The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 737: 737

"Oh? I'm being questioned? "

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The master Chen's eyes were fixed, and he couldn't help but glance at Chen Ge.

At the same time, the whole hall, there are many people are all surprised at Chen Ge.

In such an environment, to say such a thing, in the eyes of the public, is simply not killing.

Chen Ge wryly smile, so far, they do not need to see.

He decided that it would be better for him to express his attitude.

"With all due respect, master Chen, your so-called supernatural powers are just some ingenious skills, which are of no great use at all!"

Chen gedao.


This remark directly caused a great disturbance at the scene.

How dare someone question the master like this?

I'm looking for death!

Master Chen's eyelids jumped violently.

How dare he lose face in public.

What's more, it was time to take in my own apprenticeship.

Now, he slowly stood up.

"Look, master Chen is going to be powerful!"

Shen is excited to see it.

Although this young man is very evil and much better than herself, as a peer, she is not convinced at all to Chen Ge.

At the same time, let grandfather see that the person you respect is not worthy of respect at all.

And master Chen's actions have attracted many people's attention.

"Who is this man? Stupid? How dare you question master Chen? "

"That is, young man, I don't know the height of heaven and earth, and I don't know how to die like this!"

At the scene, there are several old people who stand up to rebuke Chen Ge and insult master Chen.

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In short, a piece of abuse, swept.

"Young man, I won't embarrass you. Kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistake, and then go down the mountain!"

Master Chen squinted and shook his head.

"Master, there are a lot of adults, but we must teach this boy some lessons!"

Someone yelled.

"What I said just now is the truth. This Taoist temple, the former master, is the real master. As for you, I think you are here, but I insult Panlong!"

Chen Ge said lightly.

"Presumptuous, it seems that I don't teach you a lesson. You really don't know the height of heaven and earth! Well, now, even if you want to go, it's hard for you to leave. I want you to roll down the mountain! "

Master Chen was very angry.

At present, directly raise your hand, and a compass engraved with golden dragon appears in your hand.

It's up to him to recite the Dharma formula.

Read a royal edict!

There is no wind in the whole hall.

The tables and chairs began to shake wildly.


Several old people's corners of the mouth twitch, directly shocked red eyes.

"The ignorant child, offends the Heavenly Master, still does not kneel down!"

Several old men said in horror.

And Shen Tiangang on one side was also frightened by Chen Tianshi's means.

A cold sweat for Chen Ge.

Chen Ge saw this, but he just laughed bitterly and shook his head:

"then what about master Chen?"

He asked with a smile.

There was a sweat on master Chen's forehead.

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At the moment, he wanted to make the scene bigger, but even if he tried his best, the noise around him could not be increased by half.

"Do you want that?"

Chen Ge shook his head.

Then the hand gently Yang, this master Chen's compass, has reached Chen GE's hand.

Then Chen Ge recited a magic formula.


The compass, suddenly the golden light flashed, and the hall was covered with golden light.


In this light, we can see the golden dragon roaring.

Hurricane set off, change color!


Everyone in the hall screamed in horror.

Several old people's eyes almost fell out.

Shen Piao Piao is surprised to cover his mouth, in front of everything, it is incredible.

"Lie down Lying trough

Master Chen couldn't help being paralyzed and sweating.

As Chen GE's wrist shakes, the golden light dissipates, and everything is calm.

Chen Ge can see at a glance that the compass is just a simple magic tool with decrees. If it is pushed out, some frightening scenes can appear.

Master Chen is unstable and can't use this gadget completely.

That's why I make a fool of myself.

Chen Ge chuckled and threw the compass aside.

Looking at the master, his eyes suddenly became bleak:

"who gave you the courage to cheat here?"This drink is clearly said to master Chen.

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But it was Jean, and the whole hall was shaking.

"Master, don't be angry, I I'm entrusted to wait for a young man here. Moreover, when I cast my magic, someone wants me to protect the geomantic omen and incense of Panlong mountain! "

The master flopped and went straight to his knees.


At the scene, everyone took a breath.

"Wait for someone? Who are you waiting for? "

Chen GE has guessed something.

"Chen Ge, a young man named Chen Ge!"

Master Chen said in a hurry.

"Who told you to wait?"

"It's Auntie!"

"What's your name?"

"Li goudan!"

Master Chen knows everything.

This time, everyone was shocked.

Angry at the master Chen, but also respectfully looking at the God of the General Chen Ge.

"Let these people all go down the mountain!"

Chen Ge ordered.


Li goudan hears the sound and drives him away immediately.

Soon, Shen Tiangang was the only one left in the hall.

"Master, I'd like to ask for something!"

Shen Tiangang is extremely respectful at the moment. An old man who is on the verge of death is actually on his knees.

Including middle-aged people.

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Chen Ge glanced at him. He didn't hate the old man.

"What's up?" he asked

"Although my granddaughter is naughty, she has always had a heart of practice. Unfortunately, there is no way to search for it. Now when I see the master's magic power, I still ask the master not to give up. Take my granddaughter and let her follow by, serve the master with tea and water!"

Shen Tiangang's eyes were wet red.


Chen Ge frowned.

Shen Piao Piao where there is a little bit of just mischievous, some, only worship and respect.

Seeing Chen Ge frown, her face turned red.

"She can't!"

Chen Ge shakes his head.

This makes Shen Piao almost cry.

"Why master?" Shen Tiangang said excitedly.

"The eldest lady in her has a very strong temper, so she can't!"

Chen Ge waved her hand lightly.

"I can change it! I can let go of this lady's temper at any time

Shen piaoxiao said in a hurry.

"Change? Hehe, good. I think you like to make trouble. Since you can put down your posture, go to the square and learn three barking dogs. If you learn well, I will accept you as a registered disciple! If you don't want to do it, go down the mountain as soon as possible! "

Chen Ge is now obsessed with everything, so he is not in the mood to accept his apprentice.

If this old man didn't kneel down on his knees in his old age, Chen Ge would hardly have said a word to them.

Therefore, only let this woman retreat in the face of difficulties.

But I didn't expect that after hearing the speech, Shen Piao just thought about it for a while, and then ran directly to the square , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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