The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 829: 829

"Perfect quality!"

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He Cheng sees a state, immediately exclaim a way.

The golden light suddenly appears, the purple air comes to the East, the white fog encircles, the scene incomparably magnificent.

It's true that Chen Ge described the highest quality this time.

"Here. How could that be possible! "

Gao lie, who stands on one side, can't believe everything in front of him. He shouts with wide eyes.

Although he didn't believe it, he couldn't help it. The facts were in front of him.

At this time, Gu Chou was also very surprised. He didn't expect that Chen Ge could make the secret magic talisman of the highest quality. Even he could not make it by himself.

"You. How did you do it? "

Gu Chou immediately asked Chen Ge.

"Back to the great master, I have successfully depicted the golden dragon pattern of extremely precious quality through continuous practice and exploration."

Chen Ge immediately replied to Gu Chou.

Hearing Chen GE's words, Gu Chou is also satisfied with his head.

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"Hecheng, you apprentice is really talented. From now on, he is the first-class master of runes in my talisman palace!"

Then Gu Chou first praised Hecheng and then gave Chen Ge the title.

First order master of Fuwen, that is to say, now Chen Ge is also a master level identity. This kind of honor is very precious. If you can get the title of first-order master of Fuwen in the hall of talisman, it is also a symbol of high status in the whole realm.

"Great master, you."

After Gao lie listens, of course, Chen Ge comes to the Zhou family.

Since last Zhou Nuo came, Chen GE has never seen Zhou Nuo come again, and I don't know what this little girl is doing these days.

Now Chen Ge is a familiar guest of the Zhou family, so no one will stop him from going in and out.

When he came to the mansion hall, he saw Zhou Yunshan sitting inside talking with the housekeeper.

"Master Zhou!"

Chen Ge walks in, the respectful Chaozhou Yunshan greets.

"Chen Ge is coming. Please have a seat. How are you doing at master Hecheng?"

When Zhou Yunshan saw Chen Ge, he immediately showed a happy smile and asked Chen Ge about it.

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"Oh, first order master of Fuwen badge, you are now a tutor?"

Without waiting for Chen Ge to answer, Zhou Yunshan noticed the first-order Fu Master badge pinned on Chen GE's chest, and immediately exclaimed.

Of course, master Chenghe has the badge of master Chenghe.

"Yes, Mr. Zhou, but I still have to thank you for giving me such a good opportunity to become master Hecheng's apprentice, so that I can have today's achievements!"

Chen Ge is not the kind of person who does not repay his kindness. Naturally, he is grateful to Zhou Yunshan.

"Ha ha!"

"What a big deal. It's all the result of your own efforts!"

Zhou Yunshan also smiles and waves his hand to Chen Ge.

But seeing Chen Ge get such a result, Zhou Yunshan is really happy, at least let him feel that he has not helped the wrong person.

"By the way, master Zhou, why didn't you see Zhou Nuo?"

Later, Chen Ge looked at Zhou Yunshan and asked.

Usually Zhou Nuoke is around Zhou Yunshan, but today she is not, which makes Chen Ge feel very strange.

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"You said Nuo'er, she went out these days and said that she had gone with an expedition to jieyuling mountain to look for millennial ginseng.

Hearing Chen GE's question, Zhou Yunshan immediately told Chen Ge.

"Millennial ginseng? What is that? "

Chen Ge is suspicious.

"It is an important ancient medicinal material that grows once every thousand years. It is more precious than ginseng!" Zhou Yunshan explained.

This made Chen Ge a little curious, but why didn't Zhou Nuo tell himself, and why was Zhou Nuo interested in an ancient medicinal material? What hidden secrets exist in this.

"Master. The owner of the house. "

Just then, a servant came in from the door in a hurry and called anxiously to Zhou Yunshan.

"What's the matter? So flustered? "

Zhou Yunshan frowned slightly and asked.

"Miss. Big miss, they. They met with an accident in Lingshan. Just now I went out and heard that there was a big avalanche in Lingshan. Many snow blocks rolled down from Lingshan. The situation is very critical! "

The servant quickly told Zhou Yunshan what he had got.

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After hearing this, Zhou Yunshan was stunned.

"You. You can't talk nonsense

Zhou Yunshan asked in disbelief that his daughter had only been away for two days. The bad news was a little unacceptable to Zhou Yunshan.

As soon as the words fell, a group of people in battle armor came into the door of the negative mansion of the Zhou family.

These people quickly swarmed into the Zhou family, led by a man in black military uniform."Hello, Mr. Zhou. I am the leader of the boundary guard team. My name is Wang Peng. This time I am here for an accident happened to your eldest daughter and the expedition team in Lingshan."

Wang Peng went to Zhou Yunshan and looked at Zhou Yunshan's sermon seriously.

Zhou Yunshan knows this. It seems that the news is not false, but a real accident.

Zhou Yunshan almost didn't stand firm. Fortunately, he was supported by the housekeeper and the housekeeper, so he didn't feel dizzy.

Chen Ge on one side was also very dignified. He immediately turned around and left the Zhou family. He knew that he was going to Lingshan to rescue Zhou Nuo himself.

After leaving Zhou's home, Chen Ge went to the center of the earth capital. Of course, he had to purchase some equipment and supplies before leaving. Otherwise, going alone would be no different from dying. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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