The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 761: 761

When he saw Chen Ge in his son's mouth, he was so young that Qin Xuanfeng was very curious.

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My son called out one by one, but I think this young man is ordinary.

Is it possible that the son is wrong?

However, although he thought so, Qin Xuanfeng shook hands with Chen Ge and expressed his gratitude.

Naturally, as an elderly person, after a few conversations, it is inevitable to have some contempt.

"Hehe, brother Chen Ge, this is the Zhenlei stone I told you just now. This is the hardest stone in the world. No matter where I live, I will stay by my side! "

After the meal, Qin Xuanfeng and others took Chen Ge around.

Talking about this town Thunder Stone.

And Qin Xuanfeng's address to Chen GE has changed from master Chen to brother Chen.

Including several senior members of the family, they are also called Chen Ge younger brother.

This makes Qin Yong on one side worried. He winks at his father and reminds him that this is a great disrespect to the master!

But Qin Xuanfeng turned a deaf ear.

At present, without waiting for Chen Ge to ask questions, he explained the origin of Zhenlei stone.

rumor has it that this is a big stone exposed on the top of the mountain of Tai Wu, which has been through the essence of the sun and moon for a long time, and I wonder if this stone has a special flavor.

Can always attract thunder to bombard.

However, despite being bombarded by so many thunders, the huge stone was not hurt at all.

From then on, it was called Zhenlei stone.

Speaking of this, Qin Xuanfeng looked at Chen Ge with some grace:

"how about brother Chen Ge? Your brother, this huge stone in my collection is very valuable, isn't it

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Qin Xuanfeng said.

The rest of the old people all laughed.

I want a yellow boy, how to know the magic weapon of this world!

Chen Ge heard the speech, a bitter smile, and then nodded: "it seems that it is really valuable ah!"

"Ha ha, but how do you look at Chen Ge brother's expression, it seems that you don't believe it very much. It's just that my son said that brother Chen GE has a lot of magical powers. It's just that it's also an eye opener for my Qin family."

Qin Xuanfeng said.

"Yes, brother Chen Ge, why don't you try to split the unbreakable Zhenlei stone in the legend and let us open our eyes!"

Some old people said with a smile.

However, they said that they were joking.

Chen Ge was very clear about their meaning.

Yes, I just saved one of Qin Yong's brothers and sisters, and then promised Qin Yong to be their patron and let them respect themselves from generation to generation. Obviously, Qin Xuanfeng and many elders of the Qin family were extremely unconvinced.

It's like a dinner party when they don't say a word about the patrons.

"This Thunder Stone is really the hardest thing in the world. It can't be blasted! Just because it absorbs the essence of sun and moon for a long time, it has already had aura, and has become Lingshi, but hard and hard to push. It is precisely the characteristics of this town's stone.

Chen Ge gave a light sermon.

"Ha ha, according to the brothers Chen Ge, everything with aura is a spiritual thing. So many things are indestructible?"

Chen Ge said that Qin Xuanfeng did not understand, but it was precisely because he did not understand that, so Qin Xuanfeng asked in a sour way.

"Well, the reason why it is indestructible is that the spirit must be dealt with by the spirit of heaven and earth. Your inner strength and ordinary metal force can't do any harm to this spirit stone!"

Chen gedao.

"I can understand. Brother Chen Ge is laughing at some of our old guys, and their strength is low..."

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One of the old people, looking at Chen Ge and laughing bitterly, teased Chen Ge at several elders.

This is a clear warning to Chen Ge: young people, you should speak in a proper manner and not be too ambitious!

Qin Yong naturally heard the meaning of the great grandfather and said in a panic: "granddad, master, he doesn't mean this..."

"That's not what I mean Don't get me wrong

Chen Ge also said.

In this way, Qin Xuanfeng and several elders' faces were slightly better.

Who expected Chen GE's words had not been finished:

"I mean, with your strength, you are not worthy to collide with the spirit stone, not the reason why your strength is so low and not so low! It's like the difference between heaven and earth, insurmountable! "

Chen Ge said lightly.


And all the people of the Qin family are staring at each other. Even at this moment, they are full of anger.

Qin Xuanfeng's face also became very ugly:

"brother Chen Ge means, can you split the Thunder Stone? We need to open our eyes! "Several of them were gnashing their teeth.

"It's natural, and what's so strange about splitting this town's Thunder Stone?"

Chen Ge looked at them, shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

"The reason why Zhenlei stone is not afraid of ordinary thunder and lightning is that it is just like these thunder and lightning, it is a natural spiritual thing produced by heaven and earth. Therefore, it is not afraid. If you use a technique beyond thunder and lightning to chop, the Thunder Stone will naturally be smashed!"

Chen gedao.

"Hum, Huang Kou Xiao, you are so arrogant. How dare you talk about your skills?"

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An old man finally couldn't help Chen GE's madness. Now let's talk about it.

And Qin Xuanfeng did not stop him. Obviously, what the old man said was exactly what Qin Xuanfeng wanted to express.

"Then you can watch it!"

Chen Ge smiles.

The hand suddenly pinched one simply.

Recite a sentence formula silently.

On the finger of the sword, there is a mist of light.

And within the fog, the light blue lightning constantly intersects.

In this scene, all the people were stunned and took a step back.

The next moment, see Chen Ge will thunder fog to the sky a bomb.

Around the moment, the wind and cloud changed color, lightning and thunder, and the wind suddenly rose.

The fierce wind seems to be able to tear the corners of people's mouth in an instant.


Everyone panicked and looked at Chen Ge in disbelief.

I feel scared.


Then came a tearing explosion in the sky.

It makes the hair stand up all over the body.

A huge lightning, it is not blue, but lingering colors.

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It's gorgeous.

But the feeling is deep fear.

The lightning hit the thunderstone directly.


The explosion sounded, the smoke was rolling, and the rubble was flying wildly.

The Thunder Stone of this town was smashed by a blow!

Just looking at the change of Chen GE's sword finger, the changing weather in the surrounding area gradually returned to normal.

In the night sky, also restored the past silence.

It's like nothing happened.

And Qin family, at this moment all as if point general, all people do not speak, no longer breathe.

I don't know how long it took.




The people of the Qin family, including the elders, knelt under the leadership of Qin Xuanfeng:

"master Chen, you are a god man!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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