The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 798: 798

Zhenlong tower collapsed directly.

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First of all, a huge dust was raised, and the dust rose all over the sky.

The ground under the Zhenlong tower is even more divided into gullies.

Of course, this is not the key to cause people's surprise, but a series of colorful lights, rising from the sky.

The light is so dazzling.

Almost everyone felt that it must be a treasure.

However, Chen Ge did not move, and no one dared to approach.

They were really worried that if they were not careful, they would be killed directly by the king of Northern Territory.


Chen DIANCANG is being carried away by all the Chen family.

Seeing the multicolored light, he glared and cried all the time.

But no one could hear him.

He seems to be trying to stop something.


The ghost operator looks at Chen Ge.

Chen Ge nodded and walked towards the bottom of the tower.

At the bottom of the tower, a deep pit like a big well has been split.

It looks more like an underground palace!

The Zhenlong tower collapsed and rose from the ground. The living ones tore up the top of the palace.

"What on earth is it?"

The crowd was impatient.

Chen Ge looks inside.

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It turned out to be a colorful pool in the center of the underground palace.

The underground palace is more than 20 meters away from the ground.

Chen Ge with the ghost operator and others, jump down.

The deeper it goes.

Chen GE has a strange feeling.

Because the aura here is so abundant.

Chen ge used to practice. He knew alchemy and could refine some special pills to help him practice.

Plus the talent brought by the nine turn yuan God, it's not as fast as you think, but it's OK.

Because the aura of the earth is like this, you can't expect anything at all.

But now this feeling is very different from before.

The spirit is coming.

The whole body is more like soaking in it.

Lin Jiu laughs at everyone, and his eyes are widened.

Feel the changes that are beginning to take place in your body.

Because of the aura, they drill into every cell of their body.

How to describe this feeling?

It's like, you used to be a poor boy without money, and he wanted to get rich every day, but the reality tells you that it's impossible to get rich.

I can only live in such a big environment.

But you can't imagine that one day, suddenly, your account suddenly increased by 1 trillion, 10 trillion of this amazing pleasure.

Even Chen Ge was shocked.

"How can you have such a rich aura? Where on earth is this? "

Laugh, people are shocked.

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Chen Ge frowned and first looked at the palace.

In the end, I fell into the colorful ancient pool.

After pondering for a while, he suddenly raised his head and said:

"hiss, this pool of water seems to be a kind of spiritual source mentioned by sister Ziyan to me?"

Lingyuan, as the name implies, is the source of Reiki, equivalent to the borehole.

It can release a lot of spirits.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, there was an era of the practitioners on earth.

At that time, the practitioners were in a vertical and horizontal way, with great gods all over the place, and more powerful, they condensed the immortal body.

You should know that from the beginning of the friars, every level of cultivation has to pay a great price.

From the friar to the wheel king, and then to break through the real person, and the legendary level of the earth immortal, how difficult it is.

But at that time, there were people who could refine the body.

Now, it's hard to say whether there is a nine pin wheel king in the world, let alone a real person.

The reason is the sudden depletion of aura on the earth's surface.

It caused the turbulence of heaven and earth, the frequent occurrence of natural calamities, and the era of cultivation of truth, which eventually died out for this reason.

Those who could escape the natural calamity discovered in time that the earth was not solid at all, but hollow.

There is still a world between the earth's crust and the earth's core.

That world, using the earth's center as its energy, is equivalent to the sun.

For hundreds of thousands of years, they have lived and developed there.

However, it is also impossible to restore the previous peak of cultivation.

You know, before the earth, but everywhere is full of spiritual sources.

Unexpectedly, under the Dragon Tower of this town, it turns out to be the location of a spiritual source.

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If I had been practicing here before, it would be very difficult to break through to a real person, but it would not be a problem to reach the eight grade wheel king!Chen Ge thought.

"Sir, it seems that someone has been here, and there are other things in it!"

Ghost operator has been inspected once, and said in a hurry.

"Let the people of xuanyang palace block the vicinity of Zhenlong tower, and no one can enter it!"

A light command, Lin nine immediately went to do.

Chen GE's eyes were able to leave the spiritual source and look at other places.

Although the palace is not big, the sparrow is small and has five internal organs.

In one corner, there is a coffin.

Chen Ge takes a closer look.

The coffin is not someone else, but the God of war.

On that day, Chen DIANCANG killed the Python and took away the body of Lingxiao elder brother. It turned out that it was stored here. No wonder this old guy would choose this place as the decisive battle place with me.

Because in the palace, there is also a big alchemy stove.

Chen Ge knows that this is Chen DIANCANG for refining himself.

If he had not broken through the five ranks of friars, I'm afraid he would have fallen into the hands of Chen DIANCANG.

Chen GE has some regrets.

"Sir, look, there is still an ancient book here!"

Ghost operator at the moment picked up a parchment book, some surprised call Chen Ge.

Chen Ge takes it from his hand.

Parchment books, because of their long history, have been somewhat scattered.

But we can still understand the content clearly.

Above, first there is a strange plant pattern.

Then there are two maps.

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Immediately after that, there are some text introduction.

It seems that Chen DIANCANG has a lot of time to study this kind of ancient books, because most of these words are marked by him.

"Sir, what does this parchment tell you?" Asked Xiao cangsheng.

"The first is this plant. If I'm not wrong, this mysterious ancient plant seems to be the yuanxincao recorded in an ancient alchemy book taught to me by brother Lingxiao!"

Chen Ge looked at the plant carefully, and could not help saying something serious.

"Cao Yuan?"

Laughter, cangsheng and ghost operators are unknown.

Chen Ge said to himself: "this kind of Yuanxin grass is the main refining material of jinyuandan. Today, even in the present boundary, the ancient plants of Yuanxin grass have disappeared. Even in the period of Xiuzhen civilization, Yuanxin grass is one of the most precious materials! Very rare! "

Thinking about the records in ancient books of alchemy, Chen Ge told them.

"The ancient materials of Jin Yuan Dan? My God

Hearing the speech, he almost fell off his chin.

"Smile elder, do you know Jin Yuan Dan?"

The ghost operator on the side asked unexpectedly.

"Of course I know, this Jin Yuan Dan is an essential material to enter the realm of real people from Lunwang. It's very difficult to become a Lunwang. In thousands of years, it's not that no one has reached the ninth grade of Lunwang realm, but because there is no Jinyuan pill, you can't be a real person at all! There has never been a person... "

Laugh and sigh.

"I can't imagine that this Jin Yuan Dan is so crucial!" The ghost operator nods.

"Yes, the yuanxincao can't be found at all, so let alone jinyuandan. Without its help, a rash breakthrough will only lead to the death of the broken body!"

Chen Ge explained a sentence, that is to look at the following content.

This is a map.

After a look, Chen GE's eyelids cluttered for a while, and his whole body was shocked! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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