The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 820: 820

Chen Ge walked slowly to Lin Zijie.

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"Lin Shao, you lose, 100 million coins!"

Chen Ge crouched down, stretched out his hand and looked at Lin Zijie, who had fallen to the ground.

Lin Zijie originally thought Chen Ge wanted to teach himself a lesson. He just wanted to close his eyes and accept it. But when he heard this, Lin Zijie was relieved.

Willing to gamble and admit defeat, Lin Zijie gave Chen Ge 100 million coins.

Money is an external thing. Anyway, such a little money is nothing to Lin Zijie. If you lose, you lose.

But Lin Zijie not only lost his money, but also lost his own dignity and the dignity of the Lin family, which he could not bear.

Chen Ge took 100 million coins and left directly with Zhou Nuo, leaving Lin Zijie alone in the same place, no longer in charge of Lin Zijie's life and death.

After a long time, Lin Zijie got up from the ground and limped away.

But this is not the end...

Here, Chen Ge and Zhou Nuo came to a cafe, and they sat down.

"Chen Ge, why did you come to me all of a sudden? Do you miss me

As soon as he sat down, Zhou Nuo immediately opened his mouth, looking at Chen Ge with a look of anticipation.

Chen Ge takes a look at Zhou Nuo and thinks that this little girl really likes herself? Asking yourself such a question.

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"I've come to see you for business!"

Chen GE's face seriously responded.

"Cut, you really have no sentiment, people ask you like this, you can't even perfunctory.".. Hum, wooden brain

Hearing Chen GE's words, Zhou nuojiao snorted and complained. She looked very lovely and lovely.

It's not that Chen Ge doesn't want to answer, but that he is already a man with a family. Of course, he can't do anything sorry to Su Muhan. He has to have his own bottom line. Chen GE has already made an exception by pretending to be Zhou Nuo's boyfriend just now.

If not with Su Mu Han together, then Chen Ge may indeed have an idea for Zhou Nuo, but that is only if.

"Zhou Nuo, do you know the LORD God?"

Then Chen Ge asked Zhou Nuo.

"I don't know!"

Zhou Nuo turned his head to one side and answered decisively with a little anger.

Chen Ge sees this, in the heart some helpless, this year's girls are so difficult to deal with.

"Well, since you don't know, forget it. I'll go first if I disturb you."

Chen Ge is not the kind of person who will be very elegant, so she immediately got up and said to Zhou Nuo, and then prepared to leave

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this can make Zhou Nuo flustered. If Chen Ge really left, it would be meaningless for her to deliberately do so.

It can only be said that Chen Ge doesn't eat Zhou Nuo. Moreover, Chen Ge also knows that Zhou Nuo is not really angry, but deliberately pretends to show herself, that is, he wants to let himself show her.

It's a pity that Chen Ge doesn't lick the dog.

"Well, well, I don't want to tease you. It's really uninteresting."

Zhou Nuo quickly pulled Chen ge back.

Chen Ge then sat down again, looking at Zhou Nuo, waiting for Zhou Nuo's answer.

"The LORD God is the supreme ruler of our realm. His real name is abro. He is in the palace of God in the boundary."

Then, Zhou Nuo simply told Chen Ge the information about the God King.

Chen Ge, so it is. It seems that he has attracted the attention of the supreme ruler of the boundary.

"What's the matter? Why do you ask this all of a sudden? I can tell you, Chen Ge, the LORD God is not as simple as you think. It is said that the power of the LORD God has reached the level of human beings, and it is more than seven levels of soul cultivation. It is absolutely terrifying! "

Zhou Nuo was surprised to ask Chen Ge a question, and then a kind-hearted Chao Chen Ge reminded that she did not want Chen Ge to provoke the Lord of God Abra.

The seventh level soul cultivation in the realm of real people..

Chen Ge is not surprised from the heart, this strength is really terrible.

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Now he himself is only close to the real state of second-order soul cultivation strength, and the gap between him and the king of God is too big.

If you really want to meet abro, I'm afraid he can't resist it at all. It's possible that he will be killed directly.

"By the way, do you know that there is a man in black under this God King?"

Chen Ge asked Zhou Nuo again.

Zhou Nuo thought about it and replied, "I remember, there is such a person, I remember that person seems to be called black.".. Heisha, who is the follower of the LORD God, is responsible for helping the king deal with some boundary matters. Almost the LORD God seldom appears, and all of them are Heisha. "

After listening to Chen Ge, he understood completely.

It seems that the person who visited him a few days ago should be the black devil.

However, judging from the situation of the black evil, at present, the king of God abro should not want to do anything to himself, just to test himself."Chen Ge, you won't offend the LORD God?"

Looking at Chen GE's expression, Zhou Nuo asked anxiously.

Chen Ge shook his head and explained, "don't worry, I won't be stupid enough to offend a strong person who cultivates the soul at the seventh level of human realm!"

Hearing this, Zhou Nuo was relieved.

"Oh, by the way, why do you take so much money from Lin Zijie? Are you short of money

Zhou Norton thought of something and asked Chen Ge.

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100 million coins, not much for Zhou nuolai, but enough for an ordinary person to spend a lifetime.

"Ha ha, it's better to spend other people's money than to buy things with your own money!"

Chen Ge chuckled and explained to Zhou Nuo.

"Zhou Nuo, I've heard that you are the most famous in the world. Can you take me there? I want to buy some talisman!" Chen Ge continued to preach to Zhou Nuo.

Zhou Nuo understood the real purpose of Chen GE's coming this time, and also the reason why he wanted to search for so many coins from Lin Zijie. It was for the purpose of purchasing secret talisman.

"Yes, no problem, but are you sure 100 million is enough?"

Zhou Nuo agreed and asked Chen Ge suspiciously.

In the realm, secret magic talisman is very rare, but its value is not low. A most common secret law talisman can be thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan, not to mention other high-level secret law talisman.

"It's OK. It should be enough. It's not enough for me. I have to go and have a look first."

Chen Ge chuckles indifferently, thinking that money is nothing to him, and he is not afraid of having no money.

With that, they quickly finished the coffee in front of them, and left the cafe together, heading for the world's largest secret talisman sales center - the talisman palace.

All the secret talismans in the realm come from the talisman hall, and are made by the top master of secret magic and talisman, boshir, and put in the talisman hall for auction or sale. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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