The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 842: 842

After solving the problem of four people, Chen Ge put the stone into his pocket.

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In an instant, Chen GE has collected five divine stones.

Then, Chen Ge looked at the woods behind him.

"Are you all right?"

Lin Zilan shook his head slightly.

"It's OK. Thank you for your help. I'm in the woods!" Lin Zi Lan Chao Chen Ge and Zhou Nuo two people deeply thank a, simple self introduction.

Hearing Lin Zilan's introduction, Zhou Norton was surprised.

"You are Lin Zilan, the second youngest of the Lin family in Jieyu?"

Zhou Nuo surprised staring at Lin Zilan asked.

Lin Zilan cast his eyes on Zhou Nuo, who did not expect Zhou Nuo to know himself.

"Are you?" Lin Zilan asked suspiciously.

"I'm Zhou Nuo of the Zhou family. I didn't expect to meet the second young Lin family here. It's a great honor!" Zhou Nuo smiles at Lin Zilan and tells his identity.

The Lin family is a strong dragon in the whole realm, and its internal experts are like clouds, and even some people have reached the realm of true God.

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However, it's a shame that the second young Lin family is surrounded here.

"Ha ha, Miss Zhou's words are heavy. I'm just a waste abandoned by the Lin family!" Lin Zilan is helpless to smile a sigh.

Although Lin Zilan is the second young master of the Lin family, his accomplishments are very low. Up to now, he is only in the realm of Jiupin Lunwang. He can't even go to the realm of real people. Therefore, he is called "waste Er Shao" by the people of the Lin family and has long been abandoned by the Lin family.

"Your cultivation is just temporarily stopped in the realm of the king of Jiupin wheel. For some strange reasons, you have been unable to move forward."

Chen Ge immediately saw something wrong with Lin Zilan's body, staring at Lin Zilan and telling the story.

"Brother, you have good eyesight. I don't know why I have such a situation in my body, so I have been unable to enter the realm of real people. There seems to be a strange breath in my body blocking my elixir field, and I can't break through it at all!" Lin Zilan nodded and explained to Chen Ge.

"But your situation is not unbreakable. You need a special way to do it." Chen Ge also tells a story about Chao linzilan.

As soon as Lin Zilan listened, a surprise appeared on her face, staring at Chen Ge.

He did not expect Chen Ge to give himself such a reply, that is to say, Chen Ge must have a way to help himself.

"I don't know what to call brother?"

Lin Zilan immediately asked Chen Ge.

"Chen Ge!" Chen Ge blurted out.

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"Brother Chen, if you really have a way to help me, Lin Zilan will be completely devastated for you, and I am willing to follow you." Lin Zilan's excited expression toward Chen Ge said that there was no such temperament of the second young Lin family.

Looking at Lin Zilan so sincere, and Chen Ge thinks Lin Zilan is not a bad person, so Chen Ge decides to help Lin Zilan.

"Lin Shao is polite, but for now we should gather together five sacred stones and leave the dreamland."

Chen Ge did not immediately say the way, but toward Lin Zi Lan and Zhou Nuo two people remind a sentence.

At present, Chen Ge himself has collected five sacred stones, Zhou Nuo is still three, Lin Zilan has none, that is to say, the three of them still need to gather eight sacred stones, and they have to defeat eight people.

"Brother Chen is right!" Lin Zilan agreed.

Then, Lin Zilan simply dealt with his injury, and then went with Chen Ge.

However, the next three Chen Ge luck is still very good, all along the way are met with some people.

Before long, the three successfully gathered the remaining eight sacred stones.

After collecting the stone, Chen Ge three people immediately rushed to the certification exit, one by one after certification to leave the dreamland.

Back to reality again, Chen GE's three people already have a token in their hands. This token is an important certificate to enter the land in the sky. People without a token can never enter the land in the sky.

The three can't wait to take the token and enter the channel together.

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After a burst of white light, Chen Ge three people were successfully transported to the sky on the mainland.

When they came to the land in the air, they really brightened their eyes. They thought that the land in the air was too beautiful. It was a continent suspended in the air.

"Oh, isn't Lin Erhao?"

As soon as they arrived, they heard a sharp and sharp voice behind them.

After hearing the sound, Chen Ge three people turn to look at at at the same time.

I saw a young man in a dark green robe came to me.

"Bai lie!"

Lin Zilan frowned and said a name from his mouth.

The young man in front of him is Bai lie. He is the eldest young master of the Bai family. His strength is at the level of real life.

"Two people in the mainland can help you, I don't want to help you!" Bai lie looks at Lin Zilan and sneers at him. He says it and looks at Chen Song with a funny expression.In fact, the meaning of the words is very obvious, is to laugh at Lin Zilan is through other people's help to enter the land.

With that, Bai lie walked forward with a loud smile, no longer paying attention to Lin Zilan and Chen Ge and Zhou Nuo.

"Well, I've heard for a long time that Da Shao of the Bai family is a smart person. It seems that I've seen it today." Zhou Nuo glanced at Bai lie's back and snorted coldly. His tone was full of disdain.

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For Bai lie, Zhou Nuo of course knows, but she has never had contact with Bai lie.

But Chen Ge doesn't care about Bai lie. At present, they still find a place to settle down.

Soon, Chen Ge three people came to a hotel, after entering, they found that they had no money to trade.

Of course, when we come to the land of the sky, we have to use the currency of the land, so the coins of the boundary area and the coins of the earth are completely unusable, and they can not be exchanged. Therefore, the three of them should try to get money first.

The currency used in the mainland is gold coins, and all things are traded in gold coins.

The only place where gold coins can be quickly obtained is the most famous "gold auction house" in Lingkong.

People who enter the skyward mainland must first go to the gold auction house to sell or auction something that can be valuable or used for auction. This is the only way to get gold coins quickly.

Chen Ge three soon learned this information, and immediately went to the gold auction house.

When I came to the auction house of golden house, I saw that there were already people inside and outside. They were all people from the boundary, which can be described as a sea of people.

There is still a big difference between the people in the boundary area and those in the air, which can be distinguished at a glance. Moreover, people who fly over the land have some disgust and hostility towards the people in the boundary. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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