The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 804: 804


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A moment later, Ma Yongxin arrived with people.

When he saw his dying son, he was devastated.

Zhou and ma have ruled the whole city for many years.

Today, in the DIDU region, the Ma family is the only one.

But I didn't expect that Ma Ziqiang, the only son of Ma Yongxin, who has been regarded as the successor of the future Ma family, has been hit hard like this.

"Did you hurt the young master?"

Ma Yongxin at the moment full of killing intention, staring at seven evil spirits.

It's very impressive.

That is, let's seven Sha whole body a shock, crawling on the ground.

Nine grade wheel king, it's terrible.

Can ma Yongxin's momentum be borne by seven people?

"No! My Lord, young master, was hurt by Zhou Nuo, the daughter of Zhou family, in collusion with a young man, and the young man took away the map of Youming valley which ma Shao had fought for. Seven of us attacked and robbed him, but he mentioned that the young master resisted. The young master's injury has nothing to do with us! "

Cried the first blind man.

"Young man?"

Ma Yongxin's voice is very cold.

"Hum, they robbed the map, and they must go to the Youming Valley at the first time. Now, it must not be far away. I have stabilized the young master's life. You escort the young master back. I will kill this son and take back the map!"

Ma Yongxin voice cold command way.

At the same time, his eyes flashed a sense of killing.


Before people do the ceremony, it is to see a flash of light, Ma Yongxin, the whole person has disappeared.

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On the way.

"Well, why did you stop? With the map of our house, you can enter the netherworld Valley before dark. Now it's only one step away

Chen Ge suddenly stopped.

Zhou Nuo couldn't help but ask.

"No, my sky eye has been flickering uneasily, which indicates that our trip is a sign of great evil. I ruined that Ma Ziqiang. I think the horse family will not give up. Maybe at this moment, they have learned everything, and they have quickly moved towards the direction of Youming valley. Therefore, the Youming Valley can not enter for the time being."

Chen Ge said.


Zhou Nuo said.

"How can't it be? The horse family has been around for hundreds of years. Do you think all the people in their family are idiots?"

Chen Ge said, here to look at: "for today's plan, is that we first hide, and then observe its change!"

But his voice fell.

Is to hear the wind whistling around.

"Children, where to run!"

A roar, almost in all directions.

The hurricane is cold, the leaves are cold!


A sound, you can see the air in the rapid condensation of leaves, soon solidified into a huge ball.

Wearing the spirit of killing, he rolled directly towards Chen Ge.

Jiupin Lunwang realm!

Chen GE's eyelids beat hard.

Take Zhou Nuo's arm and keep retreating.

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But the huge ball is very fast.


Holding Zhou Nuo, they jumped into the air.


Violent explosion, ground tremor, surrounding a few strong trees, is in an instant directly smashed.

Random leaves into catkins, flying all over the sky.

Chen Ge went back several steps in succession, which was really strong.

"What a young man, how dare to hurt my son Ma Yongxin. Today, I will tear you apart and avenge my son. If you are wise, hand in your map and lead me to death!"

On the tall trees.

Ma Yongxin, holding his shoulders in his hands, fell slowly like a God.

Ma Yongxin, the head of Ma family in the capital of the land, is the king of nine grade wheel and the state of cultivation.

He has great powers.

"Chen Ge, what should we do now? He came too fast, and his accomplishments are very high."

Zhou Nuo pulled Chen GE's arm in despair.

Chen Ge also obviously underestimated the ability of a nine grade monk.

In fact, as early as Chen GE's eye had a sense, Chen Ge should have left with Zhou Nuo.

After all, he was a nine grade monk, and his speed could not be judged by the speed of ordinary friars.

At present, Chen GE's heart is also in the fast calculation.

Just now Ma Yongxin's attack, Chen Ge understood the gap between the strength of the two, hard hit hard, is simply looking for death.

After all, this is Jiupin. Even those who own jiuzhuan Yuanshen are hard to break through.

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"Good boy, you are so young, and you are already the king of eight grade wheel. It seems that if I don't get rid of you today, I'm afraid that I will also raise a tiger in the future."

After Ma Yongxin looked at Chen Ge, he was startled by the state of Chen Ge.Later, the murder in his eyes revealed his determination to kill Chen Ge.

"No matter, try it first!"

Chen Ge thought of an idea.

The next one raised his hand: "Ma Jiazhu, wait a minute. Although I'm Chen Ge, I'm already the king of eight grades, but you also know how big the gap is with Jiupin. If we fight like this, I'm sure I won't be the opponent of Ma's master!"

"Hehe, boy, you are wise. How should we fight?"

"My suggestion is that we should give each other three palms. After three palms, we should see who falls down! Of course, Ma can also refuse. After all, you have the initiative now! "

Chen Ge said.

"Hehe, good boy, do you want to use the method of encouragement? However, my son was beaten half of his life by you. Today, no matter how eloquent you are, you can't escape death. However, you are different from ordinary people. If you get your real yuan and use it on my son, it will be a remedy! "

"In this way, I am really afraid of chaos and war, and will directly destroy your real yuan. OK, I will promise you! Let's give each other a slap! "

In front of him, Ma Yongyi stood in front of him with a sneer.

"Boy, let's do it!"

Ma Yongxin holds his shoulder and ignores it.

"Then I'm not polite."

Chen Ge moves the true Qi in his body and puts all the Qi in his palm.

He slapped Ma Yongxin hard.


In one stroke, Chen Ge felt a tearing pain from the mouth of his tiger. This palm, like hitting a mountain, could not break the defense of Ma Yongxin.


Real Qi rebounded, Chen ge back several steps.

There's a big gap between them!

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Chen Ge was shocked.

"Second hand!"

No matter what, Chen Ge tried his best to play the second hand.

This time, the earthquake was more severe than before.

Chen GE's back was directly shaken through, spitting blood at his mouth and stepping back several steps.

"Ha ha ha, ignorant child, although you are not the eight grade wheel king, which is rare in the world, you can't break my Tiangang huntian body protection skill!"

"So, in front of me, you have to die!"

Ma Yongxin looks up and laughs.

"Chen Ge, can you do it?"

Zhou Nuo asked anxiously in one side.

"The last one!"

Chen Ge supported his body to stand up and gritted his teeth.

Condense the true Qi again, directly toward Ma Yongxin again.

"Ha ha ha, useless!"

Ma Yongxin shakes his head.

The next second, however, he was stunned.

It is to see that Chen GE's eyes closed in the air, and an eye grew out of his forehead.

A strong golden light, directly through the body.


Ma Yongxin is shocked , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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