The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 799: 799

"What does this map say, sir?"

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Seeing Chen GE's expression, the ghost operator couldn't help asking.

"There are two maps, one showing the entrance to the boundary. As for the other pair, its position seems to be in a region between the boundary and the earth's surface, and the mark on it seems to be the location of the yuanxincao! "

This is what surprised Chen Ge.

According to common sense, looking for yuanxincao is as difficult as looking for a grain of sand in the vast ocean.

But when Chen DIANCANG got these things, he really marked the location of yuanxincao.

Chen Ge was very excited about this discovery.

Poor Chen DIANCANG, thousands of miles of layout, mechanism calculation, but not to think, all of these for their own dowry?

It seems that Chen DIANCANG has learned where yuanxincao is. By borrowing him, Chen DIANCANG can break through to the legendary realm of real people. With his blessing of jiuzhuan Yuanshen, he can really reach a very high level of cultivation.

It's just that he missed a step.

Even if it is the sacrifice of the Dragon killing array, it is not an enemy of our own.

No wonder he was on his deathbed full of reluctance.

"Sir, and this thing, it looks like the legendary Najie!"

Laughing at cangsheng, he took a simple ring from one side.

Chen Ge a look, can not be exactly Ziyan sister said, the existence of ancient times a magic weapon, Najie.

"Chen DIANCANG, I think I got too many good things!"

Chen Ge looks at Najie carefully.

"Can you use it, sir? I've only heard about it in some ancient books! "

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Smiling, cangsheng asked.

Chen GE's mouth showed a smile: "how difficult is this?"

A little bit of spirituality through it.

In an instant, the two built a bridge of communication.

There is about 200 square meters of space in the Najie, and Chen DIANCANG has put a lot of good things in it.

Chen Ge takes a general look at it with his spiritual sense.

Most of them are rare medicinal materials, even those that have disappeared.

Take it!

When the spirit consciousness moves again, he can see that the ancient scroll of sheepskin in his hand turns into a light and shadow, which is taken into Najie.

Laugh at ordinary people and call for good means.

The body of Lingxiao elder brother is also absorbed into Najie with Chen Ge. If you have a chance in the future, you should give the body of Lingxiao elder brother to Ziyan elder sister.

"Here, I'm going to use the power of dragon blood jade pendant to set up a formation and seal it up. Master ghost, you'll send xuanyang palace people to take good care of it!"

After that, Chen Ge ordered.

"I understand!"

"Well, during this period of time, I will help Mu Han recover her memory. She has been cleaned out of all traces in her brain with special drugs. In the long run, her body will be greatly injured. Therefore, during this period of time, the three of you will pay more attention to the matters in the palace."

Chen gedao.

It's no surprise to clean up the leaderless Chen family.

Chen Ge now has the source of spirit, as well as all the treasures that Chen DIANCANG has taken in.

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In particular, some precious medicinal materials left by Chen DIANCANG are of great help to help Su Muhan recover his memory.

Naturally, there was no South Yue State to rely on for a moment, but at the moment it was a wish that the king of the northern border could settle in. Therefore, the Zhenlong tower area, as a forbidden area, belonged to xuanyang palace.

As long as Chen Ge can promise to protect the peace of Nanyue.

For Chen Ge, it was a very good deal.

The matter of Lingyuan is not trivial. It will easily lead to the contention of other parties.

So in order to avoid being disturbed, Chen Ge also conceals the news.

In addition to its own use, Chen Ge also made Lingyuan into a kind of medicine for xuanyang palace.

In the blink of an eye, five years have passed in this state

At the moment, in the territory of South Vietnam, the original location of Zhenlong tower has become a castle like building.

In addition to this building, not only are there serious diseases to guard, but also there are strict care of those who practice the truth.

No one dares to approach within a hundred miles.

"Sir, you're not coming out yet?"

In the core area, outside a mysterious cave, there are ten old people standing on both sides.

They murmured.

One of the old men was pacing back and forth with his hands on his back.

"I'm joking, elder. Can you stop turning around? I'm dazzled when I see him!"

Elder Lin Jiu could not help shaking his head and laughing bitterly.

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The other eight people also criticized Xiao cangsheng.

Some of the remaining eight elders grew up with Chen Ge from xuanyang palace.

There are also strong people who turn to Chen Ge later.Because in five years, there were too many strong people who took refuge in the king of Northern Territory.

It has already formed scale.

The ten elders of xuanyang Palace also appeared.

He is the first-class valiant general under the command of the king of the northern frontier.

"Stop fighting!"

At this time, an old voice rang out, and all the people were respectful immediately.

"Master ghost!"

The ten elders bowed slightly.

And see the ghost master next to a beautiful woman coming, these ten people are more respectful atmosphere, do not dare to breathe.

"Miss Su!"

Ten people said again.

This beautiful woman is not su Muhan.

After five years of careful treatment and care by Chen Ge, Su Muhan has recovered his previous memory of seven or eight points.

If it had not been for the constant provocation of external forces in the past five years, I am afraid the two would have been married.

"Mr. Su has been taking care of Miss Su all these years. In order to help Miss Su recover her memory, they went back to Jinling for three years. Now, Mr. Su has been closed for one year to practice. On the day of leaving the pass, you are not so strict. Be careful to bear your anger!"

"And don't forget that Miss Su was almost recaptured by people in the boundary a year ago!"

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The ghost operator warns.

The ten elders even said yes, and they were terrified.

A year ago, Chen Ge chose to close down in order to deal with many powerful enemies.

At the same time, the Qin family of Jieyu instructed them to come to snatch Miss Su Muhan.

The ten elders fought with each other to keep Miss Su.

It is very common for some forces in the boundary area to send people to establish family forces on the earth's surface to intervene in the affairs of the earth.

Like Chen DIANCANG, there are not a few Lunwang forces who secretly collude with boundary forces and are willing to become puppets.

These enmities, coupled with the events of Lingyuan two years ago, are still known by other forces.

Therefore, in recent years, disputes continue.


At this time, the blue stone gate at the entrance of the underground palace suddenly trembled a little.

Follow closely, the stone door slowly opened.

Everyone was quiet.

And Su Muhan, is also a pretty face slightly red looking at the stone gate.

I was so excited.

Mr. Chen It's time to get out! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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