The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 751: 751

However, no matter what, she has been waiting for more than ten years for the right person to finally appear, Wan Xue cherishes such an opportunity very much.

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While they were talking, they also walked towards the interior of the villa.

Originally, Li shaozong came here for a visit. He stopped by to see the situation here.

Seeing the beauty of Wanxue is very good, now, naturally, I am willing to go with Wanxue.

At this time, not far away from a large empty field, but the sound of people.

"What's the situation?"

Li shaozong asked the servant who was far behind.

"Tell the young master, it's the arena. A few days ago, some people from the Qiang area in North Africa seized several foreign cattle and sent them to fight here. It's a feature of the Dragon protection villa!"

The servant is humane.

"Hum, boring, what's good about these animal fights? I really don't know how boring these busy people are!"

Li shaozong shook his head and laughed bitterly.

But this sentence, actually lets Wanxue some uncomfortable.

Originally, this sentence is not aimed at her. In comparison, Wan Xue's status is higher than Li Shao. However, Li shaozong's arrogant attitude still makes Wan Xue a little unhappy.

Maybe it's a little annoyed, Wan Xue said:

"it's not true. My father once said that these exotic cattle have experienced some natural disasters, and they are all extraordinary. It's good to have a look at them!"

"Oh? I can't believe that Xuexue is still interested in these things? Well, I will accompany sister Wan Xue to have a look! "

Li shaozong shook his head and gave a bitter smile.

They went straight to the arena.

"Snow and snow!"

And XiuXiu had played in the arena for a long time. After seeing Wanxue, they hurriedly called for Wanxue.

"Wow, Li Shao, how are you? I've only heard of you many times before. Now, it's the first time I've seen a real person!"

XiuXiu said.

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But Li shaozong did not say much, just nodded in return.

Li shaozong naturally has his own high cold.

This time, let XiuXiu some no face unhappy, did not expect him to be so cold.

Naturally, with the arrival of Li shaozong, the atmosphere of the whole arena changed instantly. Many people automatically gave way to a road.

The original noise, but also disappeared a lot.

Li shaozong and WAN Xue sat down and looked at the open space.

It is to see the black cattle with long golden feet on its forehead, fighting in the field.

Li shaozong just glanced at it and closed his eyes with disdain.

Alas, the rest of the practitioners always feel that it is a wonderful thing to join the world.

But in fact, after China's accession to the WTO, we also have our own pain.

For example, now I have to face too many ants every day, which is painful for Li shaozong.

Wan Xue glanced at Li shaozong, who was lonely and arrogant. She didn't know why. She always felt strange in her heart.

Even she began to wonder whether the fortune teller had cheated herself.

Do you really fall in love with this person and treat him as your favorite?

Wan Xue began to doubt seriously.

However, he did not say anything at the moment, but looked into the field.

At the same time, Chen Ge also came.

"Gladiator, and these cattle, it seems, after some variation, are demonic cattle!"

Chen Ge and Shen Piao also came to this side.

See one side of Shen Piao, curiously looking at these strange shaped cattle.

Chen Ge explained lightly.

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Naturally, they all stood outside to watch.

"Evil cow? No wonder, they look fierce one by one, and their attack power is so strong! That's the real point of fighting with horns

Shen Piao can't help nodding.

"Have a look? Do you think so? "

Chen Ge shakes her head and smiles.

"Otherwise? Master. " Shen Piao is puzzled.

"I think the big brother means that since these cattle are not ordinary cattle, they are not willing to be tamed by human beings! Big brother, is there any danger? "

Xiao Yan asked tentatively.

"Xiao Yan, you are very savvy. You are right. These demon cattle are performing on the surface, but they are not so easy to tame. What's more, there is no powerful strong around at the moment, but these demon cattle, who were captured before and forced by human beings, have already possessed strong hatred and danger in their hearts

Chen Ge said with some sadness in his eyes.

Chen Ge is not the existence of the Virgin Mary, but when he predicts that some dangers will come, it will be dangerous to see so many innocent people. If you don't do something, I'm afraid no one will be at ease."What shall we do, brother?"

Xiao Yan asked.

"Only to drive the crowd away!"

Chen Ge spoke lightly.

Of course, he hoped that there would be no danger.

"Let's go to the staff and say it!"

Shen Piao Piao said.

After Chen Ge nodded.

They walked towards the workbench.

Chen Ge also began to observe the surrounding environment.

A moment later.

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The sound of wheat rings.

"Please note that these cattle will bring danger. Please evacuate as soon as possible."

It was Shen Piao who grabbed the microphone and called.

"Well? What's the situation? "

People don't know why.

"What are you doing? Get down here, don't, but we'll watch the fight!"

There were also shouts.

However, more people are not affected.

"Xuexue, it's them, Chen GE's friend!"

XiuXiu had some impression on them.


Wan Xue just nodded lightly.

"Why do they say that? Are they here to make trouble?"

XiuXiu doubts.

"I don't know. I believe the staff will handle it well!"

Wan Xue just lightly responded.

And sure enough, Shen piaoxiao, they were soon driven down by the staff.

"Master, these people don't listen at all!"

Shen Piao comes to Chen GE's side full of anger.

"Otherwise, I'll try again!"

Xiao Yandao.

"It's no use, it's late!"

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But Chen GE's eyes slightly coagulated.

Now staring at the arena, a large cage made of steel welding.

Just when they had not come back to God.


There was a roar.

The sound was so loud that it made the surrounding ground shake violently.

The moment when Buddha was released, the sky fell apart.


At the scene, many people have been shocked and yelled.

After all, this voice is too amazing.

"What's the matter?"

Wan Xue's face is also a congealed, now can't help but with a few girlfriends Qi Qi stand up, looking at that dark steel cage.

"Bai Bo, in the big cage? Is there anything else? "

Wan Xue asked Bai Bo beside him.

Bai Bo's eyelids slightly jumped: "Miss, yes, there is a huge black ox in there, but the horn of the black ox is white. It looks strange, so it has not been released!"

Bai Bo said, while blocking in front of the body of ten thousand snow.

"Miss, I feel the situation has changed. Let's get out of here!"

Bai Bo's face was tense, as if he had sensed the birth of some kind of great crisis.

Now, the face is full of fear , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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