"What? You want to do it, too? "

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Chen Ge said with a faint smile.

With the help of the middle-aged man, the old man stood up in a hurry and bowed slightly and said, "how dare you, sir, you are a dragon Diving Tour. How dare we be so bold?"

The old man looks crane haired and childlike, and he is very respectable.

However, in the face of this young man, he was so humble that many people present felt incredible.

Not to mention his precious granddaughter.

"What do you say, grandfather? How can you be so polite to this disciple? I didn't hit him just now. I won't break his face this time! "

The girl was surprised at first, then furious.

We have to do it.

"Stop it! You must not be rude

The old man yelled.

Although Shen Piaopiao has a thousand of problems, she is obviously as respectful to the elderly as this middle-aged man.

Now I really stood aside.

Later, the old man said with a smile: "Sir, just asked me this unreasonable granddaughter, why are we kneeling?"


Chen Ge nods.

"This is what happened. In the early years of panlongling, there was always a master of ghosts. He was clever and clever, and could cut off people's misfortunes and blessings. He was a man of rebellious skills. Now there is another master Chen coming to Panlong mountain. He is saving people by drawing amulets. He is also flying with his sword. He is good at magic power. I came here to seek Fu, and even more extravagant for master to accept my ignorant granddaughter as a registered disciple! "

The old man said to Chen Ge.

Just now when I saw Chen Ge, the old man felt the extraordinary breath on the young man. This kind of breath made him feel nervous even though he had experienced many scenes.

Until the young man showed his skill just now.

He found that he was the master of the master, the kind of unfathomable.

Frighten the old.

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So respectful.

Chen Ge is looking around, sure enough, most of the kneeling are middle-aged people, plus a young child such configuration.

Presumably, they are not here to seek medical treatment, or to seek advice.

Moreover, panlongling is obviously occupied by a master named Chen.

"What's the name of the master?" Chen asked curiously.

"Surname Chen, famous song, master Chen Ge!"

The old man said respectfully.

"Well? Master Chen Ge

Chen Ge listened to this, but some curious want to laugh.

Is it possible that this master who can fly the sword has the same name and surname as himself.

In this world, few people can achieve the magic power of flying the sword.

This man has the same name and surname as himself. Chen Ge really wants to see what kind of magic power it is.

At present, Chen Ge did not pay attention to the old man, directly turned and continued to walk toward the mountains.

And Shen Piao was shocked.

Lying trough, did he not pay attention to grandfather at all?

"You want to die!"

Shen piaoxiao jumps directly, then flies out and rushes directly at Chen GE's back.

It's too late for the old and middle-aged to stop.

The two of them have reached a consensus that this man is definitely not easy to mess with!

But she is


The old man looked, shocked.

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Shen Piao Piao is even more incredible.

Because I was just a few centimeters away from this person's body, my feet suddenly stopped.

It's hard to move forward any more.

It's like kicking a girl's foot on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. It's like kicking the girl's foot on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. It's like kicking the girl's foot on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. It's like kicking the girl's foot on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. It's just like kicking the girl's foot on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau.


The next moment, gently swing away, the girl was directly bounced back.


The old man quickly grabbed his granddaughter's hand.

Looking at the young people in front of them is no longer respect, but a strong fear.

"No more!"

Chen Getou also did not return, light way.

"Master, are you going up?"

Asked the old man.


"Master, you have great powers, but there are many rules in Panlong mountain. If you want to go up, you'd better wait for a moment, and the Shen family will be waiting in line. You'd better go with us."

The old man suggested.

Chen Ge thought about it, so it's OK. Anyway, I want to see what level Chen Ge master is. It's easier to follow them than to fight in.

Nodded and agreed.

Hello, master Shen Tiangang

All the way, Chen Ge and the four of them entered Panlong Temple together.

No wonder it's so busy.It turns out that not long ago, in the interior of the powerful commercial power, a real video suddenly spread, that is, a video of an old man flying his sword in the jungle and on the river.

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In addition, the old man cured a rich businessman himself.

It made a great reputation.

Later, he accepted several disciples, so he started his business.

A few days ago, the old man claimed to collect several disciples.

That's why we have this scene.

Most of them come to ask for advice, and there are old people who check in person.

"Go down, you have limited talent, and your IQ is worrying. You can't be my disciple!"

When I first went in, I saw someone being driven out.

A face full of depression.

The original Hall of Taoist temple is now the place of assessment.

There are also many young family members waiting for assessment.

They were all respectful.

"Floating, you come in! Come here

As soon as they entered, several young men and women hailed Shen Piao.

A few people naturally came to this side.

"Hello, grandfather Shen!"

They also had to say hello to Shen Tiangang.

"It's too difficult, Piao, you know, until now, none of them have succeeded in becoming a master. Master Chen's conditions are too harsh!"

Several men and women can't help but say nervously.

"And Piao, who is this man? Your boyfriend? "

Some girls asked.

Obviously, they all know each other.

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"What are you talking about? Of course not. He wants to visit master Chen!"

Shen Piao said with some embarrassment.

"I'm not here to visit him. I'm just here to look for something."

Chen Ge said lightly.

He has just observed the so-called master Chen.

There is a trace of genuine Qi in his body.

But sometimes strong and weak, this phenomenon is very strange, it is a bit like the members of the secret law family, rather than the real practitioners.

"And can he really fly the sword?"

Chen Ge doubted the truth of the incident, and murmured at the moment.

"Well? What's the noise? "

At this time, Shen Piao just talked, let the hall produce a movement, master Chen coldly looked at this side.

"Master Chen, I'm sorry, it's this gentleman. He said he doubted your strength."

Shen piaofeo points to Chen Ge with a smile.

Let Shen Tiangang look stunned.

What are you talking about

Shen Tiangang was angry.

To put it bluntly, judging from the performance of Chen Ge just now, people feel that his strength is far above that of master Chen.

However, floating is really too willful.

Shen Piao doesn't care so much.

Hum, are you good? If it's really powerful, you can really come out and compare it. In front of master Chen, you can see how much you can do!

She said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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