The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 748: 748

"Underground ceremonies, in fact, have a long history. Often, the holding of such ceremonies is accompanied by the emergence of powerful resources!"

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Lin Jiu said.

"Powerful resources? It's the necessary training resources for the practitioners? "

Chen Ge nodded clearly.

"Yes, sir, and sometimes it is not only the cultivation resources, but also the appearance of earth shaking magic tools. This may be just the interest temptation for ordinary mortals, but for the practitioners, it is an indescribable treasure."

"If there are resources, there will be competition. Therefore, at this time, there will be practitioners who rashly join the WTO regardless of the agreement and participate in the competition for such resources!"

"Of course, there are also ordinary people who get this kind of magic weapon, but I don't know if you have found it. But there will be a Xiuzhen family behind him who owns this kind of magic weapon. It will be controlled by it and control everything!"

Lin Jiu preached.

Chen Ge nodded after listening.

Indeed, their own Chen family has magic tools. Although it seems calm, in the final analysis, there is another Chen family behind it.

If this is acquired by ordinary families, it is inevitable that they will be reduced to puppets.

"This is also the reason why you are lurking after entering the WTO, because there will be many practitioners who hide their identities and come here, and maybe they will be by our side?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Sir, if I don't keep a low profile and hide it, it will be the conspiracy and siege of these people who are waiting for me."

Lin Jiu said.

"In this way, Jizhou Wanjia is responsible for providing such a platform for these competitors. Do you want to allocate resources reasonably in advance by some means?"

Chen Ge said.

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"Yes, sir. This underground grand ceremony is similar to the martial arts assembly. At that time, many practitioners will enter as rich merchants or ordinary people and rely on some big families to compete."

"It is said that the winner of this contest, or the winning family, will gain the dominant power! The excavation of Taiwu mountain's miracles will also be dominated by the winning family, which is a bit of the meaning of the Wulin alliance leader! "

"Taiwu mountains, have you found miracles here?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Yes, it has been found out!"

"So, in your opinion, Wanjia is both the organizer and the participant of this contest?"

Chen Ge asked again.

"Yes, it's just that the organizer is not necessarily the leader. This year, in order to observe the situation secretly, I didn't choose to join a big family with several other practitioners. I just chose the Duan family."

In this way, Chen GE has made clear the context of the matter.

He thought of the letter the master ghost had given him.

The master asked himself to participate in the underground grand ceremony held by Wanjia, so he must want to participate in it.

Is there something hidden in the miracle of Taiwu mountain about the secret of his own elixir field?

The more Chen Ge thinks about it, the more he thinks it is possible.

However, Chen Ge also understood why the ghost master is still hidden.

The original now Jizhou city, although it seems calm, but in fact has been undercurrent surging.

I don't know how many Xiuzhen forces have poured in.

Since the ghost master suggests that this miracle is useful to him.

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Then Chen Ge must get it.

Naturally, even though Chen Ge is very strong now, he has the confidence and strength to despise others.

But the lesson of King Jiuluo made Chen Ge deeply understand the truth that there are people outside and heaven outside.

Therefore, Chen Ge will not be too high-profile.

However, ah Jiu's conversation has given him some inspiration.

They can also sneak into a certain family, and then observe more of these pilgrims, what kind of climate they are, and finally make some plans on their own.

"Where is the venue for the underground ceremony?"

Chen Ge thought about it and wanted to ask.

"In Jizhou city, HuLong villa! I think at this time, there are already practitioners

Lin Jiudao.

"Well, I'll just go there and inquire about it first."

Chen Ge nods.

"I will accompany you, sir!"

Lin Jiu said in a hurry.

"No, your goal is too big for those practitioners to find out. I can use Qigong. At most, I am an ordinary person, so let Piao Piao follow me."

Chen Ge said.

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Then he looked at Shen Tiangang: "Uncle Shen, I want to trouble you a little bit."

"Tell me, sir!"

"I want to take part in the underground ceremony. I want to ask you to help me with the admission ticket problem!"

"Of course, there's no problem with that!"

Shen Tiangang was in a hurry.Now, whether Shen Tiangang or Lin Jiu, they are all following Chen GE's example.

Nothing else, just because the two people very clearly feel that with this person, their own future, a piece of bright, and even in the future will reach some impossible height.

And this belief, in Lin Jiu's heart, is the strongest.

After you've entrusted these things.

Chen Ge is ready to take Shen Piao out again and want to see the situation of HuLong mountain villa.

"Master, it was Xiao Yan who sent me wechat and said that he wanted to ask me for help! He's waiting at the door now

When two people are ready to go out, Shen Piao said with a smile, holding his mobile phone.

"Well? Well, it's time to meet him! "

To be honest, Chen GE has a very good impression on this student.

To see him, it's like seeing myself before.


Thinking of this, Chen Ge couldn't help laughing at herself.

There is a word to say.

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Two people who are equally tough may be friends, but two people who are equally forced must be friends.

Because under the shadow of darkness, you can find a person who is similar to you walking together, which is a very happy thing!

Maybe that's the reason. It brings the two people closer.

When I went out of the door, I saw Xiao Yanzheng pacing back and forth with his mobile phone.

Although he is rich now, he is still very simple.

See Chen Ge and Shen Piao come out.

Xiao Yan immediately ran over: "elder brother Chen Ge, sister Piao Piao!"

"Xiao Yan, you said on wechat that you have something to ask for, what's the matter?"

Shen Piao Piao said.

"In the near future, my grandfather wants to build a small mountain to protect the grave, but my grandfather wants to take up a small mountain."

"I'll go and beg, and they'll call me out. I want to ask sister Piao if she can talk to the people over there and let them give me a few days so that I can move my grandfather's grave!"

Xiao Yan's eyes were wet red.


However, Shen Piao is in a bit of a dilemma. You know, the Shen family is no longer the Shen family of the original time, and has been unable to speak to HuLong mountain villa for a long time.

"You don't have to worry too much. Let's go to HuLong mountain villa first, and then we can find a way after we go."

At this time, Chen Ge saw Shen Piao in trouble, and Xiao Yan was very worried. He said with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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