The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 774: 774

When they heard this, Qi Qi looked at the door.

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Is to see, a little Taoist, is very frightened, trembling to come in.

"Well? What's the matter? "

Chen Hao asked in a cold voice.

Before he finished asking, a figure came out of the little Taoist.

And this figure is not someone else. It's Chen Ge.

"You are Chen family, Chen song? "

Chen Haotian hesitated for a while, then suddenly realized the Tao.


Chen Ge said with a faint smile.

"Chen Master Chen, I brought you in. You You promised me you would spare me

The Taoist priest was frightened.


And waiting for him, is Chen Ge light a palm, hit in his head above.

The head exploded in an instant, and the whole person was exploded into a pile of blood mist and dissipated in place.

Joke, how can Chen Ge really spare his life.

Seeing this scene, all the experts on the scene, including Chen Haotian, were directly shocked.

It seems that Chen song is very skillful.

"Little brother Chen Ge!"

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And ghost operator, can't help but say with a sigh of relief.

"Master ghost, Chen Ge is late. You are wronged!"

Chen Ge saw the ghost operator, but also gave a breath and nodded.


Chen Haotian on the stage patted the table.

"Chen Ge, we are looking for you everywhere, but I can't believe that you dare to deliver it yourself? Good, good, good. I'll save so much manpower! "

The voice just falls, see Chen Haotian's figure for a while illusory.

Is already standing in front of Chen Ge.

And on both sides, there is a master.

It seems that there are Japan's and OM's.

A total of eight people, at the moment, are also standing up.

"Chen ancestral temple is this person? Is there a nine turn spirit in the body

Eight people looked at each other, then surprised and pleased.

"Good! It's him, but I just want to ask you not to worry. For the sake of the nine turn yuan God, my Chen family has spent too much time and energy to breed the nine turn yuan God. Even if you want to share a share, you have to listen to my Chen family's dispatch! Do you understand? "

Chen Haotian warned.

"This is natural!"

Eight people like to say.

"I heard Chen Lianhu say that our Chen family in Nanyang is just a tool of your Chen family. What does that mean? The Chen family you founded in Nanyang is just for the sake of the nine turn God in my body

Chen Ge said in disbelief.

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"Ha ha, you're smart. It's good. It's for the sake of jiuzhuan Yuanshen, but the harvest plan has to be advanced because of some changes!"

Chen Hao's way of heaven.

"It seems that you will get rid of my family sooner or later! But I really can't understand why you are so vicious, even if we are not the same again, we are of the same origin? "

Chen Ge is fantastic.

"Before you die, it's OK for me to tell you something. Do you really think that we are the same strain as the Chen family? Ha ha ha, fool, let me tell you, you ancestors of the Chen family, originally, were just an ordinary stand in for our ancestors of the Chen family. But later, for the sake of this breeding plan, he founded the Chen family in Nanyang, and became a world-class superpower, commanding almost half the wealth of the earth! "

"Moreover, in order to avoid cholera, let the Chen family open branches and scatter leaves, so many branches and leaves are cut off by ourselves!"

Chen Haotian sneered.

"I say, the economic strength of the Chen family in Nanyang is so strong, but it's just a continuous process. The people don't want to see the rest of them killed by you!"

Chen GE's eyes were full of anger.

"Of course, but now it's OK. After waiting for more than ten generations, you are finally waiting for the prophecy in the sun chart, the carrier of the nine turn yuan God, that is you!"

Chen Haotian said with a smile.

"You mean that by now, the mission of the Chen family has been completed, and we should not appear in the world again, right?"

Chen gedao.

"Naturally, you have seen many issues thoroughly. Unfortunately, you can't help it. From the moment you were born, your destiny is fixed and has been doomed to be controlled by our Chen family." Chen Haotian's expression is very joking.

Chen Ge looked in his eyes and said with a bitter smile: "it seems that it is a very proud thing for people like you to control the fate of others and treat others as chess pieces."

"Otherwise? Is there anything more exciting in the world? Ha ha ha

Chen Haotian looked up and laughed.

"It seems that what I have personally experienced is not necessarily true, but only my own strength. This is an eternal hard truth. It's just a pity that I was so careless that I easily trusted others, which implicated my parents, sisters and family members!"Chen GE's eyes flashed a touch of regret.

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After I awakened my talent, I didn't think of establishing a protective array for my family, so that these people captured my family.

More afraid.

If Ziyan didn't help her to open up the talent of jiuzhuan Yuanshen, I'm afraid now, I've become a fish on the chopping board, and let these people and the king of Jiuluo kill them.

I can't help but hold my hand tightly.

"Ha ha, I can't say that. On the contrary, it's just because you don't show up all the time, so your family can escape their death. Otherwise, they would have been killed!"

While saying that, Chen Haotian took out a mobile phone, which is recording a video.

In the video, in a dark dungeon.

There is a bloody man beaten by an iron whip, and this man, as soon as he sees it, Chen GE's eyes are about to burst into flames.


Chen GE's heart is bleeding.

Next to the dungeon, there was a man wearing a mask, who looked like a young man.

Is slightly sitting, he is smiling at his father in front of him, and a face of banter.

"Ha ha, although your family is OK, they will suffer from torture."

Chen Haotian said and put away his mobile phone with a sneer.

"Humble Chen Ge, do you feel a sense of powerlessness now? Hahaha, I understand your mood very well. After all, your whole clan is regarded as playing with crickets, which is a very bad thing!"

"Ancestral temple Chen, tell him what to do with so much. When I catch him first, let's discuss the matter of sharing the energy of jiuzhuan Yuanshen

On one side, a Japanese can't sit still.

He is obviously a master, and his accomplishments are at least four grade friars.

At present, he jumped up and grabbed Chen GE's neck directly.

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"You bastards, I'm going to frustrate you all

Chen Ge was angry.


In an instant, the whole person was covered by a bloody red awn.

Where the scarlet light passes by, people feel palpitating. The killing intention is so cool that it seems that life can kill people.

And the Japanese master who rushed over felt the killing intention.


He was shocked.

About to step back.

But it was a huge suction that sucked him directly.

Then I saw Chen Ge knead it.


This man's head, it's going to explode.

Death is a pool.


At this moment, all talent's eyelids really jump.

Chen Haotian, in particular, can't help but stare at the terrible changes of Chen Ge, and even takes a few steps backward

How could this happen? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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