The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 795: 795

Lin Feng and others don't want to die. At present, they have to drink the water in the pool.

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Smile on the face of ordinary people, but also showed a grim smile.

The next morning.

South Vietnam, near the Zhenlong tower, has been crowded.

The Dragon Tower of this town was built thousands of years ago.

It is about 300 meters high.

Into the air.

At the moment, several people are being kidnapped.

Chen GE's family.

Even Su Muhan was bound to the stone pillars.

Chen DIANCANG has told Su Muhan everything.

Although Mu Han lost his memory.

But she knew very well that there was a man who had been searching for himself for four or five years.

She would like to know, this man, after all, is not his heart that fuzzy figure?

"Chen DIANCANG, you have designed so many ambushes for Xiaoge. You know, Xiaoge has no grudge against you. Why do you treat us so much and treat Xiaoge so much? Do you have to kill the song? "

Chen Jindong has been very vicissitudes, but at the moment, he is still begging Chen DIANCANG.

"It's no use. Maybe this is your destiny. You are born with this value, and it is this value that pushes you to the end!"

Chen DIANCANG shakes his head and smiles bitterly.

"But Chen DIANCANG, you must not forget that before you, there are many forces staring at you. Although I can't remember what happened to Chen Ge and me, and I don't know what you want from him, I can tell you clearly that you won't get any benefits!"

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Su Mu Han is also angry at the moment.

"Ha ha ha ha, you are wrong. If this Chen song is destroyed today, do you think I will still put it in my eyes?"

Chen DIANCANG looked up and laughed.

At the moment, his eyes suddenly became cold.

Look down: "look, he's here!"

Chen DIANCANG sneered.

At the same time, the eyes have a strong sense of fear.

After all, Chen GE's strength, which he has already learned, is extremely strong. If it wasn't for the Dragon killing array here, Chen DIANCANG would have been less confident.


"You are very punctual

Chen Ge looked at Chen DIANCANG, who sat cross legged, and said coldly.

Today, it is necessary to make a life and death decision with this person who was highly respected before. Chen GE's heart is inevitably somewhat different.

"Chen Ge, I lost my Qi and blood in the first battle yesterday. After one round, I fell into the downwind, which is enough to show that today's war will be a great war!"

Chen DIANCANG opened his eyes and looked at Chen Ge and said, "however, don't think that you can do whatever you want if you are a little conceited and surpass others. As I told you before, the world is very big and there will always be a side you can't see. Today, I will not only kill you, but also take the lives of all the people in xuanyang palace and Chen family! ~Do you dare to gamble? If you don't dare, I'll spare you xuanyang palace if you don't dare

There was a chill in his eyes, as if he had no life. Chen DIANCANG's words, so that the surrounding air seems to be a bit cold.

"Oh? The purpose of our engagement is to understand the gratitude and resentment. What's more, you didn't get any advantage from me yesterday. Of course, I know very well that you must be ready for this trip! "

"However, if you want me to gamble on the lives of xuanyang palace and Chen family, what should you do if you lose?"

Chen Ge said slightly, "if you lose, I not only want your life, but also your whole Xiuzhen Chen family. Do you have any objection?"

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Hearing the sound of Chen DIANCANG, the eyes of the essence of a flash.

Cold voice way, "very good, today, I would like to see, you actually have a few catties or two!"

As soon as the voice falls, Chen DIANCANG's eyes slightly coagulate.

Suddenly, a long black staff appeared in his hand, just like a Dharma staff, sweeping Chen Ge.

The long stick was only half a meter long, but when Chen DIANCANG swept away, a virtual shadow suddenly appeared, but it directly extended to more than 20 meters.

And with a burst of empty sound.

Go straight to Chen Ge.

War is on the verge of outbreak!!!

Chen Ge stepped on his feet and flew directly off the ground.

"Boom, boom!"

Where the long stick passed, there was a burst of sound.

A few stone pillars were swept to pieces in an instant.

Shake the stick slightly.

As if with eyes, he began to attack Chen Ge.

"Bang bang bang!"

Chen Ge waved.

Immediately, he smiles on his face, then bends his fingers and flicks at the long stick.

There was a burst of sound coming from the long stick, which broke completely.

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And that touch from Chen singer ejected out of the momentum, is not stopped, directly toward Chen DIANCANG."Boom

Chen DIANCANG was a little surprised at the same time, while his body quickly left the ground, the next moment, the ground smashed.

Countless stones fell under the Zhenlong tower.

After stabilizing his body, Chen DIANCANG looked at the long staff which had been broken into slag and the torn mouth of the tiger in his hand. He was full of horror.

"What a strong spirit! It seems that you are being underestimated! "

Chen DIANCANG was shocked and then looked at Chen Ge squarely.

"It seems that I can't defeat you just by pestering me like this!"

Chen DIANCANG sneered and immediately opened his hands.

At that time, I saw two green dragons appear on Chen DIANCANG's hands.

The green dragon circled over the palm of his hand, making bursts of roaring sound.

And the wind and cloud, it seems to change color at the moment.

With the appearance of two green dragons, the sky around seems to be dark at this time.

Bursts of hurricanes, but also blowing a lot of tower stones and even big stones are thrown into the air.

Even the people standing under the tower felt the extraordinary place of Chen DIANCANG's means.

"Double dragon array?"

Smiling cangsheng looked at the color changing sky around, and looked at the sound of the Dragon whistling on the mountain top. At the moment, his eyes were a little dull, and he could not help but fear to open his mouth!

This is the war between the wheel kings. It's too strong.

With the sacrifice of the double dragon array.

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See Chen DIANCANG's feet, jump in the air.

Chen DIANCANG held the Double Dragons in his cold eyes, stared at Chen Ge and said with a sneer, "Chen Ge child, I have been practicing hard with the help of the magic power for decades. May you block my double dragon array again?"

This double dragon array was made by Chen DIANCANG after sixty years of practice.

Supreme, can destroy all living beings!

Chen DIANCANG used it before, but it has not been used for decades.

Chen Ge, with his hands on his back, looked at the huge array, but he shook his head and laughed. He only returned two words, which almost made Chen DIANCANG vomit blood.

"That's it!" Chen Ge shook his head coldly.

"What a shame! Teach you to appreciate the power of my double dragon array. From now on, you Chen Ge will no longer exist! "

Chen DIANCANG's eyes were cold, and a cold word burst out of his mouth.

In a moment, one of them explored.


It seems that a roar can be heard from the roaring dragon.

All the people on the hillside could not help but cover their ears. It was the sound that really made the deaf and enlightening.

People stare to see, a huge green dragon, even toward Chen Ge attack and go.

I can't help but be surprised.

Chen DIANCANG is worthy of being a famous wheel king for a long time! It is worthy of its reputation. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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