The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 826: 826

The talisman Union.

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Hecheng enters the hall with Chen Ge.

Face to face with He Cheng dressed in the same man, and the man's side is also followed by a young man.

"Master Hecheng, it seems that you have also received your apprentice!"

The other party immediately showed a smile to greet Hecheng.

"Master Gao lie, where are you going

At present, this man's name is Gao lie. Like Hecheng, he belongs to the second level master of Rune trade union. They can be said to be brothers.

However, Gao lie received his apprentice much earlier than Hecheng.

"Ha ha, master Gao lie, where are you going

He Cheng faint smile, Chao gaolie responded.

"Master Hecheng, my apprentice has made a middle way rune. I will take him to see Master Zongcheng and give him the title of a Rune of the first rank!"

Gao lie is elated and looks at Hecheng and tells the story.

There are four levels in the trade union of talisman, namely, the master of Fu, the master of Fu and the great master.

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Only with the approval of their tutors can they be qualified to obtain the title of Rune. After obtaining the title, it means that they have a place in the talisman Union and have a symbol of identity.

This is why Gao lie is so proud and excited.

For such a long time, Gao lie has already accepted his apprentice, but Hecheng has no one to choose from. Naturally, he lags behind a lot.

Now Gao lie's apprentices have to leave school to get the title of first-order rune, and Hecheng has just harvested his apprentice.

This also makes Gao lie look down on Hecheng and thinks that he Cheng has a big gap with himself.

"Congratulations, master Gao lie, but my apprentice will soon get the title of the first Rune!"

He Cheng is also not willing to be outdone to gaolie light response, the words are full of confidence, that is from the confidence of Chen Ge around.

In Hecheng's opinion, Chen Ge is more gifted than Gao lie's disciples, and can certainly surpass Gao lie's disciples.

"Well, I'll wait. Then we can have a competition on both sides to see if it's your apprentice or mine!"

Gao lie also made a war letter to Chaohe in advance.

"Of course

He Chengsi is not afraid to accept the letter of war directly.

With that, Gao lie left with his apprentice.

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After Gao lie left, Chen Ge asked chaohecheng curiously, "master, why are you so confident in me?"

He Cheng smiles and explains, "because I believe you can. You are very talented. You will be a master of Fuwen."

Hearing Hecheng praise himself so much, Chen Ge is really embarrassed.

He Chengcheng has not yet started to learn. He Chengcheng has such great expectations and confidence in himself. He must study hard and never let him down. Otherwise, he will surely lose face in the talisman Union. What's more, Chen Ge doesn't want to disgrace Hecheng. He must surpass Gao lie's Apprentice.

Later, he Chengcheng helped Chen Ge enter the register in the talisman Union and got the membership badge. Hecheng helped Chen Ge put it on his chest.

Looking at this glittering badge, Chen Ge is very excited.

Because he finally became a member of the talisman trade union and became the apprentice of master Hecheng, and he could start to learn how to make secret magic talisman.

"Chen Ge, you'll live with me in the next few days. I'll teach you some basic knowledge about secret magic and talisman and describe the writing style first!"

"Although you are very talented, there are some things that need to be learned. Talent is just one of the advantages you have. You still have a lot to learn. Don't be too proud. Do you understand?"

Master Hecheng looked at Chen Ge and gave a piece of advice.

"Yes, master Hecheng, I understand. I will abide by your instruction and study hard to make secret magic talisman. I will never disgrace you!"

Master Chen he's face should be firmly nodded.

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Master Hecheng is full of expectations for himself, and Chen Ge certainly will not let him down.

With that, he Chengcheng returned to his residence with Chen Ge, and began to teach the way to learn.

Time passed quickly, and a few days passed immediately.

In the past few days when Chen Ge lived in Hecheng mansion, Zhou Nuo visited Chen Ge several times, but they all came to see how Chen Ge was.

On this day, Chen Ge sat alone in the garden practicing.

After these days of study, Chen GE has fully mastered the basic essentials and description of the secret method and talisman.

Hecheng was also very satisfied with Chen GE's performance. He felt that he really did not mistake people. Chen GE's talent was extremely high. In a few days, he could easily depict the middle way talisman, and it was also a middle way talisman of superior quality, which really surprised Hecheng.

At the beginning, he didn't have the talent of Chen Ge when he learned to make secret magic talisman. He only produced the middle way talisman of middle quality.As the saying goes, talents are trained while talents are created.

Chen Ge is a genius, only a little professor can quickly understand, and create some incredible surprise.

At this time, Chen Ge quickly took the ink pen to draw on the rune paper in front of him. What he described was a golden dragon pattern. This golden dragon pattern was seen by Chen Ge in an ancient book of secret talismans. He felt it was mysterious and challenging, so he decided to try to challenge it.

He Cheng used the ancient book for him to learn. Basically, he had learned most of the patterns and patterns of Chen Ge. In addition to some high-quality pictures, this golden dragon pattern is one of the highest quality.

Chen GE has heard for a long time that it is the most difficult to make the secret magic talisman with the highest quality. Because the skill and writing style required are extremely meticulous and weird, no one has been able to produce the secret magic talisman with the highest quality.

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But Chen Ge doesn't believe in this evil. He doesn't think there is anything that can't be surpassed in this world, but he doesn't find a way.


At the end of the first experiment, Chen Ge threw the secret talisman of the golden dragon pattern in his hand into the air.

The talisman turned into a golden light and disappeared.

The first time, failed!

"No, it must be the wrong way of drawing. I'll try again!"

Chen Ge was not discouraged. He immediately made an analysis and then continued to describe it.

After a few minutes, the depiction is over and the rune is thrown again.

In the same way, the talisman turned into golden light and disappeared. This time, there was a silver light shining in the golden light, which seemed to be much better than the first time.

Seeing this scene, Chen GE's confidence was greatly increased. He felt that he was making continuous progress. As long as he persisted, he would succeed. After thinking about it, Chen Ge continued to describe for the third time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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