The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 828: 828

Hearing he Cheng's words, Gao lie and his disciples, who were just about to leave, stopped immediately.

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Gao lie suddenly turns back and stares at Hecheng with an unbelievable look.

"What are you talking about? Can your apprentice make high-quality magic talisman? " Gao lie asked Hecheng suspiciously and didn't believe what he said.

In his opinion, Hecheng's apprentice had just studied for a few days. How could he have made a high spiritual quality secret talisman? You should know that it took his own apprentice a month to make the secret magic talisman of middle quality.

But his apprentice is not good, does not mean that Chen Ge can not.

"Hecheng, how long has your apprentice followed you?"

The grain domain opens a mouth to ask toward He Cheng.

"Back to the great master, five days!"

He Cheng answered truthfully to the grain domain.

"No way!"

"Great master, it's absolutely impossible. Hecheng must be lying. How could his apprentice learn five days to make high-quality secret talisman?"

Without waiting for Gu Chou to open his mouth, Gao lie cried out in a loud and angry voice towards Gu Chou. He did not believe all this.

He Cheng could not help frowning, his face became gloomy, turned his head and looked at Gao lie.

"Master Gao lie, it doesn't mean that my apprentice can't do it. I said that my apprentice is very talented!"

Questioning Chen Ge means questioning himself, so Hecheng certainly will not let Gao lie talk about Chen Ge like this.

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What's more, Chen Ge really has that strength, and he has seen it with his own eyes. Otherwise, he will come here to find a great master when he is full.

"Gao lie, be quiet first!"

Gu Chou sank his face and ordered Gao Liewei angrily.

Gao lie didn't dare to say anything at once. He calmed down and closed his mouth.

"Hecheng, do you know what kind of consequences you will bear if what you say is false?"

Then Gu Chou reminded Hecheng that some things were not meant to be a joke, so he hoped that he Cheng could make a decision after he thought it over. Now it is still time to take back those words.

"Grand master, I will never tell lies. My apprentice really has that talent!"

He Cheng replied with great firmness.

"Well, in this case, I will test him personally. If he is really like what you said, I can give him the title of first-class master of Fuwen!"

Later, Gu Chou put forward a method for chaohecheng.

After listening, he Cheng looks at Chen Ge standing behind him.

Chen Ge is very calm, not a bit nervous.

"Chen Ge, are you ready?"

He Cheng asked Chen Ge.

Chen Ge nodded and agreed to the test.

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Seeing Chen GE's agreement, Hecheng is relieved. He believes Chen Ge will do it.

Then, Hecheng, Gao lie and Jiang Nan step aside. Gu Chou prepares an ink pen and Fu paper for Chen Ge and puts it in front of Chen Ge.

"My test is very simple, if you can draw randomly and make a secret talisman with high spiritual quality, even if you pass it!"

"If you can't do it, it means that you are talking big with your master. What you will face is to be expelled from the talisman Union and take away your membership!"

Gu Chou first briefly described the test rules, and then gave a reminder.

"Great master, I understand. I will prove it to you!"

Chen Ge didn't even think about it, so he agreed to it.

"Well, let's go!"

Gu Chou nodded his head.

As the voice dropped, Chen Ge quickly picked up the ink brush in front of him and began to paint on the rune paper.

Chen Ge describes it according to the patterns recorded in his mind. He decides to slap Gu Chou and Gao lie in the face of his master, he Changchang.

In other words, Chen Ge is not trying to depict the high spiritual quality of the secret magic talisman, but a higher level of extremely precious quality of the secret magic talisman, that is, the golden dragon pattern that he just succeeded today.

But the only thing that worries him is that the golden dragon pattern has been successfully practiced several times by him. He doesn't know whether he can succeed again now.

So Chen Ge knew he was going to fight.

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To tell you the truth, Chen Ge is no longer a problem with his high spiritual quality. He can easily describe and produce them. However, he knows that he can't simply prove them. Since he wants to prove them, he must shock others.

Soon, a few minutes later, Chen Ge finished describing the secret talisman in his hand and threw it into the air.

The talisman instantly turned into a wisp of golden light and dissipated.


Seeing this scene, he Cheng was dumb.

Gu Chou also has some eyebrows slightly wrinkled and his face is gloomy.

Gao lie takes this opportunity to kill people.

"I'll tell you, great master, he Cheng and his disciples are absolutely talking big words!" Gao lie comes out and shouts to the grain domain.Chen Ge looks very dignified. He knows what kind of consequences will be brought to him and Hecheng if he fails.

"Great master, it's my carelessness and tension that led to the wrong description. I hope you can give me another chance!"

Chen Ge immediately asked Gu Chou.

"If you can't, you can't do it again. Grand master, you must severely punish Hecheng and his disciples!"

After listening to Gao lie, he angrily says to Chen Ge, and then continues to propose to Gu Chou.

Gu Chou was lost in thought. In fact, he just seemed to see what Chen Ge was trying to describe in terms of brushwork and patterns, as well as the golden light.

"Well, I'll give you another chance!"

After a long time, Gu Chou opened his mouth and agreed to give Chen Ge another chance.

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After Chen Ge and Hecheng heard this, they were both very happy. Gao lie on the other side was angry. He thought why Gu Chou made such a decision.

Then, Chen Ge immediately described it again.

This time, he knew that he must succeed, or it would be over.

Chen Ge closed his eyes, not in a hurry to start writing, but carefully in his mind to look for memories of today's own description of the stroke.

"If you can't, don't waste your time!"

See Chen Ge tardy not to start writing, Gao lie is open to Chen Ge cold hum a way.

Chen Ge suddenly opened his eyes and quickly described it on the rune paper.

Chen GE's every stroke is very strange.

At this time, Gu Chou, sitting on the top, was surprised to see Chen GE's description.

"This is it."

Gu Chou couldn't help but think that he was familiar with Chen GE's writing style and patterns.

The next second, Chen GE's depiction is over. He immediately puts down his pen and throws the talisman out.

In an instant, a strong golden light was emitted from the talisman, lighting up the whole master hall, and a golden dragon gushed out of the golden light and surrounded Chen Ge. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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