The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 822: 822

"Yes, please follow me!"

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The Commissioner answered immediately.

Finish saying, then led Chen Ge and Zhou Nuo to the other side of the hall.

There are all kinds of magic talismans hanging in this hall. There are all kinds of them at different levels.

You can use an idiom to describe it: it's full of colors.

Then Chen Ge picked it up here.

In this hall, the price of the secret talisman is much more reasonable. The lowest price ranges from several thousand to several million.

After more than an hour of selection, Chen Ge finished the selection.

Chen Ge bought hundreds of middle quality and hundreds of high spirit quality, as well as more than a dozen of rare quality secret magic talismans.

A total of 130 million coins were spent, and Chen Ge himself had more than 30 million yuan, which is enough to show how expensive the secret talisman is.

The reason why he bought so many secret talismans was that Chen ge used it for self-defense and emergency.

These secret talismans can play different skills and powers, and they are easy to use. They are one of the most portable magic weapons that can be carried with you.

After purchasing the secret talisman, Chen Ge left the talisman palace with Zhou Nuo.

"Chen Ge, what are your next plans?"

Zhou Nuo looks to Chen Ge to ask, want to know Chen GE's plan.

"I want to go to song city on earth first!"

Chen Ge did not hide, told Zhou Nuo of his itinerary.

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"Song city? What are you going to do there? "

Zhou Nuo doubted for a while and asked curiously.

"Some of the remaining evils of Jieyu Qin family have not been eradicated. There is a Qin family in the song city, which is the second gate of the Qin family in Jieyu!"

Chen Ge lightly opened his mouth to explain.

After listening to Zhou Nuo, he immediately understood that Chen Ge was going to eradicate the Qin family in the song city.

If the remaining evils of the Qin family were not eradicated, it would be a trouble for Chen Ge, although he did not pay attention to the Qin family in Song Dynasty.

"Well, you must be careful. If you need help, please contact me. I will try my best to help you!"

Zhou Nuo is a reminder of Chaochen song.


Chen Ge smiles at Zhou Nuo, then jumps out and leaves quickly.

Zhou Nuo looked at Chen GE's back, but she couldn't tell the taste in her heart. She thought that she would let Chen Ge accept her own one day.

On this side of the boundary, the Lin family.

Lin Zijie limped back home, looking very dishevelled, gray face, hair disordered, where there is the temperament of the Lin family, the whole is no different from beggars.

"Well? Zijie, what happened to you? How did you become like this? "

At this time, a young man who looked very similar to Lin Zijie came out and looked at Lin Zijie in surprise and asked.

"Big brother.".. I was beaten. "

Lin Zijie looked at his elder brother Lin Ziang and said.

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This is Lin Zijie's eldest brother, Lin Ziang. His strength is at the second level of the human realm, and he is one of the members of the boundary Disha Group.

Disha Group is an underground hidden force in the boundary area. It is composed of some killers and powerful people. It is specially responsible for taking on some tasks.

"What? How dare someone beat you and say, who is that man? Big brother, take revenge on you

Hearing this, Lin Ziang was furious and asked Lin Zijie.

"I don't know. I only know that the boy has a good relationship with Zhou Nuo. It seems that he is Zhou Nuo's boyfriend."

Lin Zijie bitterly replied that the thought of Chen Ge made his heart incomparable with anger and pain.

As a big boy of the Lin family, he was beaten to such a degree by a young boy. He really lost the face of the Lin family.

"Well, the Zhou family, right? It seems that the Zhou family is really becoming more and more rampant now. They dare to fight against the Lin family!"

Lin Zi Ang's face was very cold and angry.

In fact, both the Zhou family and the Lin family are equal in the boundary area. Neither family loses to the other family. This is why the Zhou and Lin families have always been in a situation where well water does not invade the river.

But now.. I'm afraid the two families will have a dispute over Chen Ge and Zhou Nuo.

"Zijie, big brother will make the decision for you. I will tell my father in person. I will see what the Lin family can do!"

Lin Ziang squinted his eyes again and said coldly.

With that, Lin Ziang first helped his brother Lin Zijie back to his room to have a rest.


Night came.

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Song city.

In the Qin family house, the lights were bright and the servants were standing.

Qin Zhen stood in the hall, looking at the people in front of him, feeling very anxious and worried.

The three elders of Yan Xun have been gone for a day, and there is no news at all, which really makes Qin really worried.

"Dad, you don't have to worry. The three elders are so powerful that they can kill the boy Chen Ge!"Qin Zhen, the eldest son of Qin Song Dynasty, comforted him.

"I hope so."

Qin Zhen frowned and squeezed out a sentence from his mouth.

"You'd better think about how to explain yourself to the Qin family in Jieyu."

As soon as Qin Zhen's voice dropped, Chen GE's voice began to ring around Qin's house.

Hearing that it was Chen Ge, Qin Zhen and all the Qin family were in a panic. They looked around in a hurry to find Chen GE's figure.

The next second, Chen Ge appears behind Qin Zhen and raises Qin Zhen with one hand.

"Qin Zhen, you old man, you really don't give up. You want me to come to song city in person!"

Chen Ge pinched Qin Zhen's neck, showing a slight smile arc, staring at Qin Zhen's sermon in a cold tone.

Qin Zhen's face rose red quickly and could not breathe. He could not get rid of Chen GE's hand.

"Chen Ge.".. You let go of my father

Qin song glared at Chen Ge angrily and roared.

"Get down on your knees!"

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Chen Ge was angry and ordered.

Hearing Chen GE's words, all the people in Qin's family are in succession. Look at me and I see you. No one is willing to kneel down.

"Well, if you don't want to, you'll all die."

Chen Ge never hoped that the words would be the second time, a flash of cold light in his eyes and a strong hand.

A click, Chen Ge directly pinched Qin Zhen's neck, Qin Zhen died on the spot.


"Master of the house!"

Seeing Qin Zhen killed, Qin song and all the people of the Qin family cried out in silence.

"Asshole, I'll fight with you!"

Qin song can't help it any more and rushes towards Chen Ge angrily.

It's a pity that this is all in vain. Chen GE's coming this time is to eradicate the whole Qin family in song city. Just like eradicating the Qin family in the boundary region, Chen Ge will not let go of any Qin family.

To be soft to the enemy is to be cruel to yourself. The truth of this sentence is deeply understood by Chen Ge.

In the twinkling of an eye, Chen Ge killed all the people of Qin family in song city, and set a fire to burn the whole Qin family house to the ground.

Qin family, completely eradicated, disappeared in the boundary and song city.

After dealing with all this, Chen Ge left the song city directly and returned to the boundary. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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