The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 794: 794


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After pouring, Lin Fei throws the glass on the ground.

I want to see what the man in front of me says.

But Su Yun's face is full of shock.

You know, in front of the people, is what kind of existence?

"You are not very clever!"

Chen Ge put a white towel on his face and was in a good bath. Chen Ge was very unhappy when he was interrupted.

"You What do you say

Lin Fei said angrily.

"You don't know who I am? My father, but he has something to do with the Saudi royal family

Lin Fei said angrily.

Chen Ge is not in words.

Because at the moment, outside the hot spring pool, the sound of footsteps is shocking. When you brush, you can see more than a dozen shadows of people running in directly from the outside.

The leader was a middle-aged man with gorgeous clothes, but at the moment, his face was full of panic.

"Sleeping trough, how come so many people broke in?"

After seeing the scene, the middle-aged man was shocked.

Or, it was a deep fear that enveloped him.

He is the head of the estate.

"Mr. Cha, what's the matter? This is the place for my husband to repair. You dare to let other people come in. You don't want to live?"

One side of the smile, cangsheng full of anger.

At the moment, he was also startled.

"I dare not, dare not!"

Mr. Cha nodded his head as if pounding garlic.

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"Who let you in?"

He roared at Lin Fei and others.

But Lin Fei and others feel that they have no face.

What's going on today?

A female star ignored herself. Now, even if she came to visit the manor, she was also hated.

Fortunately, he knew Mr. cha. A few years ago, he followed his father and had several relationships with him.

"Zha always? You may forget that my name is Lin Fei and Lin Jianren is my father

Lin Fei thinks that it's too dark. It's Mr. Cha who has forgotten himself.

But seeing Lin Fei so skillful, Jiang Ran Ran also looked at him with appreciation.

With that, Lin Fei went to shake hands with Mr. cha.


Unexpectedly, Mr. Cha raised his hand and slapped him in the face:

"Lin? Lin, your mother's head, who let you scumbags break in? "

General manager Cha gave a roar.

And Lin Fei was stunned.

"Mr. Cha, my father is Lin Jianren!"

Lin Fei is hard to set up a channel.


"You bitch, get out of here!"

With a wave of his hand, Mr. Cha has been surrounded by security guards.

It scared all the men and women present.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy to get them out of here!"

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At this time, a sound came up.

They looked up.

I don't know when, Chen GE has changed his clothes and stood in front of the people.

But Chen Ge carries his hands on his back and looks at Lin Fei with a smile.

"Chen Chen Ge? "

Jiang Ran Ran was shocked. He didn't expect that he was Chen Ge.

At present, there are still some accidents.

"Chen Ge, why are you?"

Jiang Ran Ran Ran said again.

"Jiang Ranran? You are here... "

When Chen Ge saw her, she was surprised.

Speaking of it, the two have not seen each other for several years.

"Chen Ge, do you know all these people?"

However, Jiang Ran Ran could not help being complacent.

How could that be possible.

How can Chen Ge know all the people here who are international level Dagui?

"With them? It's an acquaintance. "

Chen Ge glanced at the general manager and others, light said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Chen. I won't let him go easily. If he interferes with your practice, I will give him a lesson of blood!"

Chazong was sweating and pointed to Lin Fei.

"Well, how dare you?"

Lin Fei is still afraid to see so many security guards around him.

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After a look at Jiang Ran Ran Ran, Chen Ge then said: "this matter, for the sake of an old friend's face, let it go now. Let them go!"

The night wind is a little cold.

Chen Ge mentioned the clothes on his body, a faint cough, is to turn around to leave.

"Damn it, Chen. Who do you think you are, Ben Da Shao, are you just calling and drinking?"

Lin Fei felt a blow.

Especially in the face of their own, or a peer.

I'm not convinced at all."Why? I have promised to let you go. Why do you still have to abide by it? "

Chen Ge looked at Lin Fei and couldn't help frowning.

"What, why? Chen's name is Chen. This is in your territory. If you have seed, you can come to Saudi Arabia with me. Believe it or not, you don't know how to die? "

Lin Fei red eyes angry way.

And Jiang Ran Ran Ran looked at things bad, Lin Fei was really anxious.

It is a little helpless to look at Chen Ge:

"enough Chen Ge, do you have enough air, don't you really know the energy of the Lin family? I know you have some money now, but the world is very big. Have you ever seen that there are more powerful people than you? You offended Lin Shao today. Do you think you will have good fruit in the future? "

Jiang Ran Ran shook his head and said.

"Well, before I change my mind, take this Lin Shao and your friends and leave as soon as possible. Moreover, South Vietnam is now a land of right and wrong, and you seldom stay here!"

Chen Ge is too lazy to argue with them.

He just turned around and left.

"Chen Ge, who do you think you are? Do you know what I am now? What kind of people do I come into contact with? "

However, Jiang Ran Ran was extremely indignant when he was despised by Chen Ge.

It's about to explode right now.

Suddenly, someone trotted over.

"Smile elder, outside the door, several heavyweight state guests have come. They have to meet you and have prepared a big ceremony!"

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A little boy said respectfully to smile.

"State guest? Who is it? "

Smile cangsheng frowned and asked.

"There are royal families in the Middle East, and some * * level figures in South Asia!"

Said the boy.


On one side, Jiang Ran Ran and Lin Fei listened to the names in the list and were all shocked.

Especially Jiang Ran Ran, his face twitched.

"What is Chen GE's identity? How can so many big men come to see him?"

Jiang Ran Ran was shocked.

And Lin Fei also knew that he had provoked a certain level of existence just now.

At the moment, a moment of fear at the same time, want to leave quickly.

But just walked a few steps, is to be laughed at life a buckle shoulder.

"Little bunny, you just couldn't go. Now you want to go?"

Laugh, the world sneers.

"You What do you want? "

Lin Fei swallowed his saliva.

"Killing you will break the rules of xuanyang palace, so I won't kill you, but..."

Xiao cangsheng looked at the place where Mr. Chen took a bath just now and poured in the red wine.

But if you want to die, you'll have to laugh at me

Laughing at the cold and sharp way , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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