The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 745: 745

The master of ghost operator is always calm and clever.

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It is impossible for him to throw away his simple method.

Is it difficult? Master ghost has other purposes?

"Chen Ge, do you think this is a secret signal that the master deliberately gave us, or a code for help?"

At this time, Xiao Zhu began to speak.

Chen Ge nodded heavily: "what you said is reasonable. The master can predict the future. Presumably, he has already won. We will come to him and know when we will come! Otherwise, it won't be. His floating dust auction has just appeared these days! "

"No matter what, let's go to Jizhou university first, find this student named Xiao Yan, and ask him to find out!"

Chen gedao.

"Master, I used to study in Jizhou University. Otherwise, I would go with you. It would be convenient! You must always keep someone by your side! "

Shen Piao said at this time.

"Well, you'll go with me."

Jizhou University.

I don't know why, once entering the University, always can let Chen Ge miss the past.

Because it has been more than three years since I came here unconsciously.

It has been nearly three years since I separated from Muhan.

But the previous scenes, as if happened yesterday.

Time ah, always like this, let you in unprepared circumstances, suddenly quietly slip away.

But Shen Piao Piao follows Chen Ge, sees Chen Ge looking around the campus, fell into the general contemplation.

And I didn't interrupt him.

She went directly to the management department to find the man named Xiao Yan.

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Chen Ge is walking in the campus.

I feel like every university is almost the same.

"Oh! Be careful

At this time, in the sky, a large kite, from the sky, straight to Chen Ge.

It was a few girls who were flying kites. They were all scared at the moment.

He ran towards this side in a hurry.

And yelled.

Kite flying is sometimes like this. Once there is no wind, the kite glides rapidly and can't be stopped.

And Chen Ge obviously paid attention to it.

Raise your hand subconsciously.

With a bang, the kite burst in the air.

When it falls, it's already ashes!


Several girls ran here and saw the kites that had become ashes. They were all anxious and angry.

"What are you doing? We didn't mean to. Why did you burn our kites?"

These are four girls.

The body is extremely graceful, with a shawl hair, the face is each beautiful.

The other three, point at Chen Ge and scold.

But one of them seemed very quiet, a little lady.

But there was also a slight loss on his face.

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Chen GE's face of apology, which is why when nothing is OK, Chen Ge always likes to turn off his true Qi, because inadvertently revealed, always hurt others.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!"

Chen Ge said in a hurry.

"What is not intentional, you are too bad, the kite just nearly hit you, you take the fire to us to burn!"

Obviously, the girls don't know how Chen Ge burned their kites. Naturally, this is not their focus.

"I'll pay you back!"

Chen Ge said again.

At this time, the most elegant girl in the middle was trying to coil up the kite string when she guessed a pit under her feet and nearly fell down.

The whole man came straight to the front.

Chen Ge immediately stretched out his hand and held the girl's Qian waist and helped her up.

"I'll go. What are you doing? How dare you take advantage of us, Cher!"

The other three girls were still angry.

Chen Ge is even more reluctant to play rogue in public.

"No, XiuXiu!"

The girl named Xuexue wants to organize sisters.

But the sisters look at Chen Ge are so excessive, where willing to relax.

"Don't be afraid, Xueer. We're all here. I'll call now, and I'll make sure that this boy can't bear it."

The sisters shared a common hatred of the enemy.

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"No, I almost fell down just now. Fortunately, this little brother helped me!"

Xueer hastens to explain.


The sisters were stunned.

Looking at Chen GE's eyes, I can't help but relax.

Especially Xueer, looking at Chen Ge at the moment, there is no reason for more than a blush on her beautiful face.

"Well, he set fire to our kites, and he has to apologize!"Several girls said.

"Well, I'm sorry!"

Chen Ge couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"I'm sorry, but it's over?"

The one named XiuXiu picked up his shoulder.

Xueer pulled the arm of La XiuXiu: "what are you doing, XiuXiu?"

"Well, our kites are very expensive. Do you know what kind of material it is? It's worth thousands of yuan. Well, I think you're dressed in ordinary clothes. If you can compensate our kites at the original price, it's too hard for you. Let's see how you treat each of us to drink a cup of milk tea just now because you helped us with the snow and snow just now?"

XiuXiu said.

Several girls also applauded.

"No problem!"

Chen Ge smiles.

Soon, the four girls were holding a cup of milk tea in their hands.

"By the way, what's your name? Which department? "

Before they left, XiuXiu did not forget to ask.

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"My name is Chen Ge!"

Chen GE has nothing to hide.

"OK, I remember you, and tell you, a cup of milk tea is not enough, next time we meet in school, we will drink milk tea!"

Then XiuXiu took several sisters and left.

This is a small episode. At the same time, Chen Ge doesn't think it's difficult, but she thinks these girls are very interesting.

Thinking that he had something important to do today, Chen Ge hurried to the Department of economics and management.

On the other side.

Chen's shadow disappeared from time to time, but the girl's figure disappeared.


XiuXiu suddenly roared.

Let snow and snow be stunned.

"Ah? What's the matter? "

"Hum, I found something wrong just now. How could you see that boy? His state has changed so differently. Before that, you were very cheerful. As a result, you didn't say a word when you saw him. Especially now, you actually peek at him from time to time. Is it hard to do that? Just now he gently hugged you, you had that kind of feeling for him? Isn't it? "

XiuXiu, they are unbelievable.

"No, it's not. In fact, I don't know why. I just saw him. I I... "

Snow hesitated and did not know how to say.

"I what? Come on, snow

XiuXiu said anxiously.

"Oh, I don't know how to say it. XiuXiu, do you remember the fortune teller we met half a year ago?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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