The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 746: 746

"Fortune teller? Oh, I remember. Is that old man? We met when we went on an outing! "

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"Yes, that's him!"

Snow nodded.

"When you meet a snowman, you'll be very excited when you meet a snowman."

XiuXiu recalled.

Then she was surprised to open her mouth and looked at the snow in disbelief: "shouldn't you just now, you were so excited about that boy?"

Facing the eyes of the sisters.

Xuexue nodded shyly, but she shook her head again: "I don't know if it's that kind of feeling, but I don't think it's because if it's true as the old uncle said, my beloved has a unique life experience, especially his skills. He is incomparable. He is a hero level scenery figure, but he looks like a Confucian Ya Xiaosheng, still a little thin! How could it be... "

"Cough, I think so too. So, I think you must have been wrong. That boy looks very beautiful. To tell the truth, I like this kind of man to be my husband, but I absolutely don't want him to be my boyfriend. So just now, I couldn't help teasing him. Don't think about it, Xuexue, and wait for your hero to appear !”

XiuXiu laughed.

"You hate it!"

Several girls were laughing and joking to leave.


At this time, the main road of the campus suddenly raised a noise.

Closely followed, many boys and girls came towards that side.

Is to see, a luxury car slowly into it.

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These girls are all screaming at the luxury car.

What's the matter?

Just ready to go XiuXiu snow they saw, but also curious to see the past.

He stopped a student running to see the excitement and asked.

"You don't know, Li, you are the most outstanding student in school! He is handsome, distinguished, and very powerful

Some students are chatting with each other.

"I'll go. Good? What do you mean by it? "

XiuXiu asked.

"I'll tell you that Li Dashao's name is Li shaozong. Whether in the * district or in the international community, he is a famous existence. It is said that if you raise your hand, you can kill the tiger. It's the legendary existence

The man ran away.

"Crouching trough, the existence, snow and snow, are you talking about the extraordinary people you saw in the family before?"

She was surprised.

Obviously, in some cases, these things are no longer too secret to them.

"No, my father said that the identities of those people were very secret. How could they appear in public with such high profile?"

Snow doubts.

"Ah! Snow and snow

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XiuXiu suddenly screamed: "you say, this Li Shao, can be your lover? You see, he has a special background, and he is very powerful and incomparable. Isn't this Li shaozong that he is talking about? "

This time, Xuexue lowered her head shyly.

"Ha ha, let's go and have a look at Li Shao!"

Soon, XiuXiu came here with snow and snow.

This Li Shao, quite some cartoon character's already seeing feeling, his hair is long, tall, thin body, but these can't stop his eyes in a sharp.

Moreover, if anyone opens his file, he will be frightened by his legendary experience.

"This Li Shao is said to be from the Xisha border, the top of the Li family in the big family. He also received special training in the valley when he was young. In the early years, there were a lot of discussions about Xiuzhen boys on the Internet, but they were soon deleted. At that time, they thought they were fake. But I didn't expect that this was true. Xiuzhen boy really existed."

"Yes, the Xiuzhen boy, who was popular on the Internet, has become a teenager now! I don't know what happened when he came to Jizhou all of a sudden. I don't think he just came to learn? "

A lot of people are talking about it.

And snow, they are all listening.

But obviously, Li shaozong is a very cold personality.

His eyes, however, were indifferent to these people.

This matter, of course, also moved with the departure of Li shaozong.

"Is that him? But, no

Snow snow thought in her heart at the moment.

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Although this boy has all the conditions that the old man said, there is only one thing. He has no palpitation when he sees him.

"Hey, miss Wanxue, what are you thinking?"

XiuXiu touched Wan Xue's arm at the moment.

"I can't think of anything!"

"Ha ha ha, I know it without saying it. However, although this boy is surrounded by halo, it is really a great blessing for him to become the man of our Miss Wan Xue Da's love. He may be of great help to his cultivation in the future."XiuXiu said with a smile.

"Well, stop talking. I'm a little tired. Let's go back to the dormitory and have a rest."

Said, Wanxue Yixing languid with the sisters back.

At the moment, Chen Ge Shen Piao is walking outside the campus with a down-to-earth, bespectacled boy.


Chen Ge can't help but glance at Li shaozong, who is far away.

"What's the matter, master?"

Shen asked.

"It's nothing. It's just a little sad. When we studied work and life before, we always met a lot of people of all kinds. However, sometimes we found that what you met may not be human beings, or in other words, the existence of transcendent mortals."

Chen Ge murmured.

"Ah? What do you mean, master

Obviously, Shen Piao's current world outlook is still incomprehensible.

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Chen Ge pointed to the far away one: "he is also a practitioner. If he was before, he could not see it at all."

"I'll go, such a young monk?"

Shen piaofeo was shocked.

"Besides, there are many strange" people "in this campus. Do you remember the schoolgirl with glasses who showed you the way just now

Chen Ge said.

"I know!"

The master said that when he went to the corridor of the Department of economics and management, he asked a girl about the floor of class two.

Chen Ge nodded his head and said, "she is that kind of strange" person ". To be exact, she is a rabbit soul attached to the girl! It is like ordinary people, learning and living around us! "

Shen piaofeo covers his mouth in surprise.

"In the future, you will gradually find more!"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

And three people, also very quickly came to a hotel.

In the box, Chen Ge ordered a lot of food.

"Xiao Yan, you don't have to be nervous. In fact, we have no other intention to look for you today!"

Chen Ge poured him a glass of juice , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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