The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 781: 781

LONGYE's whole body also began to tremble slightly.

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"What do you mean? Do you mean that Chen Ge is the realm of the king of wheels

LONGYE is surprised.

"Yes, he is so strong!"

The third captain said in horror:

"just a moment ago, Zhu Baoqing's whole body was smashed to pieces. I finally realized what is the real strong one. The real strong one is that when facing the challenge, he is no longer afraid of everything!"

Said the third captain, trembling.

"In this case, it's my dragon leaf menglang. It's our honor to have such a strong man in Huaxia. It's our honor that he is willing to serve as our chief instructor." LONGYE said sadly.

As for the death of Zhu Baoqing, he is no longer in the eyes of LONGYE.

In this world, what can be more powerful than the king of wheels?

No more!

At this time, Chen Ge put his hands in his pockets and came out of the crowd slowly.

As soon as the Dragon leaf looked, he rushed to meet him.

"Mr. Chen, just now I'm really bold! Please forgive me for being rude

LONGYE bowed slightly.

"What does Mr. long say?"

Chen Ge smiles indifferently.

After killing Zhu Baoqing's uncle and nephew, Chen GE's heart has no waves. To blame, it's just that they don't have eyes.

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"Mr. Chen, I just heard Haotian tell you that you need to borrow the Shura dish. To tell the truth, this is the treasure of the whole dragon group base. Normally, unless there is an order from the summit, it will not be displayed to the public. However, Mr. Chen is not a mortal, so it should be used!"

LONGYE is very polite at the moment.

Joke, Mr. Chen in front of him, if not unexpected, is a rare Lunwang realm strong man in the world. Looking at the whole world, he is also a rare existence. If you can get to know this big man, it will be of great benefit to the promotion of the international status and strength of the whole dragon group.

This point, the wily dragon leaf naturally will not tangle.

"This Shura is very important to us now, otherwise, I would not be so bold!"

Chen GE has a faint smile.

At present, Chen Ge asked the ghost operator to follow the people of the Dragon leaf sect to use the Shura plate in the secret room of the base.

You long island's location, even said some mysteries, these believe ghost master will soon have a decision.

At this time, LONGYE suddenly coughed violently.

A mouthful of pus blood, spit out from its mouth.

"Cough up, Mr. Chen. I'm old-fashioned!"

LONGYE is used to a bitter smile and shakes his head.

"It's obvious that the internal injury of captain LONGYE was caused by some wrong internal skills, and you have practiced this set of internal skills for at least 50 years."

Chen Ge can see the clue at a glance, and then he smiles faintly.

And LONGYE's eyes can't help but stare.

"Sir, I'm really a strange person. Yes, I have practiced this set of internal skills at the age of 12. Now, it has been more than 50 years. It's a pity that I haven't stepped into the realm of a monk after more than 50 years of hard cultivation. It's really stupid. However, this set of skills was created by my ancestors and passed down from generation to generation in the dragon family. How can Mr. Chen say that it is a wrong way? "

Long ye can't help but be surprised.

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To be honest, he has always been very confident in his family's skills.

"It's really the wrong way. Anyway, it will take me some time to stay in the dragon group to teach the array. If it's convenient, the Dragon leader can take out this set of internal mental skills for me to see with my own eyes! By the way, help captain long heal

Chen Ge said.

"Ah? Thank you very much, Mr. Chen! "

Chen GE's diagnosis and treatment of LONGYE's injury is not a problem.

What is more surprising to LONGYE is that this Mr. Chen is not only highly skilled in medical skills, but also far from being comparable to ordinary people.

He pointed out the 15 shortcomings, LONGYE tried to run, and it was just amazing.

At present, Chen Ge is highly respected.

"Mr. Chen, how many accomplishments are there now? It's really admirable that Mr. Chen has reached this level at such an age! "

After the event, long ye could not help asking.

"To be honest, I don't know what kind of cultivation I am at present. Listening to one of my subordinates, it needs the test stone of the hall of all Luo."

Chen gedao.

"No harm, our dragon group has always held the test stone. This is a standard to determine the accomplishments of a cultivator according to the true Qi content of a cultivator. Mr. Chen, you may as well have a try!"

LONGYE busy road.

Now, he is almost ready to respond to Chen GE's request. He is afraid that Chen GE has no demand on him.

Now, from behind the bookshelf in his office, he opens a mechanism.

A simple test stone appears in front of Chen Ge.

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"Excuse me, Mr. Chen, put your hands on it, mobilize the true Qi in your body, and then you can know your specific cultivation!"Dragon leaf road.

The heart is also extremely looking forward to.


Chen ge of course wants to know his current strength.

Now put your hands on it, and the test stone changes for a while. Soon, the result appears.

"Sanpin Lunwang realm!"

Seeing the result, LONGYE was stunned.

My God, there is such a miracle in the world. He is only in his twenties.

To tell the truth, just now the third team leader said that he was the realm of the wheel king, and LONGYE was skeptical.

Now, it's so real.

No wonder Chen Ge killed some friars like a chicken.

Because the difference between the monk and the wheel king is more than the gap.

How many Jiupin friars are poor in their life and can't go any further.

"Lunwang realm? I've heard some people say that I don't know how much the Dragon captain knows about this kind of Lunwang realm? "

Chen Ge asked.

"I only heard that the Lunwang realm has a life span of nearly a thousand, and he has looked at the whole world, but a few people have reached it, and Mr. Chen is one of them!"

Dragon leaf worship more.

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Hearing the speech, Chen Ge frowned and thought.

According to the meaning of LONGYE.

It's hard not to do it. His master Qin Yifan, Qin Bo, and his grandfather Chen DIANCANG are all wheel kings.

I'm afraid that's the only clue to explain everything.

Because Qin Bo is very terrible, and his grandfather is too deep to see through his disguise, even if he has already been that kind of cultivation.

You can see the depth of grandfather's skill.

And can easily kill ten thousand years of python, I am afraid that only such round king Xiuwei can do it.

Because Chen Ge really feels strong.

Usually, monks in their own eyes, really, just like ants.

It turned out that he was already the third grade cultivation of Lunwang.

Of course, although he has almost stood on the top of the world, but Chen Ge is not careless.

The third grade of Lunwang.

Little did you know that Qin Bo, Chen DIANCANG, and the nine Luo king, these people's real cultivation, so Chen Ge was not careless.

Because the king of wheels is not the peak of the whole cultivation.

Soon, seven days later.

The ghost operator came out of the secret room and brought out a major discovery , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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