The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 747: 747

"Well! Thank you

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Xiao Yan took a drink and began to eat. It seemed that he was very restrained.

Chen Ge said with a smile: "you didn't take two million, why do you still feel wronged? Just now, when you found you, you were still eating steamed bread and pickled vegetables?"

"That money, I dare not move, you want, I can give you!"

Xiao Yan said.

Chen Ge shook his head with a smile: "we don't want your money, but we want to ask, the origin of the floating dust, how did you get this floating dust? What's more, it seems that you didn't take the initiative to go to the auction! "

Xiao Yan pondered for a while, raised his head and said, "I'm sorry, I can't tell you. If you want money, I'll give you money. I'm a runner!"

Xiao Yan was too scared to eat.

"Brother, don't be too nervous. We don't have any other meaning. Well, I ask, when you get this floating dust, do you have anything else or words?"

Chen Ge asked tentatively.

Xiao Yan hesitated for a long time, then began to say: "a little friend from the south is coming!"

"Hello, what do you mean? My master asked you, you always talked about him!"

Shen Piao said angrily.

"The little friend in the south is talking about the Chen family in Nanyang?"

Chen Ge asked with a smile.

This time, Xiao Yan's eyes opened wide.

"Brother, you know the Chen family in Nanyang, so your surname is Chen?" He was surprised.

"My name is Chen Ge, and I come from Nanyang. To tell you the truth, this time I came to look for the master of ghost operator, which is the owner of this floating dust!"

Chen Ge said.

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"It's really big brother Chen Ge!"

He wiped his mouth: "eugong told me that someone would come to me sooner or later to ask me about floating dust. That person is called Chen Ge, and he also asked me to give you a letter!"

Obviously, Xiao Yan knew something, but out of consideration, he never spoke.


"Well, I don't know if the ghost operator master you said is the eunuch. At that time, the eunuch saved the life of our family and entrusted it to me. Now, I've finally given you to wait for me!"

Xiao Yan said happily.

At present, from the bag sewn in his clothes, he took out a letter.

It was handed to Chen Ge.

"This is the letter!"

Chen Ge took it to have a look. It said, "Chen Ge, little friend, kiss me!"

At a glance, Chen Ge is also happy, because this is master ghost's handwriting.

Open it and read a paragraph on it.

It turns out that

Master ghost did come to Jizhou, and since that day, before he went to Panlong mountain for the first time, he had already thought out the next plan.

After he left, the ghost master also quickly transferred.

At the same time, it's very interesting to come to Jizhou directly.

Because he thinks that he is the one he has been waiting for for for many years.

Therefore, when he came to Jizhou this time, he also wanted to present a generous gift in person as an invitation to worship!

However, even if he can predict the future, what he can predict is often not an absolute definite number.

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He didn't know what would happen next.

Therefore, he has been anonymous, to avoid the pursuit of a force.

Finally, the ghost master specially mentioned the underground grand ceremony held by Wanjia.

Let yourself get the qualification to participate in the underground grand ceremony, then you will benefit greatly!

Especially the underground grand ceremony, the ghost master stressed many times.

"Master, how can I not understand this letter?"

After watching Chen Ge, he couldn't help wondering.

And Xiaozhu has been watching.

"There's nothing to doubt. It seems that you will be my master in the future! No, it's my master's master

Little bamboo road.

"What do you mean? I want to be master of the ghost master? "

"Yes, the master has mentioned many times before. He has been waiting for that person to appear. He has gone to take refuge. But now, it has been confirmed that you are the one he has been waiting for. The master's trip to Jizhou is a post. The great gift prepared for you must be related to this underground grand ceremony. At that time, Chen Ge, you must make further progress! No, it's the master. You must make further progress

Xiaozhu said.

"Bullshit, I still have a lot of things to do now, master. How can I talk about the host's invitation to the post?"

Chen Ge said helplessly.

"What's more, I have encountered miracles. In fact, Xiaozhu, I already feel that miracles are not good for me!"

Chen Ge said.

"After reading the letter, it seems that you have drawn a five line diagram on the back of the letter..."

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Little bamboo road.Chen Ge, on the other hand, has a picture of five elements.

No, it's not a five line chart.

Chen Ge a look, eyelid is can't help but jump.

because the pattern as like as two peas in the body of the five fields in the field of the body is exactly the same.

However, the master did not make an unnecessary explanation for this.

Originally, Chen Ge thought that the master was looking for miracles because he felt that his cultivation was still at that time.

In fact, I have been detached from that kind of existence.

But now this pair of patterns, let Chen Ge want to come over.

The master must have known about his own recovery of Daoji.

And the clue of his recent appearance in the elixir field was also predicted by the master.

Will this underground ceremony solve the mystery of his own elixir field?

Chen Ge thought in his heart.

But it has also been decided that since the master has said it, he will definitely take part in it to see what the origin of the underground grand ceremony is.

"Xiao Yan!"

Chen Ge put the letter away and looked at Xiao Yan, who was eating.

"Brother Chen, you say..."

"I want to come here. We also have some predestination. I have a card here. I will change it to today's month and date. There is some money in it. You can make good use of it. It can be regarded as my thanks to you."

"Brother Chen, I don't want it!"

Xiao Yan shook his head.

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"Take it!"

Chen Ge still gave it to him.

After that, he went straight back to the Shen family.

"You are back, sir!"

As soon as he came back, Lin Jiu and Shen Tiangang met him.

And they called out in unison, sir.

Because they think that Chen Shao is not what it used to be, and it would be a bit presumptuous to call Chen Shao any more.

Chen Ge does not reject this.

As for the enmity between Lin Jiu and Shen Tiangang.

Chen Ge also forcibly intervened.

Arrange for the young children of Professor Lin Jiu's Shen family to help them open up spiritual roots, so as to pave the way for the future.

Obviously, this result can also calm Shen Tiangang's resentment towards Duan's family.

After all, if you can let the Shen family live forever, even if you let him die, he will!

"Lin Jiu, what are the details of this underground ceremony? Tell me more about it! "

Chen Ge sat down and said to Lin Jiu.

"Yes, sir!"

Lin Jiugong stood up. Now, he began to tell the specific origin of the underground grand ceremony , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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