The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 773: 773

"Hum, Chen Ge, you're talking like crazy. It seems that you can't understand the gap between you and me if you don't see my accomplishments!"

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Chen Lianhu laughs.

"Are you a friar of second grade?"

Chen Ge asked.

"It's good to know the monk!"

Chen Lianhu couldn't help but flash a look in his eyes.

"What is Chen Haotian's accomplishments?"

Chen Ge asked again.

"Ha ha, the ancestral temple chief is a legendary monk of nearly five grades. This is a realm that ordinary people can't understand!"

Chen Lianhu's eyes are full of reverence.

"It seems that there are still masters in the Chen family, even the great friars of Wupin exist!"

Chen Ge carried his hands on his back.

"Chen Ge, what are you doing with so many questions? When I catch you, I'll leave it to the head of the ancestral temple."

Now, let's see Chen Lianhu pinch his sword.

Then there was a strong flame all over the body.

Besides his body, he was covered by a strong fire.

The body comes directly to Chen Ge.

As if once caught by this pair of big hands, it will be like ashes.

Everyone was shocked by the intense heat.

Fire armor magic skill!

The whole body emerges true fire, can burn all things, once poisoned by fire, poisonous fire attacks the heart, the five internal organs are burned!

"This Chen Lianhu is very domineering, and even he is so terrible. What kind of state has Chen Haotian reached?"

Yunhao's heart trembled.

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In a flash, Chen Lianhu has been in front of Chen Ge.

Chen Ge still had his hands in his pockets.

This hot flame, as if nothing.

"Brother Chen, be careful!"

Ten thousand snow is afraid of hastily remind.

At this time, Chen Ge slightly turned his head and nodded to Wan Xue: "don't worry, I'm ok!"

Then, Chen Ge reached out a hand and bent his fingers.


A strong golden release.

Hit Chen Lianhu directly.

The golden awn passed directly through the body.

In the surrounding is the smoke rolling.


Chen Lianhu was so surprised that it was too late to escape.

The raw is passed through the body.

The blood gushed forth and forth, and flew out directly.

The whole body is directly festering.

Lying on the ground, covered with blood.

Only two big eyes mean he is still alive, he is still in shock.

"You! You

Chen Lianhu couldn't believe it.

And behind him, the children of the Chen family all swallowed their saliva and took two steps backward.

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With a gentle blow, Chen Lianhu has become such a thing?

How terrible this man is.

And Yun Haotian is also full of surprise.

My God, who is this man?

Chen Ge, with one hand in his pocket, walked towards Chen Lianhu. He gently raised his foot, stepped on Chen Lianhu's face and stepped on the ground:

"you waste, I haven't moved the truth, you have already looked like this. What can you arrest me with

Chen Ge said.


Chen Lianhu was shocked and said, "I can't believe you are so powerful. However, you can't kill me. I'm just following the orders. If you really have the talent, you can fight against Chen Haotian Temple chief!"

"Naturally, I can fight against you even if I kill you. Moreover, I always keep my promise and say that if I kill all of you, I will kill all of you! How can I break my faith? "

Finish saying, Chen GE's foot toward the ground to trample hard.


Chen Lianhu's whole head burst open, just like a big watermelon, crushed by a raw foot.

Chen Lianhu didn't even have time to scream.

Death is a pile of mud.

"Go and ask for help, temple chief!"

At the sight of this scene, the rest of the people were scared to death.

At the moment, I'm running for four times.

"Want to run?"

Chen GE has a faint smile.

Now, I saw Chen GE's eyes closed.

Then, above his forehead, a golden eye pupil appeared. As soon as the golden eye came out, a strong light was emitted directly.

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And quickly enveloped more than 100 people.

Boom! Boom!

The golden mans shot through these people's bodies.

In an instant, they all burst to death.


Behind Chen Ge, people keep screaming in fear.

After all, the scene in front of me is a little too cruel."Taoist priest, are you sure master ghost is in Chen Haotian's hands?"

Chen Ge received golden eyes and asked lightly.

"Yes Yes, master Chen

Even though the Taoist priest experienced the wind and rain and saw the bloody scene in front of him, he was also shocked.

At the same time, for such fierce Chen Ge, it is a little bit more fear.

"Well, please take my friend down the mountain and settle down. Don't go into the mountain until I go down!"

Chen Ge said.

As soon as the voice falls, it is to see Chen GE's figure disappear directly.

What else do you want to say.

But at the moment, Chen GE's words seem to have magic, and now I have to go back to the mountain in a hurry.

And xuanyang mountain, a secret room.

At the moment, there are two rows of people sitting on the left and right sides.

At the top of the table was a middle-aged man with a Chinese face.

In the middle of the group was a boiling oil cauldron.

Beside the oil cauldron, an old man is being escorted.

"Master ghost, at first you promised us that we would tell us the answers we want as soon as one month's purification time comes. Now, a month has passed, and we believe you, but you have deceived all of us, so there is no way out. There are only two ways for you, one is to promise to cooperate with us, and the other, you see, My staff may not help cooking you

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The head of the middle-aged man at the moment light drink wine, sneer way.

"Ha ha, Chen, I'm old. I've forgotten what I promised you. By the way, what did you want me to cooperate with you?"

The old man in front of us is not a ghost operator, but who can be.

But at the moment, the ghost operator has been tortured by thin body.

But his eyes were still bright.

"First, I want you to tell us the whereabouts of Chen Ge. As you know, we have done so much in recent years for this Chen Song. Second, I want you to find out the whereabouts of the heaven and earth pole stone. Why, is master ghost talking to us? Pretending to be confused

Chen Haotian said coldly.

"Ha ha, I seem to have told you that you can't bear to take away Chen GE's family. Sooner or later, he will find you by himself!"

"As for the second thing you said, how about talking to you after you meet Chen Ge? Of course, you'll have to listen to me then

Ghost operator master laughs.


He is a fat middle-aged man. He is dressed up by Japanese people with a long samurai sword in his waist.

He patted the table hard.

"Old man, if you don't see the coffin, you can't cry. Who is Chen Ge? We'll kill him like a mole ant!"

Roared the man.

"If you are sensible, tell me the whereabouts of Chen Ge, otherwise, you will not be able to survive or die!"

Another one growled impatiently.

At this time, we all happened to hear a slow footstep outside

The voice is very light, but it is very clear, so clear that everyone can hear clearly.

"Well? Who? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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