The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 759: 759

Smile, the face is ferocious.

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No way!

His life, how can even a suckling stinky boy can not deal with, impossible!

At present, it is to see that the palm of his outstretched hand instantly extends out five long black armor.


Laugh, roar.


In the face of this cruel blow, Chen Ge just shook his head and gave a wry smile.

Then he gave a little finger.

A burst of anger counterattacked.


One gold and one black two air awns collision, instant explosion.

The next moment, smile like a broken kite, fly directly out.

The clothes on his chest were even more directly burst.

The blood gushed.

He held back the sharp pain and looked at the young man in front of him in disbelief.

"This How can it be

This sentence, he almost roared out.

This man made a slight attack, which seemed to be mixed with the momentum of destroying the heaven and the earth, which shocked the laughing people.

"What skill was this just now?"

Chen Ge looks at him with a smile.

"You know, I once swore that if someone tried to kill me or threatened me, I would never spare his life. Usually, he would die miserably!"

Chen Ge goes on.

"What? Spare your life, great God

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On hearing this, he kowtowed one after another.

An old face, full of tears.

To his state, it is a rare existence.

Is the best in the world.

And you get a life span that no one else has.

So when he feels threatened by life and death.

These people have almost the same thoughts in their heads.

That is, it is not easy to achieve such a success after going through thousands of hardships.

Absolutely not! You can't just die like this!

Laugh at people's regret, regret the intestines are green, how did you provoke such an existence?

"Ha ha Although I'm not a virgin, I'm not a cruel person. Well, I can give you a chance to live. I'll give you a minute. You'd better persuade me in the most concise language that you don't want to kill you. "

Chen Ge looks at him with a smile.

"This, this, this..."

Smile, the eyes to turn around, now, the brain is actually urgent a blank.

"There's no time!"

Chen Ge reminds.

"I I I run

Smile cangsheng suddenly raised his head, big sleeve a wave, a dust directly toward Chen Ge convolution and go.

But these dust, in a meter away from Chen Ge, automatically disappeared.

And it is taking advantage of this opportunity to laugh at ordinary people to escape directly.

It's gone.

"Unfortunately, you seem to have missed a chance to live. Within a few hundred miles, you can't escape my spiritual consciousness!"

Chen Ge shook his head helplessly.

Mind gently move, it has accurately locked the position of smiling people.

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He picked up a sword formula, just when he was about to kill xiaocang.

All of a sudden, the forest in the distance trembled.

"Help! Help

It turned out that it was a young man with an injured woman on his back, running and shouting for help.

But on two people's body, the bloodstain is numerous, obviously injured is not light.

As for the woman, she was in a coma.

It is this voice that indirectly saved the life of Xiao cangsheng.

Because Chen GE has now focused on the young men and women running towards this side.

As for Xiao cangsheng, in his own eyes, if he wants to let him die, he really dies.

It doesn't matter.


In a flash, the young man had already run over.

It should be the physical overdraft, now directly fell to.

But even if the young man fell down, he still tried to protect the woman on his back.

This scene, can't help but let Chen Ge eyebrow slightly jump.

"Brother, please, help me, give me a call!"

The young man did not stand in the distance.

"Xiaomei, Xiaomei, don't sleep!"

Then he noticed the faint breath of the woman, and the young man cried nervously.

Then the moonlight, Chen Ge also saw the woman's face.

I don't know why, the first look at her eyes, like a very mu Han.

Let Chen GE's heart palpitate.

"It's just ahead of us!"

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At this time, with a few cold drinks, we saw a line of seven or eight people around.These seven or eight people, all fierce.

To Chen GE's surprise, their bodies, including the young man, all contain a sense of inner strength.

I think I'm a master of internal strength.

"Qin Yong, can't you run away? What about? Will you come back with us, or will you be disabled by us and we will take you back? "

Among these people, the leader sneered.

"And your little sister Qin Mei, you are a poor person. Ha ha ha, she is going to die soon. I can tell you that I am very abnormal. Even if your sister is really dead, I can come while it is hot! Ha ha ha

Hearing the speech, the seven raised their heads and laughed.


Qin Yong, however, bit the steel teeth and looked at them fiercely.

"If you don't want your sister to be my plaything, Qin Yong, do you know how to do it?"

The man walked slowly towards Qin Yong.

Qin Yong protects his sister from death.

He held a heavy body, slowly stood in front of his sister's body, ready to fight at any time.

One side of Chen Ge see in the eye, listen to that person's words, the heart has no reason to rise a anger.

Perhaps, because of the girl's eyes, too much like Mu Han.

These people say that she gives Chen Ge the feeling of talking about Mu Han, and Chen Ge frowns tightly.

Now, I walk slowly.

"Well? Stinky boy, who are you

At this time, seven people found the existence of Chen Ge.

"Damn it, whose crotch is not well controlled, you're exposed. Get out of here

A cold pointed at Chen Ge and scolded.

Chen Ge ignored, but walked to the coma of the girl.

Her arm, chest and abdomen, had been stabbed and bleeding.

"If you delay for a few minutes, your sister will not be able to save her even if she is a fairy!"

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Chen Ge said.


Qin Yong's eyes turned red, a big man, tears falling down.

"Don't worry, because fortunately you met me!"

Chen Ge said, while facing Qin Mei's several acupoints slightly.

Her bleeding wound immediately stopped bleeding.

On the pale face, more blood color.

Then he turned over and looked at the people in front of him.

"Are you all strong inside? If you don't have a good practice, why do you come out so hostile? "

Chen Ge asked.

"Well, the D-hair knows a lot about it. It's true that we are the inner strength warrior. However, it's lucky that you can die in the hands of the inner strength warrior!"

These people sneered one after another.

"Those who have strong internal strength can be cultivated properly. Picking flowers and breaking leaves can hurt people! But you, obviously, are far from it

Chen Ge continued: "do you believe that I know how to pick flowers and fold leaves?"

The voice just falls, I don't know if I feel Chen GE's voice trembling, a green willow leaf, slowly fell to Chen GE's fingertip! "

" who are you, boy? Is it up to you to pluck flowers and break leaves? "

Anger finally appeared on his face.

"Look after it!"

Chen Ge slightly a play, that willow leaf is slowly floating in the air.

Seeing this scene, seven people looked up and laughed: "lying trough, this fool, is to laugh us to death?"

And Qin Yong, also really do not know this brother, in the end is playing what trick, want to know, these seven people, is not easy to provoke ah!

But the next moment, everyone's eyes widened , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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