The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 841: 841

Chen Ge and Zhou Nuo sat down beside the river.

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"How come we haven't even seen a personal film for so long?"

Zhou Nuo asked Chen Ge curiously.

Chen Ge also feels strange about this.

"It's a little strange indeed. Is it that we are too remote?" Chen Ge couldn't help thinking about it.


As soon as the voice fell, a column of water rose into the sky in the river.

The two dragons roared out of the river.

The sound resounded all around.

Zhou Nuo's eyes widened. How could they think that there was such a green dragon in the river.

Qinglong directly launched an attack on Chen Ge and Zhou Nuo, and quickly flew toward them.

"Be careful!"

Chen Ge exclaimed.

After shouting, Chen Ge and Zhou Nuo at the same time on the edge of the body to jump out.

Fortunately, they responded quickly and escaped the attack of the green dragon. However, their original position has been sunk in, which shows how powerful the impact of the green dragon is. If they collide with the two of them, it will not be the rhythm of crushing the bones.

"It's just a fight with people. How can a dragon suddenly appear?"

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Zhou Nuo was puzzled and asked.

Chen Ge thinks that this should be another challenge in the dreamland. Maybe there is something magical about it.

"Zhou Nuo, you hide first, I'll deal with it!"

Chen Gechao reminds Zhou Nuo, and then summons the sword soul in his body, turns it into a sword and holds it in his hand, and runs towards the green dragon.

Qinglong saw Chen Ge rushing towards him, which made him more excited. He shook his body and rushed to Chen Ge.

"Sword in the eight wastelands!"

The next second, Chen Ge a roar across.

A red light and sword Qi will rise from the sky, and the green dragon will be penetrated in an instant.


The green dragon roared up to the sky, then his eyes turned gray and fell down, directly into the river.

Qinglong was killed by Chen Ge.

Then, two bright things appeared on the surface of the river.

Chen Ge saw this and immediately went down to check.

A closer look, the light disappeared, a green dragon jade symbol and a dragon egg appear in front of Chen Ge.

Chen Ge quickly picked up two things and returned to Zhou Nuo's side.

After seeing these two things, Zhou Nuo and Chen Ge were very curious and surprised. They didn't expect such a reward after killing the green dragon. It seems that this fantasy is really mysterious.

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Later, Chen Ge put the eggs in his backpack and put them in his pocket.

Chen Ge still doesn't know what the use of these two things. After finishing the challenge and going out, he will study them well. However, Chen Ge can know that these two things are absolutely precious, and there must be some special uses and secrets.

"Chen Ge, what's the name of the move you just used? It's so powerful! "

Zhou Nuo raised his head and asked Chen Ge curiously.

Just now Chen GE's sword was so powerful that Zhou Nuo felt astonished.

"I don't know, but I yelled out all of a sudden!" Chen Ge is also a little unclear, shrugged to explain.

In fact, that move was made by the spirit of the sword, but Chen Ge didn't know it.

Soon, they simply cleaned up, left the river and headed for the other side.

After walking for about ten minutes, the sound of fierce fighting came into the ears of Chen Ge and Zhou Nuo.

Zhou Nuo immediately looked at Chen Ge and said, "Chen Ge, there are people fighting in front of him. It seems very fierce. Let's go and have a look."

Hearing Zhou Nuo's words, Chen Ge agreed.

Encounter such a thing, perhaps they can also have a chance to leak, to a mantis catch cicada, yellow finch after the strategy.

The two quickly advanced to hide behind a rock and looked at a small forest not far away.

In the woods, several men in black were besieging a young man in white.

The shoulder of the young man in white has been injured and flushed, but he is still invincible with one enemy and four.

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However, Chen Ge knew that it would be futile for the young man in white to go on like this. He would only be killed by the four black robed men.

But why do four people want to kill one? There must be a reason for this.

"Chen Ge, four of them bullied one. Do we want to help?" Zhou Nuo looked at it and asked Chen Ge a little angrily.

It is a virtue to help others in the face of injustice.

Now, in the woods.

"Hum, Lin Zilan, don't hold on any more. Let's take your God stone!" One of the black robed men sneered at the young man in white."Oh, I want my stone, don't think about it!" Lin Zi Lan coldly smile, never yield retort way.

"Well, then you die!"

The black robed man roared and motioned directly to the three people around him. At the same time, the four men attacked the forest.

At the moment when Lin Zilan was about to be hit, a golden light came from one side and directly shocked the four black robed people back.

Shua Shua!

The two figures quickly fell and blocked in front of Lin Zilan.

"Four people bullying a man is no hero!" Chen Ge glanced at the four men in black and snorted scornfully.

The four men in black looked at each other. They didn't expect to kill Cheng Yaojin on the way.

"Boy, mind your own business, or I will kill you together!"

The head of the black robed man glared at Chen Ge and warned.

"Oh? Well, I'm going to get involved in this business today! "

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Chen Ge sneered and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

With that, Chen Ge quickly threw two pieces of secret talisman from his body.

The talisman turned into ashes in the air. In an instant, two of them were wrapped in black robed people and burned to death.


The remaining two men in black were shocked.

"You are a master of Fuwen The head of the black robed man exclaimed decisively. His face was full of shock. He didn't expect to meet the master of Fu.

Then they jumped up and got ready to run away.

Chen Ge certainly won't give them this chance.

"Want to go? Impossible

Seeing this, Chen Ge sneered and snorted in his heart, and then quickly threw out two pieces of secret magic talisman again.

See two black robed man's body at the same time appeared on the tree vine, tied the two people to death, fell down in front of Chen Ge three people.

"I'm glad to accept your stone!"

Chen Ge glanced at them coldly and squeezed out a sentence from his mouth.

With that, Chen Ge killed the two men with a sword, without any sense of mercy. To deal with the enemy is to be cruel, otherwise it is cruel to yourself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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