The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 843: 843

Before long, it was Chen GE's turn.

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Chen Ge took out the green dragon jade talisman from his body and handed it to the person in charge in front of him.

The person in charge took a look at the green dragon jade Fu, and immediately showed a surprised color, some incredible staring at Chen Ge.

"Please come with me, three of you!"

After a pause, the person in charge motioned to Chen Ge three people.

With that, he led Chen Ge into the gold auction house.

Come inside, an old man with a golden crown came out to meet the three Chen Ge.

Just now, the person in charge handed the green dragon jade Rune to the old man with golden crown, and whispered in his ear.

Golden crown old man is also some small accident, closely watching Chen Ge.

"Where did you get this green dragon jade Rune?"

Then, the golden crown old man reacted and asked Chen Ge.

Chen Ge hesitated for a moment and answered, "I met a green dragon in the challenge fantasy, and I got it after killing it!"

After hearing Chen GE's reply, the look on the old man's face gradually became more surprised.

"The green dragon jade rune is the most precious thing in the dreamland. No one can get it. Unexpectedly, you killed the green dragon. It's really powerful!" The golden crown old man praises Chen Ge.

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As soon as he said this, he let Chen Ge know that this jade Amulet of green dragon is definitely a very valuable thing.

"Is this valuable?"

Chen Ge asked curiously.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Chen GE's words let the golden crown old man and the person in charge both laughed.

"Worth it? I can tell you that this green dragon jade charm can be auctioned at least for millions of gold coins. I don't know if you are willing to auction it! " The golden crown old man told Chen Ge.

Millions of gold coins, which is a sky high price, really let Chen Ge three people listen to heart.

"Good, I agree to the auction!"

After thinking for a while, Chen Ge agreed to auction his own jade amulet.

Now they are very short of gold coins, so they can only auction off the green dragon jade rune, otherwise they can't survive on the land in the sky.

"Well, since you are willing to auction, I have to tell you that our gold shop has rules. All items auctioned will be divided into three and seven cents with us, that is, we take three cents of gold and the remaining seven cents belong to you. Is it acceptable?"

See Chen Ge promised to come down, the golden crown old man immediately opened his mouth and told Chen Ge about the rules of the gold line.

Chen Ge looks at Zhou Nuo and Lin Zilan behind him, trying to ask their opinions.

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Zhou Nuo and Lin Zilan also have no opinion, this just let Chen Ge nod approval.

"OK, three, please come to the waiting area with me. We will auction your green dragon jade amulet soon." The person in charge quickly reminded Chen ge of the three people, and took them to a secret area. This area belongs to those sellers, so that the sellers can hear and see the auction with their own eyes.

Chen Ge and his three people sat down and waited for the auction to begin.

A few minutes later, the auction officially began.

Seeing the golden crown old man, he stepped onto the stage and looked at the crowd at the bottom and called out: "ladies and gentlemen, today I will bring you some treasures. Next, I will reveal the first treasure, phoenix feather treasure fan."

After that, the old man opened the red cloth on the first auction, and a golden fan appeared in front of everyone. The fan was made of phoenix feathers, which looked very delicate.

"Phoenix feather treasure fan, the starting price of 100000 gold coins, each time the price increase must not be less than 50000 gold coins!"

The golden crown old man announced the auction price of the fan.

All of a sudden, it was a sensation.

"200000 gold coins!"

The first one to stand up and ask for the price was a man in gorgeous royal clothes. He immediately added 100000 gold coins, which was very proud.

"Three hundred thousand gold coins!"

As soon as the price hike ended, a fat man on the other side stood up and yelled, raising the price by 100000 gold coins again.

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In fact, it's just a broken fan. For Chen GE's three people, it's not worth such a high price. There's no way. Who makes these people rich? They're self willed.

After several rounds, the phoenix feather treasure fan was finally auctioned at the price of 600000 gold coins, which was bought by the first man in royal clothing.

There were four treasures to be auctioned, and Chen GE's green dragon jade talisman was the last to be auctioned.

So three people wait for an hour or two.

Finally, it's Chen GE's green dragon jade Fu's turn. The three immediately raise their spirits and focus on the auction house.

The old man with golden crown opened the red cloth on the jade amulet and presented it.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the last treasure of our day, green dragon jade rune. It must be known to all of you. It's a rare thing. The starting price is three million gold coins, and each increase must not be less than one million. Now we are going to auction it!"With the voice of the golden crown old man falling, the auction immediately launched a fierce bidding.

"Five million gold coins!"

"No, I'll give you six million gold coins!"

"Don't talk nonsense. I'll take seven million gold coins!"

Everyone on the spot was shouting for a price increase.

In just a few minutes, the price of Qinglong jade charm has been auctioned to tens of millions of gold coins, and the price has been rising, without any weakening feeling.

Until the high price of 20 million gold coins, the scene was quiet and did not dare to increase the price.

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Twenty million gold coins, is the limit, much higher than the expected valuation.

"Prince Yuxian has offered 20 million gold coins. It seems that no one will compete with him. The jade Amulet of Qinglong belongs to Prince Yuxian."

The golden crown elder announced in a loud voice, looking at a young man sitting in the front row in extremely royal clothes.

This is Prince Yuxian, the prince of the royal family in mainland China.

Twenty million gold coins are just a small sum for him.

"I'll go, 20 million gold coins, Chen Ge, you've made a fortune!"

See this scene, Zhou Nuo can't help but be surprised to see Chen Ge said.

Chen Ge didn't expect that his green dragon jade Fu could be sold at such a high price. What if that dragon egg? Isn't it going to break the rhythm.

However, Chen Ge doesn't want to let people know about the dragon egg at present. Besides, he has more than 10 million gold coins. He is not short of money now.

Soon, with the end of the auction, the golden crown old man had three large boxes of gold coins put in front of Chen GE's three people. Chen GE's three people were stunned. They had never seen so many gold coins.

Although Chen Ge was once rich on earth, he saw gold coins for the first time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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