The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 758: 758

"Sir, who is it?"

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Chen Ge looked up at him. Seeing his evil face, he couldn't help but stare and asked.

But this person's body, all is the cultivation breath, moreover looks, the cultivation is far above Lin Jiu.

Can't help but let Chen gegao look at this person.

In fact, when he came out of Wanjia, Chen Ge had already noticed that there seemed to be a cultivator around him.

But this underground ceremony, the influx of practitioners is not a small number.

He didn't show up and Chen Ge didn't say much.

Until just now, he released his true spirit and wanted to lead Chen Ge over.

Chen Ge wants to see what he wants to do.

"Ha ha ha ha I didn't expect that I would meet such a talented young man today. You are so much better than that Li shaozong. God has eyes! "

The old man didn't answer the question, instead, he kept laughing.

This makes Chen Ge very depressed.

"Who are you?"

Chen Ge gets impatient.

"Ha ha ha ha It's amazing to hear it. Young man, before you die, put up your ears. Listen to me. I'm laughing! A smile can shake the world! Ha ha... "

When the old man finished, he looked up and laughed again.

Only this time, the laughter, around the moment, a burst of dust rolling.

"I don't know!"

Chen Ge shook his head and said.


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Finally, the smiling mortal did not smile. At the moment, her eyebrows were erect and her face was angry.

"Very good, boy, you have more seed than I imagined. In this world, all the practitioners of truth..."

"Well, well, you just said that before I died, I heard what you meant. You brought me here to kill me?"

And not waiting for this smile to finish, Chen Ge is impatient to interrupt him.

Obviously, Xiao cangsheng is not happy with Chen GE's arrogant attitude.

As for those who practice the truth, when they see themselves, they are not respectful.

But this son, is really arrogant, but not afraid, soon this son will pay the price.

At the moment, laughing people suppress their inner anger.

Sneer: "you are still smart, of course, you are also very stupid, stupid enough to meet a demon level existence, but also so ignorant like calm, since you don't know me, I can let you know before you die!"

"Ha ha ha..."

After that, he laughed. This time, the trees around him cracked directly, and the river was surging like an explosion.

"Crouch NIMA, come again!"

Chen GE's mentality will be broken by his laughter.

If it wasn't for the strong breath of the old man, I'm afraid Chen Ge would have thought that this man had escaped from the mental hospital!

"I laugh at the common people, and I stepped into the ranks of the cultivation in my early years. I specially inhaled one's true Qi and spiritual blood. It can be said that I am a nightmare of many practitioners. Of course, it's your nightmare now Ha ha ha

Laughing at the same time, he grinned greedily.

"I see..." Chen Ge suddenly realized: "you practice by sucking other people's true Qi and spiritual blood. I think you know that many practitioners will come to the underground grand ceremony, so they lurk in the dark, looking for those who have left alone, so they can suck them up, right?"

"It's really smart. Originally, my goal was not you, but Li shaozong. However, later, I found that your talent and the quality of your spiritual blood were not comparable to that of Li shaozong. You are just a treasure in one's heart. I think my cultivation will be greatly improved after I suck you up."

Laughing, everyone laughed again.

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"But don't worry, little doll. I'm not such a cruel person. Before I take you, I will shock you into a fool, and a fool doesn't know what pain is!"

Smile cangsheng said.

"Wait..." Chen Ge said in a hurry.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

While waiting for Chen Ge to finish, laughing everyone suddenly looked up and laughed.

This time, obviously stronger.

Boom! Boom!

The river burst as if the explosives had been arranged beforehand.

Around the ground, also set off a strong impact.

The trees broke apart.

For a moment, the whole forest rang with laughter that was enough to shake the soul of others.

And a moment later, with his arms wide open, he finally stopped contentedly and was ready to take the food in front of him.

But then, suddenly, he was shocked.

Because under the power of his laughing and roaring skill, he thought that everything was quiet, and the youth in front of him had become dementia.

However, he was actually OK, and stood in front of himself with both hands in his pocket.

"How?" He couldn't believe it.

"Don't laugh, master cangsheng. I want to ask..." Chen Ge looked at him helplessly, just about to ask questions in his heart."Ha ha ha ha!"

And laughing, people looked up and laughed.

This time, it's obviously better than just now.

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"It's not so sick."

Chen Ge was really infuriated.

At the moment, the finger pinched a pithy, and then played it directly.

A rapid air awn, the moment will smile all over the world.


Under this strong air, the laughter of the people stopped suddenly.

By the time he reacts that he wants to resist, it's already late.

A bang.

Xiao cangsheng was shot down directly from the top of the tree.

When he landed, looking at Chen Ge, it was more frightening.

"This, what a blow!"

He was shocked.

In fact, Chen GE's attack just to interrupt him, using less than one thousandth of his power.

, it's like asking him to laugh like a lion before he starts laughing

Chen Ge asked curiously.


Smiling cangsheng covers his chest and looks at Chen Ge from up to down.

"What did you say to me with such a silly laugh just now

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Chen Ge nodded clearly.

"By the way, what strength are you?"

Chen Ge looked at him again and asked.

"I am a friar of Sanpin, and I am called friar Xiaotian. What strength are you?"

Smiling cangsheng asked carefully.

Because just that one blow just now has shown that the one standing in front of one's own eyes is a strong one.

And is not weaker than their own strong.

And his calm attitude, is to let smile more and more people fear up.

"To be honest, I don't know, but you are a friar of three grades. You should be in the ranks of practitioners. Are you an expert?"

Chen Ge asked curiously.

"Yes Is he a master

After listening to this, laughing, everyone's heart couldn't help twitching.

That's nonsense. Otherwise, monk Xiaotian would not be called a monk's nightmare!

Who is this young man?

Xiao cangsheng always thinks Chen Ge is too weird.

However, to let Xiao cangsheng escape, and is to face a young boy, which makes him unable to let go.

Just before Chen Ge thought about Lin Jiu, he told himself that friar Sanpin was already the best.

Smile cangsheng's face was suddenly covered by a black awn, and his eyes, has become scarlet color.

Take advantage of its unprepared, laugh at the mortal roar, directly hit Chen Ge again , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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