The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 782: 782

These days, the ghost operator uses his own Jiulong algorithm, with this Shura plate, the most accurate push down.

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It is said that the earliest form of the Dragon formation has been around for thousands of years.

Of course, it may not have been called the Dragon formation before.

However, it is in the same line. Most of the work done by the long group is underground work.

Just like Bai Xiaosheng in the martial arts novel, xiuluopan, which has been recorded over the years, there are all kinds of anecdotes.

Using the Jiulong algorithm to deduce and confirm the historical data of the Shura disk, a thing is really expressed in detail.

It is because of this that the ghost operator not only knows the location of Youlong Island, but also discovers the origin of the Chen family, the owner of Youlong island.

"At the beginning, I heard the old lady of gujia once said that the earliest Chen family was once a very powerful Xiuzhen family. Later, because of some reasons, the Chen family of Xiuzhen was destroyed overnight and fell from the altar to the valley."

"And my grandfather..." Speaking of this, Chen Ge hesitated for a moment, and then said, "he was the only one who escaped from the original Chen family. He once sought revenge on the ancient family and took the opportunity to seize the ancient family's magic tools. Later, when his plan was broken, he fled to the Youlong Island to live in seclusion. At that time, he took a major secret and established the present Xiuzhen Chen family after he lived in seclusion on Youlong island After that, our Chen family was also created by him

Chen Ge thought about the clues he got and said.

The ghost operator shook his head:

"Sir, what you said is more like a simplified version. A lot of important information has been skimmed. However, I learned from the Shura disk that your grandfather Well, Chen DIANCANG, it seems that he is not simple. He seems to have a great connection with a legend that has been existing on Youlong island all the time! "

Said the ghost operator.

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"The legend of Youlong island?" Chen Ge was surprised.

"Yes, Youlong island is in a mysterious sea area of South Vietnam. It is said that there was a legend ten thousand years ago, that is, the legend of the demon king!"

Looking at Chen GE's inquiring eyes.

The ghost operator looked at the same curious dragon leaf.

"It is said that thousands of years ago, there were many fishermen fishing in that sea area. However, some strange things happened. A large number of fishermen began to disappear mysteriously."

"At that time, everyone thought whether they had lost their boats. However, as for fishermen, their sense of direction towards the sea seemed to have something to do with life. How could they lose their way?"

"Those fishermen began to wonder if there were big monsters in the sea, or if they were caught in a typhoon and rolled up on some islands!"

"They prayed devoutly until later, a group of fishermen went out to sea in a typhoon and took them to a desert island, where they found a dead corpse."

"It was the missing fishermen, and those fishermen were extremely frightened, because some of them, who had not been out to sea for a few days, turned into corpses, obviously, they were sucked dry!"

"This terrible discovery made everyone sit uneasy. After the typhoon dissipated, they took all the corpses and returned to the fishing village. Only when they returned to the village did they find that all the people in the village had become dry corpses and were drained of blood!"

"The fishermen were very sad. They tried their best to find out who was alive. In the end, only one fool was still alive in the village. The fishermen asked him what happened in the village..."

"The fool drew what he saw on the paper. Ha ha, this fool seems to have the habit of drawing. His painters are very good. What people find is a strange man with three eyes and a pair of big feet. How big is the foot? It looks like it's almost half a person long! "

"And this monster has a long tongue, and his hair is straight down his waist. He can talk to people!"

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"The fool said that when he saw him at that time, some people asked him what he was doing. As a result, he only asked," is this Youlong village? "

"A child said yes, and then he killed all the people in the village. The method was extremely cruel."

Then, the ghost operator talked about the following things.

The villagers were so angry that they began to look for people with great magic power to deal with the demon.

They want revenge.

Who knows, that bastard is not only able to kill people, but also has great magic power.

Many mages were killed.

In the end, all the remaining villagers died.

Only the fool survived.

Seeing that the demon king had killed the great mage and all the people in the village, he suddenly became not stupid and woke up.

So he decided to avenge himself.

Because he remembered when he was a kid.

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He was once instructed by an expert. If you want a ferocious stranger in your village, he has long hair, three eyes and big feet.

If this monster comes, he will harm the life on the island, because Youlong Island occupies the fortune of heaven and earth, and it will come to practice.At that time, he will light a special incense. As long as the incense is ignited, he will come to kill the demon and subdue the demon!

This is the biggest virtue of a fool. He really does.

That night, on Youlong Island, lightning and thunder, torrential rain.

And the demon king also found the survival of life, that fool, is going to eat.

At this time, there was a bolt from the blue.

A Taoist appeared.

Fight the devil.

As a result, he was defeated by the demon king. Finally, he sacrificed his own God, and then he was severely damaged and sealed!

And the demon king is also very cunning. On his deathbed, he is also the original God out of the body and turns into a magic light inheritance, also known as magic inheritance.

He is a conscious body, always searching for the parasite to realize what he called rebirth.

This magic inheritance will gradually control other people's hearts in order to have an accident. If this is the case, heaven and earth are bound to face catastrophe!

At this point, the ghost operator stopped and said:

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"later, nobody came to the Youlong island for nearly ten thousand years. The sea area was also called Forbidden sea, and the fool was not found. Until a few decades ago, a Xiuzhen family moved there and founded the Chen family. The name of the owner is Chen DIANCANG!"

The ghost operator looks at Chen gedao.

When Chen Ge heard the speech, he was shocked.

Although I don't want to believe it, at least up to now, I haven't seen my grandfather. Chen Ge can't believe that the kind grandfather is such a person?

But listen to the ghost Master said these three words, Chen Ge heart is also feeling a palpitation.

"It's really unbelievable. What's the purpose of that grandfather who is so powerful and so hidden?"

Chen Ge asked in surprise.

The ghost operator shook his head: "it's very complicated. I don't know what Chen DIANCANG's purpose is. However, there was a record about him early years ago. I think you will be interested in this. At the same time, we will also have a new understanding of this old point! "


Chen Ge looks at the ghost operator.

"Sir, just now, Chen DIANCANG's family was a Xiuzhen family, but it was destroyed overnight! Sir, do you know who destroyed the Chen family? "

The ghost operator suddenly lowered the voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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