The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 805: 805

By the time Ma Yongxin wanted to respond, it was too late.

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Because this golden awn is hard to stop, and it is too sudden.

He was swept in the eye directly, and then went back several steps. He was vertigo in place directly.

And take advantage of this opportunity.

Chen Ge ran over and pulled Zhou Nuo to leave directly.

"Son of a bitch, how dare you plot against me? Today I, Ma Yongxin, will surely tear you to pieces!"

Ma Yongxin's spiritual strength has been hit hard. At the moment, he is unwilling to look at Chen GE's back and hate to gnash his teeth.

Chen Ge did not dare to delay.

He knows that his strength is relatively weak now. Even with the help of Tianyan, he can only hold Ma Yongxin for the time being. For today's plan, hiding is impossible.

Only with the help of the map of Youming Valley in your hand, you can enter the netherworld Valley and resist Ma Yongxin with the help of mechanisms.

Chen Ge along the way, a glance, will have all the map of the mechanism printed in his mind.

Then he destroyed the map.

With Zhou Nuo, he entered the deep valley filled with black fog.

"Hoo, we should enter the hinterland of Youming valley now. Ma Yongxin, shouldn't be chasing after him?"

Zhou Nuo gasped heavily and looked at the dark and strange environment around him. He could not help speaking.

"Not necessarily. Ma Yongxin is not easy to deal with. Let's be careful."

Chen Ge frowned.

At the same time, he looked around with vigilance.

From entering the valley to now, Chen GE has avoided many deadly arrays and mechanisms with the help of maps.

But that's not a panacea either. Some small wild animals in ancient times along the road also made them in a mess.

For example, if Chen Ge didn't react quickly to the yellow rock snake just now, it would have killed two people in an instant.

Therefore, Chen Ge is very cautious.

Squeak, squeak

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And at this time, a board swaying sound, clear into the ears of two people.

"Chen Ge, listen to me. What's going on?"

And Zhou Nuo put his heart up to his throat and looked around in panic.

This voice, on the contrary, is more clear.

"Yes, Shh!"

Chen Ge made a silent gesture.

At the moment, he was absorbed. Finally, in some dark environment, Chen Ge locked in the position of the sound source.

When I see something in front of me.


Zhou Nuo screamed with fright and hid behind Chen Ge directly.

In front of me, there is a wooden wheel car, and on the wheel car, there is a big coffin with lipstick paint.

This wheel car, no one automatic, is holding the coffin, toward Chen Ge two people.

Squeak, squeak!

The sound of the board breaking at any time indicated that there might be a big thing inside the coffin.

Chen Ge is also the first time to see this kind of battle, now in the heart said not to panic is false.

"It's not a dog, is it?"

Chen Ge said to himself in a somewhat muddled way.

He, in short, is a mummy, naturally, commonly known as zombies.

this kind of thing is the corpse monster that the body absorbs the essence of the sun and moon.

He is fierce and bloodthirsty. He is powerful and immortal.

These are all clues that Chen GE learned from the film before.

"Zombies? Chen Ge, don't scare me! How could there be such a thing in this deep valley

Zhou Nuo spat wildly.

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"This deep valley has a history of 10000 years at least. Even if dinosaurs appear, I'm not surprised!"

Chen Ge preached.

Chen Ge is trying to pull Zhou Nuo, bypassing the coffin directly away.

I didn't expect that.


The wooden cart started directly and attacked Chen Ge.

"Get out of the way!"

Chen Ge pushed Zhou Nuo away.

Then he pinched the sword and hit the board.

But this wooden cart, like a living thing, is avoided.

Bang, Chen GE's sword, will be behind a huge stone, to split into pieces.


The next moment, the lid of the coffin burst into white smoke.

The cover plate, like a magic arrow, turned into a shadow, and hit Chen GE's chest directly.


Chen Ge raised his hand and clapped it on it.

A fight, Chen Ge heart was shocked.

A strong force came.

Drag Chen GE's body, back dozens of meters.

"Chen Ge, are you ok?"

Zhou Nuo said in a hurry.

To tell you the truth, although Zhou Nuo has the mentality of using Chen Ge to live, she is really worried about Chen Ge when she sees Chen Ge injured.After all, this is not the first time Chen GE has saved himself.

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If it had not been for him, I would have been dead.

"This thing, so strong! Another Ma Yongxin! "

Chen GE's arm, at the moment, all the blue tendons protruded, and his arm became numb.

In the coffin, the white smoke has not yet completely dissipated.

That is to see, a pair of ancient official boots, slowly appeared on the top of the coffin.

Closely followed, a body more than two meters high, dressed in official clothes, but with a face covered with green hair, stood on the edge of the coffin.

He had a black face, blue hair, green eyes and two big white tusks.

The fingernails of an opponent are like steel forks, which are 20 cm long.

"Stiff Zombies

Zhou Nuo quickly helped Chen Ge up.


Zombies stare at Chen Ge Zhou Nuo for a long time and roar.

A full jump more than 20 meters away, toward Chen Ge.

This body, like a hill, directly covers the top!

Eye of heaven!

Chen GE's eyes closed, and the third eye appeared.


Shoot out a strong golden awn and hit the zombie.


But bombard on the zombie, in addition to let him temporarily stop a point, there is no other way.

Chen Ge wants to fly.

The zombie has arrived, clasping Chen GE's shoulder.

This strength, like a thousand years of black iron refining iron rope, with the general lock.

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It's hard to break free.


The zombie throws Chen Ge hard.

More than 30 boulders were smashed in succession.

The power of this blow even made Chen GE's body almost disperse. If he wanted to condense his true Qi, he couldn't cohere.

This beast, too strong!

Chen Ge covered her chest in horror.

And the zombie, with black gas in his mouth, began to walk slowly towards Chen Ge.

"You beast, don't move any more. You and your newborn son were murdered by enemies and buried here with strong resentment. If you dare to move one step further, I will destroy your son's swaddling clothes!"

And in Chen Ge mouth spit blood, do not know how to deal with the time.

Zhou Nuo ran to the lipstick lacquer coffin, endure the huge smell, took out a colorful swaddling clothes.

The baby's body inside has long been gone.

Only the swaddling clothes for the baby were left.

But obviously, this thing is taken seriously by this zombie.

Now, he really stopped.


Full face angry roared at Zhou Nuo.

It turns out that Chen Ge fought with the zombies just now, and Zhou Nuo was in a hurry. At the same time, he happened to see some things about the coffin owner's life on the cover of the coffin.

I don't know whether it works or not. That's why we have this scene.

But obviously, Zhou Nuo is right! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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