The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 796: 796

Lin Jiu was shocked.

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The heart was suddenly lifted.

The next moment, I saw that the green dragon was about to attack.

All of a sudden, Chen Ge stood in the position, out of thin air rose a golden arc light, covering Chen Ge.

When Qinglong touched the golden arc light, he seemed to have been hit by something, and his body almost trembled.

"My God! Sir, what is this

Smile at the life and death of staring. I can't help but blurt out in surprise.

And equally surprised, there is Chen DIANCANG.

He knows the power of the double dragon array.

But Chen GE's golden curved body shield? What's going on?

This can't be a magic weapon, because the double dragon array can't be blocked by any magic weapon.

Moreover, it is not a simple internal force. No matter how strong one's internal strength is, it is impossible to block the power of the array.

What's going on?

Chen DIANCANG looked at his own green dragon and was nearly smashed.

My heart is shaking.

Then, he saw Chen GE's body floating slowly in the void.

Let Chen DIANCANG understand for a moment, and then he can't help but exclaim,

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"it turns out that Chen GE has already practiced many secret methods. No wonder his martial arts skills are so amazing?"

Chen DIANCANG was shocked at the same time, cold eyes, hands suddenly force.

Sacrifice all the other green dragons.

The two dragons come out together, and the blue dragon is more like lightning.

Toward Chen GE's shield above the fierce impact.

"Chen DIANCANG, you spend your true Qi like this. In the end, you will have exhausted your true Qi before you fight me head-on Don't tell me that you want to kill me by these means when you know that you are not against me

Every time Qinglong hits Chen GE's body shield, the body shield will be bigger.

But Chen's hands are slightly toward Chen cangge.

On Chen DIANCANG's arm, the blue veins burst out, and his face was even more pale to the extreme.

"No way, how can it be!"

Chen DIANCANG exhausted all his mana and tried to break Chen GE's body shield, but he found that he was doing useless work.

Why is Chen Ge so good at cultivation? Yesterday's war, he was no more than the third round king? Now, how to look at it, I feel that his cultivation has been above the third grade, and far beyond himself!

It's terrible. Jiuzhuanyuanshen. It's terrible!


The more distrustful Chen DIANCANG was, the more he tried his best. Unexpectedly, there was an explosion.

When the two huge green dragons of the double dragon array finally hit the protective light shield, they suddenly made a burst of noise. At the end, they saw the two green dragons, just like a big stone breaking the glass, and they were broken in an instant.

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But Chen DIANCANG, in the mouth is the blood spurt wildly, fell directly from the air.


Chen DIANCANG looks at Chen Ge with horror on his face.

Because he found that even if he exhausted his whole body, he could not break Chen GE's defense.

No way! impossible!

Chen DIANCANG's eyes are totally incredible.

But the crowd, who were watching, did not know what was going on.

Because just now, from the Zhenlong tower, there was a very dazzling light. The light flashed, and all the people's eyes were closed.

However, when he opened it again, he found that Chen DIANCANG, the legendary king of South Asia, had already been lying on the ground.


Naturally, the Chen family of Xiuzhen was also under the Zhenlong tower. One of them was a young master. He looked at everything in front of him with a sneer, but he didn't expect it would be like this.

Can't even grandfather do anything to Chen Ge?

And Xiao cangsheng and Lin Jiu were deeply shocked by the wonderful scene and the never seen fight.

"Chen Ge, are these strange skills all derived from Lingxiao? It's no wonder that I can't see the relics of these skills through the whole ancient tomb. "

Chen DIANCANG was surprised.

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At the same time, his face pale, slowly from the ground to stand up again, a pair of eyes staring at Chen Ge asked.

"If you don't say this, I really forget. I told you about the ancient tomb, but I didn't tell you one thing, that is, brother Lingxiao's martial arts skills were not in his tomb, but in a jade pendant. Fortunately, I didn't tell you about it!"

Chen Ge said.

Chen DIANCANG nodded suddenly, "OK, interesting, so interesting!"

Chen DIANCANG is not angry but laughs, but soon, Chen DIANCANG turns his words and says, "it's a pity, but a pity..."Chen DIANCANG stares at Chen Ge and shakes his head slightly.

"What a pity?"

Chen Ge asked.

Chen DIANCANG said, "it's a pity that you have a talent that others can't get even if you practice for a few lifetime. Unfortunately, you are an extraordinary talent. However, you are the enemy of Chen DIANCANG, so today you can't escape death!"

"Even when I think about it now, I feel a little heartache. If you don't have the nine turn God in your body, but you are my real grandson, that would be great. We can dominate the three realms together!"

Chen DIANCANG smiles bitterly and shakes his head.

"But it's too late, Chen Ge. I'll finish you today. Otherwise, with your terrible speed, there's nothing in the world that can control you during holidays."

After that, he saw Chen DIANCANG's heart position. Suddenly, a black ghost flower came out of it. The ghost flower was only the size of an adult's palm, but it seemed to contain an unusual energy.

Ghost flower slowly floating up, suddenly shot a ray of light, directly shrouded Chen DIANCANG.


There was a sound under the Zhenlong tower.

Almost everyone felt the ground trembling slightly.

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"Well? What happened? "

"Is this an earthquake?"

People were surprised.

"What is your formation?"

Looking at the changes around, Chen Ge can't help frowning.

"By the luck of the whole country, we will sacrifice the ancient array, and the ancient left array - the Dragon destroying array!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chen DIANCANG pinned all his accomplishments on the ghost flower, and even more urged with the last trace of true Qi, he beat the ghost flower over.

This ghost flower is the ultimate flower that Chen DIANCANG has worked hard for decades to refine.

It's a magic weapon.

With its power, you can enhance your spiritual consciousness and open the array by force.

Even strictly speaking, it has long been beyond the scope of magic tools.

Because it is difficult for ordinary people to understand the process of implanting this magic weapon into the human body, that is, to integrate the ultimate ghost flower into the heart.

Use this magic device to run.

The ultimate ghost flower magic instrument is the root of Chen DIANCANG.

Now, Chen DIANCANG has really thrown out all his life to deal with Chen Ge. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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