The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 821: 821

The palace of talisman.

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It is a grand and luxurious palace, with a layer of gold-plated outside, and a huge stone tablet stands at the door.

The appearance of the stone tablet is the secret talisman, which is the symbol of the talisman palace.

There are not many people who don't come to the palace of talisman, only a few of them come here.

This place is even better than those high-end consumption areas.

Zhou Nuo led Chen Ge to the gate of the talisman hall.

At the gate stood a man in a robe.

This man is specially responsible for guarding the gate of the talisman palace.

It is not an easy thing to enter the palace of talisman. It needs conditions.

Zhou Nuo took out a sign from his clothes and handed it to the steward.

The steward took a look, his eyes were shining, and he immediately showed a respectful smile.

"Miss Zhou, please!"

This sign is Zhou Nuo's identity card, which is the symbol of the territory. Zhou Nuo is the eldest daughter of the Zhou family, and the Zhou family also exists in the whole territory. Of course, Zhou Nuo's identity is not simple. Of course, the administrator knows it.

"He's my friend. Come in with me, OK?"

Zhou Nuo looked at the steward and asked lightly.

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The steward quickly shook his head and replied, "of course, it's OK. Please come in."

With that, the steward respectfully opened the door of the talisman hall and motioned to Zhou Nuo and Chen Ge.

Thank you

Zhou Nuo politely thanks the way, led Chen Ge into the talisman palace.

As soon as he entered the hall of talisman, Chen GE's eyes were startled. All kinds of exquisite secret talismans were displayed in the hall.

"These secret talismans in the hall are unique in the whole realm. There is only one of each kind, which is extremely rare. Therefore, they are treasures of the temple of talismans. They are not sold and auctioned, and belong to the level of reaching the level of secret magic talismans!"

Zhou Nuo pointed to several talismans on display in the hall and introduced Chen Ge.

"The so-called secret talismans can be divided into six qualities: white ding quality, popularizing quality, middle quality, high spirit quality, extremely precious quality and perfect quality."

"But of the highest quality, there is nothing else except these in the hall!"

Zhou Nuo narrated in detail, like a tour guide, he took Chen Ge around the hall of talisman.

"Can the most top-level master of secret magic and talisman in your realm produce the talisman with the highest quality?"

Chen Ge curiously asked Zhou Nuo.

Zhou Nuo shook his head slightly and said with a bitter smile: "although boshir is already a top-level master of secret magic and talismans, he can only stay in the production of extremely precious secret magic talismans, and can not enter into the production of the highest quality."

"These masterpieces in the hall were left by master Kaiji, the first person of the realm's Secret Magic talismans several decades ago. Since ancient times, no one can surpass master Kaiji. He has no idea how master Kaiji made the secret magic talismans with the highest quality. This is a mystery!"

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After hearing this information, Chen Ge was more interested in the secret method and talisman.

"Can you learn how to make secret talismans?"

Chen Ge asked Zhou Nuo a key question.

"Of course, you can, but you have to join the talisman trade union to learn secret magic and talisman, and you must have a special tutor willing to teach it. Otherwise, you can't become a student of the secret law and talisman."

Zhou Nuo also said a key point, the key point is that learning talisman must have a tutor willing to teach.

This makes Chen Ge really a little embarrassed. He only knows Zhou Nuo in the boundary, not to mention the tutor. Even he doesn't know the teacher. In this case, it must be difficult for him to learn the talisman.

"What? Chen Ge, are you interested in learning the secret method

Zhou Nuo suddenly saw Chen GE's mind, smiling at Chen Ge asked.

Chen Ge didn't deny it and nodded her head slightly.

"If you are really interested, I can recommend a person to you. He is the second level tutor of the talisman trade union. His name is Hecheng. He is an old friend with my father."

Zhou Nuo looked at Chen Ge and proposed.

"Really? I am not a member of the realm. Am I qualified to learn the secret Dharma and talisman? "

Chen Ge a listen, in the heart a burst of surprise, is some worried asked.

After all, Chen Ge is not a boundary person, but an earthman, so there is a big difference between their identities, and there are still some disagreements between boundary people and earth people.

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"Don't worry, no, master Hecheng is very good, and my father doesn't exclude people outside the boundary!"

Zhou Nuo told Chen Ge that he didn't have to worry about it.

"OK, but I don't have the time to learn the secret method yet. I'll come back to you after some things are over, and then I'll learn them."Chen Ge also agreed to come down, looking at Zhou Nuo to tell the way.

"Mm-hmm, OK, no problem!"

Zhou Nuo didn't have any opinions.

With that, they had come to the hall where they sold the secret magic talisman.

The head-on is the specialist in charge of the sales hall.

May I help you, gentlemen

The Commissioner catered to the smiling face and quickly stepped forward, respectfully toward Zhou Nuo and Chen Ge.

"My friend wants to buy some runes!"

Zhou Nuo immediately said.

Those who can enter the palace of talisman are not ordinary people. Of course, they should use the best attitude and courtesy.

"Come on, this way, please. Let's show you the latest secret talisman made by master boshir first!"

The Commissioner quickly led Zhou Nuo and Chen Ge to the golden silk counter on one side.

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There are a row of secret talismans in the golden silk counter.

"These are the latest quality secrets, including attack, defense, strategy and space."

The Commissioner patiently introduced it in detail.

Chen Ge looked at these secret talismans in the counter, which really dazzled him.

However, the prices of these rare quality secret talismans are not cheap. There is a price tag at the bottom of each secret magic talisman.

The price of each secret talisman is tens of millions.

Chen Ge couldn't help but wonder that Zhou Nuo asked him whether he had enough money before he came. It seems that his 100 million coins from Lin Zijie were not enough to buy two secret talismans.

Zhou Nuo also saw Chen GE's mind, she knew Chen GE's 100 million coins were not enough.

"Chen Ge, do you like it?"

Zhou Nuo is close to Chen Ge and whispers to Chen Ge.

"In addition to these, are there any other secret talismans?"

Chen Ge did not answer Zhou Nuo, but continued to ask the Commissioner, anyway, such a large place certainly will not only have such a little secret talisman, there must be cheap. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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