The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 819: 819

Chen Ge released Zhou Nuo.

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"Why are you here? Don't tell me in advance? "

Zhou Nuo looked at Chen Ge in surprise and asked.

"I went to your house in front of me. The guard at your door told me you were out, so I'll try my luck and see if I can meet you!"

Chen Ge Chao Zhou Nuo simply explained a sentence.

Hearing what Chen Ge said, Zhou Nuo did not mention how happy he was.

Since the last separation with Chen Ge, Zhou Nuo felt very bored and missed Chen Ge very much.

"Who is he, Noel?"

White suit youth see Zhou Nuo and Chen Ge so close, immediately angry a place to come, angrily walked forward to Zhou Nuo asked.

Zhou Nuo glanced at the youth and snorted coldly: "he is my boyfriend. Lin Zijie, you'd better not pester me, or be careful that my boyfriend will severely teach you a lesson!"

Chen GE's eyebrows wrinkled as soon as he heard it.

Zhou Nuo is a little girl who can take people as a shield.

"Well.. I'm not, I'm not her boyfriend

Chen Ge can't let Zhou Nuo take advantage of it so easily, and immediately he said no.

Zhou Nuo glared at Chen Ge, thinking how Chen Ge was so uninteresting. Obviously, he was looking for an excuse to get rid of Lin Zijie's entanglement.

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Lin Zijie is a young man with white suit. He has been pursuing Zhou Nuo all the time. However, Zhou Nuo doesn't look up to him at all. He doesn't even look at him in the right eye. This makes Lin Zijie really unwilling and wants to catch up with Zhou Nuo.

"Zhou Nuo, you'd better settle your own affairs first. After you finish, we'll find a place to sit down and chat!"

In order not to continue to let others misunderstand, Chen Ge reminds Zhou Nuo.

With that, Chen Ge is ready to turn around and leave.

Seeing Chen Ge going, Zhou Norton was flustered and joked. Finally, Chen Ge took the initiative to find himself. How could Zhou Nuo let Chen Ge leave easily? Besides, Chen Ge still owes Zhou Nuo's love.

Zhou Nuo quickly stretched out his hand and put his arm around Chen Ge. The pride of his body was tightly attached to Chen Ge, which made Chen Ge feel a burst of soft feeling.

"Chen Ge, don't forget that you still owe me a favor. I tell you, this guy is very troublesome. You should pretend to be my boyfriend first, so that I can get rid of him, and I will treat you as you return my love!"

Zhou Nuo is close to Chen GE's ear and murmurs to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge is not the kind of person who doesn't mean what he says. Since Zhou Nuo wants to let himself repay the favor in this way, Chen Ge can only agree.

See Chen Ge no longer speak, Zhou Nuo knew that Chen Ge on behalf of tacit consent.

"Lin Zijie, I have something to do with my boyfriend. Don't pester me again. We can't do it. Goodbye!"

Zhou Nuo turned his head again, staring at Lin Zijie seriously with a warning.

Lin Zijie, as a great young member of the Lin family, could not bear such humiliation. His beloved woman was robbed by others. It really made him feel shameless.

"What's your name? I'm going to fight you alone

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After a pause, Lin Zijie pointed to Chen Ge and roared angrily.

Chen Ge frowned and felt that Lin Zijie was really ungrateful. Zhou Nuo said so, but he still refused to let go.

"Lin Zijie, what qualifications do you have to compete with my boyfriend? On your strength, my boyfriend can crush you with one hand!"

Zhou Nuo scornfully snorted, glared at Lin Zijie, ridiculed way, Lin Zijie to be denounced.

Lin Zijie's anger soared, and he felt that Zhou Nuo looked down on himself too much. Anyway, he was also the strength of the king of nine pinlun.

"Boy, if you don't challenge me today, I promise you can't leave alive!"

Lin Zijie no longer takes charge of Zhou Nuo's words, but points the spearhead at Chen Ge, threatening to say.

Originally, Chen Ge did not want to have much entanglement with such a childe brother.

But people are so threatening his head, then Chen Ge really had to teach him a good lesson.

I really don't know the height of the earth. If you don't see the coffin, you won't shed tears. If you don't reach the Yellow River, you won't die.

"Are you sure you want to fight me alone?"

Chen Ge glanced at Lin Zijie coldly and asked.

"Nonsense, I tell you, if you lose, you'll get out of the ground!"

Lin Zijie stares at Chen Ge and suggests.

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"What if you lose?"

Chen Ge raised a strange smile and asked.

"Well, how could I lose to someone like you?"

Lin Zijie ridiculed with great confidence that Chen Ge could not be his opponent.

"Well, if you lose, what if you give me 100 million coins?"

Chen Ge thought about it for a moment and then proposed to Lin Zijie.

The reason why Chen GE's bet is that he wants 100 million coins for Lin Zijie, because Chen Ge wants to use this money to buy talisman.Instead of spending your own money, you might as well buy it with other people's money?

"Just press it, OK!"

Lin Zijie didn't even think about it. He promised directly.

One hundred million coins is not a big sum of money to Linzi Jielai. You should know that his family is rich in wealth.

Zhou Nuo stood aside and did not open his mouth to stop. She knew the strength of Chen Ge, so she felt that Lin Zijie was doomed to lose. It is estimated that the 100 million coins should be handed over steadily.

Soon, Lin Zijie found an open place, took off his coat, twisted his neck, and did warm-up.

Chen Ge stands in place, staring at Lin Zijie in front of him.

Some people give their own money, Chen ge of course is to take a good smile.

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"How long do you have to warm up? I don't have so much time to play with you! "

Chen Ge asked Lin Zijie impatiently.

Lin Zijie's heart sank and his eyes were full of anger. He wanted to beat Chen Ge to the ground immediately.

"Watch me punch you!"

With a quick kick, Lin Zijie jumped to the ground and drank his anger.

Chen Ge stood in place, did not want any dodge meaning, in his eyes, Lin Zijie's speed is too slow.


Before Lin Zijie touches Chen Ge, Chen Ge quickly raises his legs and blows out.

Lin Zijie was blown out in mid air. He drew a beautiful arc in the air and fell heavily on the ground. There were tiny cracks and grooves on the ground.

Chen Ge only used three levels of strength, but Lin Zijie could not bear the three levels of strength. He fell to the ground and could hardly get up again.

To deal with such a person, one easy move can end the battle.

Lin Zijie looks a little scared. How can he think that Chen GE's strength is so terrible that he can solve it with one move, which makes him feel a strong sense of fear. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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