The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 827: 827

The third time, Chen Ge changed a way of describing.

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To tell you the truth, the writing style of the golden dragon pattern is really strange. No matter where you start to describe it, there will be different results. Only when you find the real way, can you describe the secret talisman of the highest quality.

A few minutes later, Chen GE's third depiction ended.

This time, Chen GE has made great progress.

Although it did not successfully depict the magic talisman of the highest quality, it succeeded in depicting the secret magic talisman of the extremely precious quality.

A silver dragon shining with golden light gushed out of the talisman and surrounded Chen Ge.

"Chen Ge, how is your practice?"

At this time, Hecheng came back from the outside and went into the back garden and asked Chen Ge.

In a second, his face suddenly became astonished.

"The most precious quality of the secret magic talisman!"

He Cheng quickly stepped forward and looked at the silver dragon and exclaimed.

As soon as the voice comes out, the silver dragon disappears in front of Hecheng and Chen Ge, and the actual effect of the secret method talisman has arrived.

The effectiveness of each secret talisman can only last for nearly a few seconds, and the maximum is only one or two minutes. Once the time is up, the effect of the talisman will disappear.

"Here. Chen Ge, are you making this? "

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After a long time, he Chengcai reacted from surprise and asked Chen Ge.

Chen Ge nodded slightly and replied, "master, yes, I made it!"

"How do you make the most precious quality of the secret talisman? Do you know how to describe the extremely precious quality? "

He Cheng was surprised and puzzled and asked Chen Ge.

It is impossible for beginners to learn how to depict the extremely precious quality in a short period of time, let alone make the secret magic talisman of the extremely precious quality. They must learn to master every step before they can learn how to describe the extremely precious quality.

And now Chen GE has directly described and produced a very precious quality of the secret talisman, which is simply shocking.

"Master, I've been practicing and changing my painting style, and then I've succeeded."

Chen Ge is also very light but chaohecheng explained.

He Cheng looked around at the discarded Rune paper and knew that Chen Ge was not talking big. All these were the results and achievements of Chen GE's hard work.

"Go, follow me to the master hall, and I'll take you to see the great master!"

He Cheng couldn't help it any longer. He immediately took Chen GE's arm to preach. The master and the apprentice quickly left home and went in the direction of the master's hall.

The master hall is the location of the master Gu Chou, the chairman of the talisman trade union.

Such amazing news, Hecheng must quickly report to the great master Gu Chou, let him give Chen Ge the title of a rune.

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Soon, he Cheng led Chen Ge to the master hall.

They met Gao lie and his apprentice Jiang Nan at the gate of the Imperial Academy.

"Oh, master Hecheng, are you also here to look for the great master?"

Seeing the arrival of Hecheng, Gao lie immediately sneered and asked toward Hecheng.

"Master Gao lie, why are you here? Is not your apprentice a rune

He Cheng faintly opens his mouth to Gao lie and thinks that he can meet this guy everywhere.

Every time he met Gao lie, Hecheng would feel a headache, because this guy always likes to fight against himself, and he would laugh at himself or show off from time to time. It was really annoying.

"A few days ago, the grand master closed down, so I didn't get the title of my apprentice. I heard that the grand master had passed the pass today, so I came quickly. Master Hecheng, are you also bringing your apprentice to get the title?"

Gao lie explained to Hecheng, and then he asked again.

"Yes, my apprentice is very talented and has made rapid progress, so I brought him to get the title!"

He Cheng responds with confidence to Chao gaolie.

When Gao lie heard this, he suddenly had a little accident. He Chengcai accepted his apprentice only a few days ago. It's too fast for him to take the title. It's too fast to know that his own apprentices have spent nearly a month to be qualified for the title.

"Master Hecheng, it's not a trivial matter to take the title. You can't be joking. Are you sure your apprentice has that qualification?"

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Gao lie looks at Hecheng with disbelief and reminds him.

After hearing this, Hecheng naturally understood the meaning of Gao lie's words. Obviously, Gao lie didn't believe his own words.

I'm kidding. Chen GE has produced a very precious talisman, and it has not been taught by anyone. How can such talent and strength be disqualified?

Of course, hechengcai will not tell the truth about Chen Ge.

"Ha ha, of course I know that, but I believe my apprentice will not let me down!"He Cheng chuckles and replies to gaolie.

After hearing this, Gao lie also sneers and sneers in his heart. He wants to see how Hecheng will make a fool of himself. He does not believe that Hecheng's apprentice can succeed in a short time.

After a while, the gate of the master hall opens, and Hecheng and Gao lie enter the hall with their disciples.

In the hall sat an old man in a golden silk robe, who was the great master of the talisman hall, Gu Chou.

"Hecheng, gaolie, what are you two doing here?"

When he Cheng and Gao lie arrive, Gu Chou asks slowly.

"Report to grand master, I'm bringing my apprentice to report to you and obtain the title of being a first-order Rune!"

Without waiting for Hecheng to answer, Gao lie took the lead in reporting to Gu Chou Hui.

"Oh? What kind of secret talisman has your apprentice made? "

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Gu Chou continued to ask.

If you want to obtain the title of the first level rune, you must get the approval of the great master Gu Chou.

"Great master, my apprentice Jiang Nan has been able to make high-quality and medium quality secret talisman!" Gao lie immediately answered the sermon to Gu Chou. His face was full of pride.

"Well. High quality, medium quality. Yes, quite a little bit of talent. OK, I agree to let your apprentice get the title of first-class rune. You can go to the temple and officially enter it into the list. "

After hearing this, Gu Chou gave a sermon with satisfaction.

To tell you the truth, the first-class Rune can only make the magic talisman of the highest quality.

"Thank you very much

Gao lie immediately took his apprentice Jiang Nan to thank the great master.

"Hecheng, what about you? Did you bring your apprentice to get the title

Then he looked at Hecheng and asked.

"Yes, great master. My apprentice's name is Chen Ge. He can already make high-quality secret magic talisman!"

He Cheng immediately opened his mouth and told the story to Gu Chou. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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