The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 789: 789

"Ruo Yan, Ruo Xi, what have you done?"

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And just as the two sisters were thinking of each other.

A good voice rang in their ears.

"Sister Muhan, you are here. We just..."

Just now, Ruoxi thought about it.

Qin ruoxuan reminds me of this.

"Nothing to do, just to see the beautiful sea breeze, so let's come out and have a look!"

She said.

Su Muhan smiles and nods: "I know that it's not easy for us to be sent by our adoptive father to negotiate with king Jingwang here. It's also very boring. However, we should obey what Yifu said and don't go anywhere at will."

Su Muhan said.

"Well, sister Han, by the way, the tranquilizing medicine I asked you to buy has been brought. You will have a headache every night when you arrive late at night. It is said that there are still some rare herbs in the world. I told my staff to pick them one by one."

Qin ruoxuan at the moment results words, but also take out their own to buy expensive medicine.

At the same time, he was also surprised and asked tentatively:

"by the way, sister Han, are you familiar with the world?"

Su Muhan's background is somewhat mysterious. She doesn't have any accomplishments, but she is intelligent. She is appreciated by her grandmother. Later, her father accepted her as her adoptive daughter.

And became the main spokesman of the negotiation.

To be honest, Qin ruoxuan is a little jealous.

Because in terms of seniority, appearance, and even strength, I don't know how much better I am than Su Muhan.

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Isn't it because she used to be the servant girl of the old lady?

Why should we listen to her now?

And now, on the earth, there is a very powerful person who seems to like her too!

It seems that Su Muhan is from the earth, just like the rumor.

"Ah? I'm not familiar with this world, but how to say it? I seem to be familiar with and unfamiliar with here. Especially after I come here, I feel a palpitation in my heart. I don't know what's wrong with it! "

Su Muhan raised his eyes and looked at the deep sea in the distance.

She didn't know what happened to her.

She can't remember anything about her childhood or even before.

However, often to the night, their mind, there is always a boy figure.

He's not strong, and he's a little fuzzy looking at him.

But Rao is so, Su Muhan can still clearly feel his love for himself.

Who is that man?

Especially after arriving here, the voice in my heart seems to be more intense!

While the three sisters were silent.

A figure leaped from the deep air.

On deck.

"Miss Su, two Miss Qin. My master is holding a state banquet in Nanyue. Please come to the banquet!"

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Said the boy.

"Well, thank you, Lord yawang. The three sisters will clean up a little and go immediately."

Su Muhan nodded.

On the other side.


A painful roar rang through the whole Tuoba family.

When Tuoba's family leader Tuoba Zhen saw his son's sparse broken body.

The whole person fainted several times, even more hysterical.

Tuoba family, inherited for thousands of years, has a deep background and many experts.

All along, it was rampant.

But I didn't expect that my son had such a disaster.

On the banquet in the state guest hall, Tuoba Zhen stroked the child's body, and his grief, hatred and anger drowned him.

After seeing this, they quickly stepped down.

"Who killed my son?"

Tuoba really shivered.

"Patriarch, it is the Chen song that my Chen family is looking for everywhere!"

Chen Ling was afraid.

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"Chen Ge? Chen Ge

Tuoba's eyes were scarlet, and he was very murderous in an instant.

On the other side, there was a middle-aged man.

The clothes are luxurious.

They are royal nobles.

"Brother Tuoba, I'll take the team immediately to capture Chen Ge so that he can't live or die, and revenge his nephew!"

The middle-aged man said.

"No, my Tuoba family will eat raw meat and drink its blood!"

Tuoba really thundered.

Two scarlet tears, directly left.

"You two fools want to catch Chen Ge? No wonder, your son will die so miserably, and I don't think you need to catch him. According to Chen GE's temper, he will come to the door. Ha ha, this silly child has killed his eyes now. He wants to use this method to force me to come out. Therefore, you Tuoba family can't escape his hand, and you, like ants in front of him, can't resist! "At this moment, I saw an old man in black robe walking out of the interior of the state guest hall.

"Ah! Patriarch! Family My Lord

Chen Ling saw him, sweating like rain, silent like a cold cicada, kneeling directly kowtow.

Rao is Tuoba Zhen and Wang Shigui state Liang Gong. After seeing the sudden appearance of the old man, they are also frightened. They quickly meet the old man.

"My master, why Why do you say that? "

Tuoba asked painfully.

"Because I am one of the people who know him best in the world!"

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While saying, the old man slowly pulled off his black cloak.

If Chen Ge was here, he would be very surprised to see the old man.

Let's talk!

This person is not his grandfather Chen DIANCANG, whom he respected very much before.

Of course, it turns out that he is no longer his grandfather, but a mastermind behind the scenes.

In particular, now the old point gray, eyes scarlet, lips are more terrible purple black color, forehead, there is a scarlet law line.

It seems that half man and half demon are very strange.

"Ha ha, for my big plan, I used to be his grandfather for a period of time. Using him, I made a good disguise for myself, and let him gradually mature. It was like I planted a seedling by myself. I watched it grow day by day with my own eyes. As a result, when I was about to pick the fruit, some small changes happened !”

"So I said, I know him well!"

Chen DIANCANG said with a smile.

"Ah? Is this Chen song the product of the nine color yuan baby, which was discovered more than 20 years ago by the heaven and caused numerous forces to explore

Tuoba was really shocked.

Liang Gong also took a deep breath: "the National Master said that the nine color yuan baby, also known as the nine turn yuan God, is the most powerful force in the world. If you get it, you will get eternity. More than 50 years ago, you saved a couple of fishermen and gave them countless money in order to get the nine color yuan baby that will come to their descendants, This Chen song is so powerful that he is the successor? "

"Yes, it's true that the magic gave me the strength to foresee everything. In order to enjoy it alone, I had to design the whole plan more seamlessly. But I didn't expect that in the process, someone helped him secretly and almost ruined all my plans!"

Thinking of this, Chen DIANCANG can't help but grip his hand tightly , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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