The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 806: 806

"Chen Ge, get up quickly!"

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Zhou Nuo quickly helped Chen Ge up.

Chen Ge took the rag like swaddling clothes.

"Beast, if you go one step further, I will destroy this thing!"

Chen Ge threatened.


Unexpectedly, the zombie raised his palms and motioned Chen Ge not to act rashly, and then went back ten steps in succession.

"I didn't expect this thing to have human nature."

Zhou Nuo in the side, finally is some big stone fell to the ground like to say.

And just as they were breathing a sigh of relief.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

There was a burst of laughter in the air.

With a flash of light and shadow in the air, I saw a figure falling in front of Chen Ge.

But at the moment this figure, looks more embarrassed.

It's not Ma Yongxin who else can be.

"Stinky boy, do you think you can get rid of me so smoothly with your map of Youming Valley? I've been here and there for nearly a hundred years. No one can slip away from me! "

"It's just that you really have a great creation in you. If your heavenly eye is of the same cultivation and you use it to me, I'm afraid my brain has already been severely damaged! Today, it seems not only to kill you, but also to take away your good fortune

Ma Yongxin clenched his hand.


His eyes are full of banter.

Today, how can you escape!

"Ma Yongxin, you old bastard, one day, you will not die easily!"

Zhou Nuo cursed in despair.

"Well, if there is one day, you will not see it!"

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Ma Yongxin smiles.

I'm going to take Chen Ge.

"Do you really think that Chen Ge is what you want to catch?"

Chen Ge covered his chest and said.

"Ha ha, what other skills do you have? I can't. I'll give you three more blows! "

Ma Yongxin smiles bitterly and shakes his head.

"Look at the hidden weapon!"

As soon as he spoke, he saw Chen Ge raise his hand.

With swaddling clothes in hand, Chen GE has kneaded it into a ball and threw it towards Ma Yongxin.


Ma Yongxin grabbed him.

"Ha ha ha, stinky boy, are you scared to be mentally retarded by my power? What a piece of rag do you use as a concealed weapon

Ma Yongxin laughs.

Then, he raised his hand and his swaddling clothes were burned to ashes by a fire in the palm of his hand.




And this scene, one side of the zombie completely saw in the eye.

It is to see that in the eyes of the zombies, Ma Yongxin is totally bloodthirsty.

The blue and purple hair on the body became purple and black in an instant.

Black smoke came out of my mouth.


Ma Yongxin is also now, just noticed the existence of this one side.

"Flying geese!"

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Ma Yongxin clearly recognized the zombie.

At the moment, some are shocked.

You know, this flying bird is well-known in the netherworld valley.

He is very fierce and has the cultivation equivalent to the king of nine grades.

In addition, he is immortal and has infinite power. It is not the same level. It is possible to kill him completely unless he is a real person.

Therefore, Ma Yongxin's face is very afraid.

In particular, flying geese look at themselves at the moment, that terrible killing opportunity.

"Flying geese? What are you going to do

Ma Yongxin now stepped back two steps.

But Feitian he doesn't care at all. He is full of killing intention and rushes to Ma Yongxin.

Under one blow, Ma Yongxin retreated tens of meters.

Flying geese are chasing after each other.

"Evil animal, do you dare to treat my master like this? Do you believe it or not? Burn the swaddling clothes in your coffin at one stroke, so that your poor child's body will not survive and die completely!"

Ma Yongxin hastened to say a paragraph can restrain flying geese.

Rumor has it that when you meet flying geese, don't panic, don't run, just say you want to swaddle.

At this time, flying geese will stop attacking you.

Not to say that it's good, Feitian's attack is more fierce.


Ma Yongxin frowned.

Panic, glanced at Chen Ge Zhou Nuo.

Only then discovered two people, already quickly fled.

I can't chase you.

And then look at the hidden weapon Chen Ge threw to himself and burned by himself.

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Ma Yongxin suddenly realized.

"Damn it, stinky boy, what you lost just now is the baby cloth that this animal cherishes most, asshole. I said why feitianji killed me so much!"Ma Yongxin looks at Chen GE's back.

I wish I could curse Chen Ge for thousands of times.

At present, those who are chased by Feitian are sweating profusely and in a mess.


"Chen Ge, should you be near yuanxincao?"

At the moment, the valley is dark.

Asked Zhou.

"According to the map, it's almost here. Ma Yongxin, who will be able to do it for a while, should not come after him. But tonight, we still need to rest in the valley now and look for yuanxincao tomorrow. Otherwise, the crisis around me will fluctuate, and I will be injured and unable to deal with it!"

Chen Ge said.

Just in time, there is a cave.

After Chen Ge inquired that there was no danger, he entered the cave to live.

"Chen Ge, can you do me a favor?"

Chen Ge is recovering from cross knee injury.

Zhou Nuo suddenly said in a very low voice.

"What's up?"

Chen Ge opened his eyes and asked.

"I It's been bumpy for a few days. I want to take a bath. There's a pool right there

Zhou Nuo road.

At present, a blush flashed on her pretty face.

"Then you take a bath. Don't worry. I'm not going to take advantage of others' danger to peep at you!"

Chen Ge couldn't help shaking his head and laughing bitterly.

"However, the pool is so close to here that you can't peek at it. Besides, no matter whether I peek or not, I can't be as close to you as I am when I take a bath?"

Zhou Nuo blushed with shame.

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This person is really, sometimes very chicken thief, sometimes very justice, and sometimes, is so disgusting.

"Well, what do you want me to do?"

Chen Ge shook his head and asked.

"Lend me your coat, and I'll put up a curtain between us."

Zhou Nuo said in a hurry.

Chen Ge shook his head and lent him his coat.

Then he continued to keep his eyes closed.

However, the slight sound of undressing and undressing still made Chen Ge frown, and his mind was not stable.

After all, Chen Ge is also a man.

Chen Ge opened his eyes, but he did not know whether he meant it or not, so he took a glance at Zhou Nuo.

Under this glance, Chen Ge was startled directly.

"Zhou Nuo

Chen Ge stood up in a hurry and called out directly.

"Ah! Chen Ge, you son of a bitch, you said not to watch, what are you doing? "

Zhou Nuo scolded.

"Come here quickly!"

Chen Ge continued to shout.

Fortunately, Zhou Nuo just took off his coat and wrapped his skin in a hurry at the moment.

Angry toward Chen Ge.

"Chen Ge, what do you mean?"

Zhou Nuo's face was crimson and angry.

"You misunderstood me. You see, there seems to be a figure floating above the pool..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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