The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 760: 760

Chen Ge shot out a willow leaf. Originally, this willow leaf was floating in the air, and those people were all laughing loudly.

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But at the next moment, their eyes widened, because the willow leaf suddenly appeared a golden halo in the air.

And it's getting bigger and bigger.

Suddenly, there was a bang.

The willow leaf finally turned into a huge blade.

The sinister and terrifying killing intention on the top covered all the people in an instant.


The seven men glared and roared.

It's too late to escape.

Brush, brush!

Seven people's necks, quickly by this smear of light yellow halo.

Their eyes widened, their heads slipped, and they fell off their shoulders.


Qin Yong screamed with fright.

Rao is him. At the moment, he is all spitting.

These seven people are all masters, but just like this, their heads fell to the ground. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, Qin Yong would not have believed it.

This is a master's trick.

"Thank you very much for your help

Qin Yong is afraid at the same time, but also full of gratitude to Chen Ge deep bow.

"You turn around and close your eyes. I'm going to treat your sister's wound!"

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Chen Ge didn't say anything more, just a light way to him.

The joke is that Chen Ge doesn't pay much attention to the seven martial artists.

Although Qin Yong didn't know how to heal the wounds, it was obvious that his skills were not understood by himself.

He turned around.

Chen Ge opens the eye of heaven without trace and helps Qin Mei heal her wound.

This is a small episode. After treating the brother and sister, Chen Ge did not plan to stay.

I'm getting ready to leave.

"Master, please wait. I dare to ask the master's name. In the future, we Qin family will do our best to report to you!"

Qin Yong quickly ran to Chen Ge and bowed again.

God! How wonderful!

The man in front of him is the legendary god man.

Even if you are a fool, you will not let go of the existence of such a great God, let alone Qin Yong.

"Forget the name. I don't have to pay you anything."

Chen Ge shook his head and said, "however, I think you are all strong inside. I think the Qin family you are talking about is also a hermit? By the way, you are also in the underground ceremony? "

Chen Ge only thought about this possibility.

Hearing this, Qin Yong nodded: "yes, master, our Qin family is indeed a hermit. In the early years, we were in charge of the underground forces of Jizhou city, but later they withered and were driven out of Jizhou. In the past, our Qin family was specially responsible for holding such underground grand ceremonies. Unexpectedly, in less than 20 years, we Qin family attended the grand ceremony and would have to come with admission tickets !”

Then Qin Yong looked at Chen Ge and asked, "master, are you here to attend the grand ceremony? Who is the guest of the master, or? "

"I'm not a guest of any family. I'm not afraid to laugh at you. I really came to attend the grand ceremony, but unfortunately, I haven't got one ticket up to now!"

Chen GE has a faint smile.

"Ah? How could you... "

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Qin Yong can't believe it.

You know, there is no family that can know this kind of thing. There is no family that doesn't covet the master, especially the great God level master like eunuch.

Even squeeze the head to become such a master's vassal family.


First of all, you can get some treasures, participate in the control of many industries, and strengthen yourself.

Secondly, many aspects have been guaranteed.

Third, that is, the most important thing is to become a thorough family, which is inherited from generation to generation without being shaken.

Originally thought, like the master of such a master, the body of the vassal family has been countless, but did not expect, the master actually did not!

"That master, I have an ungrateful request!"

Suddenly, Qin Yong flopped to his knees.

"Well?" Chen Ge looks at him curiously.

"Master, you are the benefactor of my sister and I, and you have such supernatural powers. I beg the master to protect our Qin family and become our guest of honor!"

At that time, the Qin family was driven out of Jizhou city because of no support.

Even a hermit.

However, Qin Yong is very clear that there are a small number of people on the earth, who are beyond the ranks of internal force warriors.

Which family has such a strong seat, which family strength, will advance by leaps and bounds.

With his two hands just revealed by the master, Qin Yong understood that this is definitely the existence of a man who is beyond the inner strength.

In other words, this is the future of the Qin family.

"Shangbin?"Chen Ge frowned.

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"That is, in the future, you can become the patronage of our Qin family. Our Qin family will respect you as the master for generations to come."

Qin Yong seeks Tao.

Chen Ge knows that.

For example, before I thought Lin Jiu was wronged by Duan family, but later Lin Jiu told himself that he was actually the patron saint of Duan family. Ha ha, only Duan family let himself be destroyed.

Obviously, the Qin family wanted to protect them.

In itself, Chen Ge is not interested in these things.

But at the moment, I really need a family that can get tickets. Joining them can give you a good disguise, and on the other hand, it doesn't hinder your own business.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.


Thinking of this, Chen Ge nodded and agreed.

Of course, on a large scale, Chen Ge was moved by the young man's care for his younger sister.

Soon, excited Qin Yong called his family.

While waiting, Qin Yong also talked about the whole story.

It turns out that I'm going to talk with my sister today.

As a result, these killers appeared.

As for which party sent it, Qin Yong is not sure, but obviously he can guess who did it.

That is now the master of Jizhou city.

Twenty years ago, it was Wan Jia who drove the Qin family out of Jizhou city.

Because they are backed by people who dare not to be angry.

Before long, more than a dozen cars came.

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It's the Qin family of the Yin nationality.

Now Lin Jiu has gone away with protection.

It's OK to go back. Since Qin Yong has been promised, he will take shelter for the Qin family.

You have to be more serious.

At present, he followed Qin Yong.

He went to a manor where the Qin family lived temporarily.

"Yong'er, Meimei, are you all right?"

The car just stopped.

See a middle-aged woman eager to run over.

This is Qin Yong's mother, Mrs Qin.

And at the door, there is a middle-aged man, also full of urgency.

Behind the middle-aged, there are old people, middle-aged people and young children.

Obviously, it's the whole Qin family.

"Mother, father, we are OK, and master Chen saved us, otherwise, the child will not come back to see you!"

Qin Yong said excitedly.

"Oh? Master Chen? "

The middle-aged man was stunned. Along with some old people, they all looked at Chen Ge in surprise , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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