The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 780: 780

"I think this friend is what captain Yun said. Please come to Mr. Chen Ge Chen as the chief instructor?"

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Zhu Baoqing carried his hands and looked at Chen Ge with a cold smile.

"Not bad!"

Chen Ge nods.

"Ha ha, sure enough, people can't judge by their appearance. I didn't expect that Mr. Chen had such strength at a young age. It's really admirable!"

"It's just that I often hear that when a person's strength is stronger, he should be more generous. My younger brother's training in our department is not well taken care of by Zhu Baoqing. But all the responsibility can't be entirely attributed to my nephew Yunfei. To blame, it's also your brother who is too ignorant to praise. Ha ha ha!"

Zhu Baoqing laughed.

One side waved.

Zhu Baoqing climbed up from behind and ran to Zhu Baoma.

"Uncle, if you don't come, I will be..." Zhu Yunfei was in a hurry.

"Well, don't say anything. Everything has an uncle."

Zhu Baoqing patted Zhu Yunfei on the shoulder.

At the same time, he winked at Zhu Yunfei, indicating that he was ready to see a good play!

And Zhu Yunfei is clearly aware of his uncle's human nature.

He was insulted, how can uncle give up.

Now, my uncle first used language to silence the party called Chen Ge. After they had nothing to say, my uncle took the opportunity to take the opportunity to eradicate these people with the help of the dragon group.

Ha ha, this routine, uncle is not the first time to use.

At present, Zhu Yunfei nodded gently and looked at Chen Ge and his party with a sneer.

Zhu Baoqing looked at Chen Ge and continued:

"Mr. Chen, in the final analysis, it was more than a dozen of them who bullied one of their younger brother. Now, how are you doing now? You have wasted more than a dozen talented new blood. In the future, they will be the pillars of the dragon group. Because of your personal interests, you have abolished the whole hope of the future dragon group Don't you think it's too much? "

Zhu Baoqing did not stand in his own angle, but borrowed the big hat of the dragon group.

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And Yun Haotian had expected Zhu Baoqing's routine.

To refute at the moment, it is impossible to refute it at all. Indeed, Mr. Chen is really cruel to think so.

Then Zhu Baoqing continued to talk about the dragon group.

Sow discord!

Yun Haotian looks worried.

"Moreover, Mr. Chen, our dragon group base naturally has the requirements and rules of the dragon group base. If your brother is humiliated, you can have a special place to deal with it. Do you not pay attention to the whole base at all?"

Zhu Baoqing continued to make trouble.

"That's right, uncle. Where did you put the whole dragon group base? Think this is where you want to do it? You are so lawless

Zhu Yunfei sneered and mended his knife.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was proud to look at his uncle with a smile.

The corners of their mouths were full of banter.

Obviously, they want to force Chen Ge into a desperate situation, and then use the dragon group to eradicate it.

"You killed him!"

In the face of Zhu Baoqing's language difficulties, Chen Ge raised his hand and pointed to Zhu Yunfei, saying to Zhu Baoqing.

"What? What do you mean

Zhu Baoqing frowned slightly.

"I pointed out two ways to him just now. One of them is to get through my brother's crotch. If not, I'll have to kill him and let him die!"

Chen Ge said lightly:

"but just now, he ignored my words and gave up the chance to live just when he could get through and be safe and sound!"

Chen Ge shook his head helplessly.

This words, let Zhu Yunfei swallow a mouthful of saliva.

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And Zhu Baoqing, eyelid is a fierce jump.

"Mr. Chen, you didn't seem to hear what I said? I don't mean this... "

Zhu Baoqing's eyes flashed a fierce look.

"If you don't hear me clearly, it's already late. Do you think that using some language tricks can bind me morally? Even think you are full of wisdom, very smart? "

"Ha ha, it's a pity that there are not a thousand but eight hundred people like you. Chen Ge, I have a habit, that is always said to do, I said to kill people, he will die

Chen Ge sneered.

At the moment, I'll take a look at Chen Dao.

In an instant, a golden air was over it.


The space in front of me surged.

The golden light shot out.

It broke through Zhu Yunfei's neck in an instant.

Like a blade.

Zhu Yunfei's eyes were wide open. After a while, he was born."Yunfei

Zhu Baoqing's eyes widened.

The whole eye socket was red instantly.

Because just now a strong blow, I can't stop it.

"You killed my nephew!"

Zhu Baoqing roared.

"He just made a mistake, and you killed him!"

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Zhu Baoqing never imagined that the man in front of him was so cruel.

"What I said just now is very clear. He doesn't have to die. As long as he goes through it, he has to pay the price if you let him stand up!"

Chen Ge is indifferent.

"You bastard, don't you pay attention to the whole infinity gate?"

Zhu Baoqing was grieved.

The rest of them all swallowed in horror.

"No gate? I've never heard of it! "

Chen Ge shook his head and gave a wry smile.

"Son of a bitch, I'll fight with you!"

At present, Zhu Baoqing is full of murderous spirit and pours directly at Chen ge

At the same time.

The office of the base Corps.

"Dragon brigade, it's bad. The big thing is bad!"

A drillmaster came in.

"Well? What's so flustered? "

The Dragon brigade is practicing calligraphy and frowns at the moment.

"It's the canteen where there's a fight!"

"What's the matter? Send someone to deal with it at once!"

The Dragon brigade was helpless.

"No, it's not. It's Zhu Yunfei who fights with the new chief instructor, Mr. Chen. Zhu Yunfei provokes Mr. Chen, and Mr. Chen cuts off his head directly!"

"Now, Zhu team has already started with Mr. Chen!"

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The brush fell to the ground.

The Dragon brigade quickly asked, "right? Who is that Mr. Chen? "

"It's the young instructor invited by Captain Yun Haotian."

"Go and have a look!"

While speaking, the Dragon brigade has already brought people over.

Just outside the scene, surrounded by people.

Just let a person some surprise is, all people did not speak, the scene static frightening.

And the third team leader stood on the side of the silly, do not know what he saw, the whole person is a kind of dull state.

It's like a fool.

"Captain three, how's the situation?"

The Dragon captain asked coldly.

"Wheel king!"

The third captain said with dull eyes.

"What do you say?" The dragon team asked in a low voice again.

"Above the realm of friars, the realm of the king of wheels. My God, I have seen the real king of wheels today!"

The three team leaders are almost excited to cry.

"What are you talking about? Wheel king

The Dragon captain heard clearly, once stare big eyes, the whole person's body, is a sudden shock!!! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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