The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 750: 750

"Don't Don't

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Li Jiaojiao was crying with tears on her face.

Rolling all over the ground.

And big Biao, at the moment, can't care about Chen Ge. Now he releases his hand and turns to Li Jiaojiao.

Li Jiaojiao Jiao's face was pale, covering her own * Department, and her pain was hard to hide.

"What's going on?"

"What a pain! It's killing me

And Chen Ge just smiles and shakes his head, and then directly takes Shen Piao to leave with Xiao Yan.

"What's the situation? How could it hurt so much for no reason? "

He asked curiously.

"Who knows? It's also a coincidence that when big Biao was exerting force just now, there was pain in Jiaojiao! "

"Damn it, it's really a heresy. Where are they

Big Biao braved a cold sweat, and angrily stood up to see.

"I see. They must have escaped. I'm afraid we'll embarrass them!"

Look around and say.

"Damn it. I'm going to smash their car and let them know what I'm doing!"

Said, big Biao began to take out the mobile phone, ready to call.


Suddenly at this time, big Biao's whole hand is stiff, the mobile phone falls on the ground directly.

And his arm, which is directly in the shape of a raised hand, can't move at all.

And there was a tearing pain.

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Big Biao followed the pain of rolling on the ground.

"It hurts, my arm hurts!"

The whole underground parking lot is in a mess.

Let's talk about Chen Ge.

They have come to the villa.

"Master, is that Li Jiaojiao OK? Is it related to you? "

Shen Piao Piao said.

"Well, it's called transplanting flowers and trees!"

Chen Ge explained.

"What do you mean, master?"

"Is to transfer the power that the big man exerted on me to that Li Jiaojiao Jiao!"


Thinking about the scene just now, Shen Piao can't help laughing.

"A little punishment and a great punishment, who let them speak ill of themselves!"

Chen Ge shook his head with a bitter smile.

Turn to the eyes, fell on the sea of people square this.

"Why? Aren't you Chen Ge? "

Just then, there was a female voice.

"Snow, look, it's that boy!"

I met a few girls again. I was really drunk.

Chen Ge thought in his heart.

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And WAN Xue, looking at Chen Ge slightly, doesn't know why, it's the feeling of palpitation.

No way.

If the first time is a coincidence, then this time, what does it mean?

Why do you feel palpitation when you see this ordinary person who can't be ordinary any more?

Wan Xue is puzzled.

But I'm still a little embarrassed.

She was wondering whether to say hello to the man.


There was a shout from the audience.

Everyone looked at the sound source, and Chen Ge also looked at it.

See not far in front of the place, the sea of people, at the moment to make way for a channel.

And the young man I saw in school today is now in HuLong mountain villa.

Sure enough, these practitioners, in all kinds of identities, came to this dragon protection villa.

Li shaozong, known as the youth of cultivating truth, is a man of practice.

And it was at the age of three that he opened the spiritual root.

It can be described as a genuine talent type.

And his strength is equal to Lin Jiu, who has just become a monk.

He should be a monk.

Obviously, his arrival also made the whole dragon protection villa boil up. In contrast, he is the most high-profile, and there is a strong force behind him to support him.

"Miss, the master ordered that Li Shao should come and say hello."

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At this time, an old man beside Wanxue said respectfully to Wanxue.

The old man, with his beard falling down on his chest, looks more than 80 years old. There is a small hemorrhoid on his cheek. He looks very kind.

He looked at Chen Ge and then said to Wan Xue.

"I see, BoBo!"

Wan Xue nodded and thought for a while, or gave up the idea of greeting Chen Ge.

Well, how to say that.

From childhood to adulthood, although she is the eldest lady of thousands of families, she has a life that no one else can imagine, because the family is extremely powerful in terms of financial resources and strength. Basically, except for the stars and the moon, they have nothing they want but can't get.But don't think so, Wan Xue is the happiest girl in the world.

In fact, it is not because of certain family rules that she lost the chance to choose love.

But Wanxue is not reconciled, she has never had love, decided to personally try the taste of love.

So she once found an old fortune teller who met by the river.

Tell her that her sweetheart will show up immediately.

Therefore, Wanxue especially cherishes, she wants to devote all her energy to her lover.

But in front of this person, although lets oneself some palpitation, has kind of that kind of feeling.

But obviously, he is not the man of his own accord.

Today, my best friend is always with me and persuading me.

Wan Xue believes that her lover has been found, that is Li shaozong, Li Shao.

Maybe some kind of feeling can be cultivated after a short contact.

Therefore, Wan Xue didn't say hello to Chen Ge, because after all, two people are different worlds.

After she nodded to Bai Bo, she was walking towards Li shaozong, who was surrounded by the infinite scenery and halo.

"Sao Nian, see, you don't have a chance!"

After XiuXiu made a face, she left with Wan Xue.

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Chen Ge scratched his head and didn't know what opportunity XiuXiu was talking about.

Oh, forget it. I'd better take a good look at the practitioners here.

Of course, at first Chen Ge paid attention to Li shaozong.

Under the crowd, Li shaozong was also extremely cold.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he regarded all living beings as ants.

In fact, these people are also mole ants.

And mole ant, is unworthy to enter his this kind of extraordinary person's eye.

Because he didn't understand how these people in front of him, so small, had the face to live in the world.

The world belongs to a strong man like him, isn't it?

Most of the time, Li shaozong is struggling with these things and the people he sees.

"Li Shao! This is Miss Wan Xue! "

At this time, Li shaozong's servant said softly.

This let Li shaozong slowly open his eyes, into the eye, is the beauty of the fairy like beauty Wanxue.

Let the former eyes slightly bright, but also let the latter pretty face slightly red.

"Li Shao, I've heard a lot about you. I'm Wan Xue!"

And WAN Xue, looking at the young man in front of her, still flashed a touch of appreciation in her eyes, and generously extended her hand to shake hands with her.

Li shaozong, on the other hand, held her together.

Don't know why, even if two people have a simple skin contact, but Wanxue's heart, or no waves.

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