The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 772: 772

"If you're finished, you dare to be so presumptuous

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The boy roared.

But the next moment, he stopped for a moment, because he saw the flame in Chen GE's eyes, and the flame, as if irresistible, burned directly from his feet.


The boy screamed and turned into a pair of powder in an instant.

"The life of a mole ant is so small!"

Chen Ge carried his hands on his back, shaking his head and smiling.

Then the figure turned into a gust of wind and dissipated directly in place.

Go straight to the burrow.

And before the cave, someone stopped.

But as Chen Ge said, these people are like ants, and they are swept away by Chen Ge in an instant.

Chen Gecai, no matter whether it is the Chen family member or not, as long as someone wants to harm himself or has an idea that is unfavorable to him.

Then he must die!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

In the middle of the dungeon.

All the people are looking at the dungeon in a number of masters, so the ash fly annihilation, is in a deep shock.

At this time, the hurricane turned into a figure and stood in front of all the prisoners in the dungeon.

"Chen Ge!"

Wan Xue naturally knew Chen Ge, and he was excited to shout out.

You may not know that what happened just now has frightened her.

At that moment, she really thought she would be that!

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Now, they have been caught by these people again. It can be imagined that now I see Chen Ge Wanxue again.

"It's OK!"

Chen Ge said lightly.

With a flick of a finger, all the chains in the dungeon are opened.

In this dungeon, there are the three masked men who saved Wan Xue just now.

There are also a group of Taoist priests.

What Chen Ge didn't expect was that there were still a group of quiet ordinary women in the most.

It seems that this group of disguised Taoists was responsible for the woman's disappearance which was rumored a few days ago.

Are they really the Chen family?

It's so dirty.

There was a flash of anger in Chen GE's eyes.

Soon, these people came out of it like an amnesty.

The first Taoist priest bowed respectfully to Chen Ge and said, "thank you for saving us, Lao Dao, thank you!"

The old man is very grateful.

"You're welcome, Taoist priest. I just want to ask you to find someone!"

"Ah? Who are you looking for

Asked the Taoist.

"Master ghost operator once lived in xuanyang mountain, but there is no trace of master ghost in this dungeon?"

Chen Ge asked curiously.

"Lord, is this the master Chen Ge that the ghost Master said?"

A middle-aged man on the side of the Taoist priest respectfully looked at him and asked him.

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"I am Chen Ge!"

Chen Ge nodded happily.

"Sure enough, master ghost once said that master Chen Ge was an extraordinary genius. Now I see that it is really a supernatural means. Master Chen Ge, master ghost really stayed in xuanyang mountain to escape the pursuit of your Chen family. But I didn't expect that he could not escape the Chen family's pursuit. Master Chen Haotian has taken him away and is not locked up with us!"

Lao Dao is in a hurry.

"What's the purpose of their pursuit of master ghost?"

Chen Ge asked.

"The old Taoist didn't know that, but before the catastrophe, the master had placed his hope on you. Whether he could escape the catastrophe depends on the sooner or later you find him!"

Lao Dao is in a hurry.

"Well, I see!"

Chen Ge nodded lightly.

"Thank you for your help! Under the cloud Haotian

And the three masked people behind Wan Xue, the middle-aged man at the head, also stand out to thank at the moment.

"Xianhao, you're here

And Lao Dao immediately said hello, obviously these people know each other.

"Yes, we received your secret report that xuanyang mountain is in trouble, so we immediately came to investigate. But we didn't expect that Chen Haotian had not seen him for decades. He was so strong that I could not stand up to these people unless I sent the man out of the Dragon district. But today, in order to save this girl, I was defeated These people are caught! "

Said Yun Haotian.

He looked at Chen Ge with extraordinary temperament, and his means were so profound.

The heart is also greatly surprised.

I seem to have never heard of such a person.

But in the heart, it is very respectful, just about to talk to Chen Ge.

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A little Taoist who ran out to inquire about the situation rushed in.

"Master Chen, the Lord of the temple, no good, all those people are around!"The Taoist priest kept the road tight.


And those girls who were caught were all in a group.

Obviously, these people have created a great psychological shadow on them.

"Don't panic, come out with me!"

Chen Ge spoke lightly.

Now I went out first.

And outside, have been large and small Taoist, surrounded by a flood.

Chen Ge came out.

The middle-aged man at the head of the opposite side was obviously stunned, and then his face was full of joy.

"Ha ha, it's really hard to find a place to find. It takes no effort to get here. The fish that missed the net is really found!"

Middle aged people laugh.

Obviously, when he saw Chen GE's appearance, he recognized his identity.

"Are you the Chen Song of the Chen family in Nanyang?"

Said the middle-aged man.

"I am. Who are you?"

Chen Ge nods.

"Hum, we've been looking for you very hard. Where do you think you've been hiding? You can't find your trace by using the sun chart. Remember, the person who caught you is Chen Lianhu!"

Chen Lianhu sneered.

"The sun map? I've been in touch with it before. Does it still have the function of looking for people? "

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Chen Ge said.

"Bah, you're a lowland, you deserve a real sun map?"

Chen Lianhu said.

"It seems that my family is really caught by you, but I don't understand. According to the clues I got, we should belong to the same family, right? Why kill each other? "

Chen Ge asked curiously.

To tell you the truth, even now, Chen Ge is also incredible, because of the feeling in reason, this simply does not make sense.

"Because it seems that things have deviated from some of the tracks set by the master and are developing in a somewhat bad direction. Therefore, you are no longer of any use. If you are left behind, it will only cause trouble and even destroy the whole plan sooner or later."

Chen Lianhu sneered.

"So my grandfather, whom I have always respected, is actually the black hand behind the scenes. He has been using us all the time?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Ha ha, the only thing you can say is that you have low value? Besides, don't say that you are the same family as us. We have always been ashamed of you, but now, you lowly people, you are to be destroyed in our hands

Chen Lianhu laughs ferociously.

"What about my family?"

Chen GE's eyes have killed a strong sense of killing asked.

"Ha ha ha ha, when I came out to carry out the task, the man named Chen Jindong had been tortured to death. I don't know whether it is life or death now."

Chen Lianhu laughs.


Chen Ge nodded coldly.

"Ha ha, did I hear you right? That's your father Chen Lianhu looks at Chen Ge like he sees dementia.

"You misunderstood me. What I said is very good. It's not how you deal with my father, but your words, which completely dispel all my worries. Because in this way, I will kill you without hesitation. One will not stay. Remember clearly, one will not stay!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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