The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 790: 790

"Master Guoshi, do you mean that I didn't expect this Chen song to become so strong?"

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Said Liang Gong.

"Well, I underestimated the power of jiuzhuan Yuanshen. It can make earth shaking changes. Only a few years ago, Chen GE has stepped into the realm of Lunwang, and his accomplishments keep pace with me! This level, from ancient times to the present, is impossible even if it is a person with strong talent! "

"The most exasperating thing is that he has been helping Chen Ge in the dark. If it wasn't for him, Chen Ge would not have grown so fast. As soon as I can't control it, I have to hide behind the scenes!"

Chen DIANCANG said.


This let Tuoba Zhen and Liang Gong both take a breath of cool air.

"The seven top strongmen of ZhongLuo hall dominate everything. So this Chen song is actually the same as the seven top strongmen and the seven wheel kings, and is also a wheel king?"

They were shocked.

What the master said is right. If the two people go to revenge rashly, they will be killed.

"Yes, this is the power of nine color Yuanying! Naturally, it is also its unique charm

Chen DIANCANG smiles.

"The national master, we really have no way to deal with Chen Ge? He killed my son miserably. If he didn't repay me, Tuoba would die in his grave. Please think of a way to kill Chen Ge

Tuoba really kneels down.

"Ha ha, don't worry, I won't let Chen Ge grow up like this. Now, I've caught his family, and if I catch another one, I'll have taken two-thirds of the child's life. Ha ha ha, at that time, he still can't escape my hand!"

"When the time comes, it will not be a big problem to destroy the present Chen Ge with the help of the ancient Zhenguo battle line, which is handed down from the ancient times of Nanyue state. The most fatal weakness of this child is that he is too soft hearted and worried. I happen to be his nemesis. I am Chen DIANCANG, and I will come here for the purpose by any means!"

Chen DIANCANG holds his fists.

And two people, eyes are almost round.

"Master, you really want to send out the Dragon killing array, and this array needs to be sacrificed..."

Liang Gong couldn't help shaking and asked.

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"As I said, there is nothing more important than our capture of the nine color baby. All the sacrifices and efforts are worth it!"

Chen points to the dark and cold road.

The Dragon destroying array was left by the great gods of ancient times.

Its power is incomparable. When you turn your hands, you can kill the strong one of Lunwang.

Naturally, the cost is enormous.

But they dare not violate any of Chen DIANCANG's intentions.

At present, he had to say:

"master of the state, what is the last lifeline of Chen Ge

"We don't have to worry about the success of the two, as long as we are concerned about the implementation of the dragon, we don't have to worry about the implementation of both, we need not worry about the success of the only thing we need to do now

"We understand, but where does this woman look for?"

Tuoba really asked.

"Far away in the sky, close in front of you, is Nasu Muhan, who is Chen GE's love. We just need to control her during this trip."

Chen DIANCANG smiles.

"What? You mean Miss Su Muhan of Jieyu? But, she's from the boundary. We're catching her? You know, we have a cooperative relationship with jiejie! "

Liang Gong was shocked.

In recent years, the puppet king of South Asia has been luring them to cooperate with each other? If you get the nine color baby, will I still pay attention to the boundary? "

"When the three arrive, act according to plan!"

Chen DIANCANG said coldly.

A huge black awn was projected from him.

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Everyone shuddered.

He nodded and said yes.

Chen DIANCANG complacently smiles: "Xiaoge, I think it's time for us to meet, and I'm afraid this is our last meeting!"


Two words.

Let's talk about Chen Ge.

Chen Ge met Su Muhan, which made Chen Ge see endless hope.

Mu Han is still alive, but she lost her memory for no reason.

However, she is still alive, and can see her again in this life, what can make Chen Ge regret?

Chen Ge raised his hand and looked at his burned palm.

Now, I have reached the top of the world and become the king of wheels.

Can not expect, Mu Han she in the boundary, become stronger.

The hot breath from her body broke through her own dark air easily.Whoa!

Chen Ge couldn't help but take a long breath.

And it was just then.

There are a few strange ships in front of us.

And there are more than a dozen.

Stop Chen GE's way.

The ghost operator laughs at cangsheng and others notice that they all walk out.

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Chen Ge carries his hands and looks at the origin of these people with some doubts.

I saw an old man with white hair and more than ten middle-aged people.

Go straight on board.

"It's the guide of the hall of the gods!"

Xiao cangsheng and Lin Jiu have the same voice.

"Hall of the gods?"

Chen GE has heard two people mention it.

But I have nothing to do with them, good pixels!

"Ha ha, I've met master Chen! A few days ago, the master passed the test stone to test. When the hall of Luo learned that another round of king was born, he was really excited! "

Then the leading road grew up and said with a smile.

"Thank you very much, but I'm afraid it's more than simply congratulating Chen Ge on this trip."

Chen Ge arched his hand in return and asked.

"Ha ha, Mr. Chen is quick to talk. Of course, I have an important task for ZhongLuo hall during my trip."

It's also very enjoyable to meet the road leader.

Chen Ge saw that his eyes were clear and focused on etiquette.

In my heart, I have a good feeling for him.

That is to invite him into the cabin.

And the approach road leader is not beating around the bush.

He said directly:

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"I think Mr. Chen knows something about ZhongLuo hall. Before that, I would like to give Mr. Chen a detailed introduction!"

Then the Taoist priest took a sip of tea and said with a smile.

"All ears!" Chen Ge said indifferently.

"ZhongLuo hall, which has a history of tens of thousands of years, is responsible for coordinating the unbalanced forces around the world in order to achieve an objective balance. Of course, as the name implies, the organizational structure of ZhongLuo hall is also composed of representatives sent by the world's strong. This is a little bit of a coalition, ha ha!"

"There are seven powerful people in the hall of Luo. Because they are the rank of the king of the wheel, they are the most powerful. Therefore, the common discussion of these seven powerful people can determine the direction of things in the Xiuzhen world! Each has its own region. Because of the limitation of the principles of the hall, they will not interfere in worldly affairs! "

"These seven strong men are murek, king of northern Europe, Peter King of Beisha, Lin Yizong, king of South Island, Liu Shengchuan, king of East Asia, ODI, king of North America, fitter, and Oh, Mr. Chen, you know Chen DIANCANG, the king of South Asia! "

To the end.

Chen GE's eyelids jumped slightly.

It seems that he is really hidden, and has already become the master of the whole South Asia region.

No wonder he wants wind and rain.

It seems that Chen GE has a little gratitude and resentment towards Chen DIANCANG, and then leads the Taoist priest to say: "each wheel king is a powerful existence, with endless honor, and can do anything."

"And you, as one of the eight strong people today, the hall of ZhongLuo naturally needs you to send representatives to settle in."

Said the Taoist priest.

"This is for the stability of the whole cultivation world, and I can't blame it. So I promise you this request!"

Chen gedao.

"Well, thank you very much for your appreciation. In addition, we know that the xuanyang palace led by Mr. Chen is located in the north of China, so the hall of ZhongLuo has since called Mr. Chen" the king of the northern border! "

With that, the Taoist priest took out a token directly.

Shangshu: the king of the North! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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