The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 823: 823

The next morning, Jieyu Zhou's home.

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Several luxury cars were parked at the gate of Zhou's residence, with the word "Lin" on the license plate.

You can see that these cars belong to the Lin family.

Since yesterday Lin Zijie was taught by Chen Ge and returned home, his elder brother Lin Ziang reported the matter to his father, Lin Ao, the leader of the Lin family.

Lin Ao was furious when he learned that his second son had been injured.

Originally, he is one of those people who are very protective of the calf. Of course, he can't stand the injury of his precious son.

So the next day, he brought people to zhoujiaxingshi for questioning.

"Master Lin, my son Zijie was injured by your boyfriend. How do you deal with this? You must give me a reasonable answer today

Lin Ao Qiao legs, sitting in the hall, looking at the Zhou family master Zhou Yunshan deep voice angry way.

"It was your son who pestered me, so my boyfriend taught him a lesson. Your son deserved all this!"

Not waiting for Zhou Yunshan to open his mouth, Zhou Nuo, standing on one side, retorted loudly to Lin Ao.

"Noel, shut up!"

After hearing this, Zhou Yunshan immediately yelled at Zhou Nuo.

Zhou Norton did not dare to speak, so he stood aside obediently.

Lin Ao's face was extremely dark, and his eldest son, Lin Zi'ang, was also gloomy and cold, and his whole body exuded a strong momentum.

Zhou Yunshan took a look at Lin Zi'ang and knew that the eldest son of the Lin family was very powerful and was definitely not a good target to be provoked.

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"Master Lin, we are both responsible for this matter. I apologize to your son for my daughter, but after all, it was your son who caused this incident first, so I hope your son will not pester my daughter again!"

After a pause, Zhou Yunshan proposed to Lin Ao in a flat tone.

As the owner of the Zhou family, Zhou Yunshan will not compromise Lin Ao so much.

"Zhou Yunshan, don't talk to me about this. I'll tell you, today you can either ask your daughter to apologize to my son, or my Lin family will destroy your Zhou family!"

Lin Ao's temper is also very arrogant, directly on the table, angry threat way.

In an instant, Zhou Yunshan frowned and his face darkened. He didn't expect Lin Ao to be so arrogant that he threatened to destroy his Zhou family. He really didn't pay attention to his Zhou family.

"Master Lin, it's arrogant of you to say that. It's not easy to bully my Zhou family if we can establish ourselves in this realm."

Zhou Yunshan's tone immediately became gloomy and coldly responded.


"Yes? I'd like to have a try! "

Lin Ao disdains to snort.

With that, Lin Ao waved his hand and rushed in a dozen strong men in black from the door.

Seeing this scene, all the people of Zhou family were also a little alarmed.

"But you are a wild place

Zhou Nuo can't help it any longer. He comes out and stares at Lin AO and others.

Lin Zi ang stepped out and stood in front of Zhou Nuo, staring at Zhou Nuo fiercely.

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"Zhou Nuo, I know my brother has always liked you. If you are willing to accompany my brother for a day, I can consider leaving your Zhou family alone. Otherwise, I will let you pay the price with you."

Lin Zi ang gave a conditional threat to Zhou Nuo.

"What if I don't agree?"

Zhou Nuo is not that kind of weak person, immediately took a cold eye glance at Linzi anghui.

"If you don't agree, don't blame me for being rude!"

Lin Ziang instantly released his momentum and said angrily.

"If you touch a hair of her hair, I promise you can't leave here alive!"

As soon as Lin Zi Ang's voice dropped, Chen GE's voice rang from the door of Zhou's house.

"Chen Ge!"

Zhou Nuo a listen, immediately exclaimed.

Voice down, people present, Chen Ge from the door, hands in his pocket, slowly leisurely walked in.

Seeing Chen GE's arrival, Zhou Nuo was pleasantly surprised.

But Lin Zi'ang and Lin Ao did turn to pig liver.

"Did you hurt my son?"

Lin Ao angrily stares at Chen Ge and asks.

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Chen Ge cast a glance at Lin AO and snorted: "it's me. It's your son who can't do what he can. He has to ask me to fight alone. Why? Now if you lose, you have to find someone to start? Is that all you can do? "

Hearing Chen GE's words, Lin Ao almost didn't get angry and a mouthful of old blood gushed up.

Thinking about how the boy talks, such a surprising word, and every word is straight to the point.

It's true that his son lost the contest with others and sent people to come back home. If it came out, he would be laughed at.

"Well, you hurt my brother. It can't be done like this. I'll fight you alone!"Lin Zi ang goes to Chen Ge and stares at Chen Ge and suggests.

"Your brother is not my opponent. Do you think you will be my opponent?"

Chen Ge disdains to look at Lin Zi ang and says.

Lin Ziang clenched his fists, and his arms were full of blue veins. He wanted to tear up Chen Ge immediately.

"What? You dare not? "

Lin chao chao chao intentionally agitated Lin Zi'ang.

Of course, Chen Ge knows that Lin Zi'ang is inspiring himself, but he is not afraid. Since people want to die, Chen Ge certainly wants to accomplish it.

"OK, but I have a condition. If you lose, you can get out with your Lin family, and you can't let your brother harass Zhou Nuo again, OK?"

Chen Ge agreed to come down and proposed to Lin Zi ang.

"Yes, what if you lose?"

Lin Zi ang asked.

"If I lose, whatever you do!"

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Chen Ge blurted out and came out, a face of indifference.

In Chen GE's opinion, Lin Zi ang is not his opponent at all.

Later, Chen Ge and Lin Zi ang went to the door, and all of them followed him out and stood at the door watching the duel between them.

Zhou Nuo came to Chen Ge and whispered to Chen Ge: "Chen Ge, Lin Zijie's brother, Lin Ziang's strength is not weak. Are you sure?"

Chen Ge smiles at Zhou Nuo: "don't worry, he's not my opponent!"

Seeing Chen GE's confident smile and expression, Zhou Nuo felt relieved. She knew Chen Ge must have confidence, otherwise she would never say such words.

"Boy, don't crush your bones with me!"

Lin Ziang stares at Chen GE's cold sermon.

"Who can say it

Chen Ge sneered and disdained to return.

To tell you the truth, Lin Zi'ang really didn't pay attention to Chen Ge. After all, his brother and his own strength gap is still very big, so it does not mean that Chen Ge can be his opponent.

"Come on

Lin Zi ang angrily drank, and then he snatched himself out and rushed to Chen Ge with great speed and momentum. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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