The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 844: 844

"Chen Ge, how can we take so many gold coins?"

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Seeing so many gold coins, Zhou Nuo looked at Chen Ge in surprise and asked.

Three boxes of gold coins, even if they each carry a box is also difficult, what's more, so many gold coins are really eye-catching, is it not the rhythm of robbery to be found.

This is really a headache for Chen Ge. We have to find a way.

Seeing Chen GE's three people in trouble, the golden crown elder chooses to help them.

The old man took out a small ring and handed it to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge was stunned and didn't understand what the golden crown old man meant and why he wanted to give himself a ring.

"Are you?"

"This is a storage ring. There is a lot of space in it. You can put all these gold coins in it, so you can take them away easily."

Golden crown old man kindly smile and tell Chen Ge.

"Here. I can't ask for your things in vain. I'll give you an extra million gold coins. I'll buy this ring! "

Of course, Chen Ge is not the kind of person who eats instant food. What he gives himself for nothing makes Chen Ge uneasy, so he immediately proposes to the golden crown old man.

The golden crown old man did not refuse, but felt that Chen Ge was a real man. After receiving one million gold coins, he handed the ring to Chen Ge.

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Chen Ge got the ring, put it on his hand and touched the ring gently.


In an instant, a void appeared in front of Chen Ge.

Chen Ge immediately put all the remaining 16 million gold coins into it, and put his own backpack into it.

This storage ring is very convenient and can be regarded as a treasure.

After solving the gold coin problem, Chen Ge is ready to take Zhou Nuo and Lin Zilan to leave.

However, when the three just took a step, they were stopped by the golden crown old man.

"Wait a minute, three. One of you wants to see you."

The golden crown old man looked at Chen Ge and said.

This makes Chen Ge three people have a moment of doubt, thinking that they have just come to this land, who would like to see them?

With that, the old man led Chen Ge to a reception hall behind him. Prince Yuxian was sitting inside waiting for Chen Ge.

Yes, it is Prince Yuxian who wants to see Chen Ge.

Prince Yuxian spent 20 million gold coins to auction the jade Amulet of green dragon. Of course, he wanted to see what kind of sacred place the jade amulet was auctioned. Even such a precious treasure was willing to be auctioned.

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"Three, this is my jade fairy prince who soared to the mainland royal family. It is the jade fairy prince who has photographed the green dragon jade amulet!"

The golden crown old man looked respectfully at the jade fairy Prince and opened his mouth to introduce Chen Ge.

Chen Ge looked at Prince Yuxian and didn't know how to greet him, but how could they say that he was also a prince? He still had to have some respect.

"Hello, Prince Yuxian!"

Chen Ge said hello to Prince Yuxian.

"Is it you who sold the jade Amulet of green dragon?" Prince Yuxian stood up and looked at Chen Ge with a curious look.

Chen Ge nodded and replied, "yes, it's me. The three of us come from the boundary area. We don't have any gold coins on our bodies, so I'll sell the green dragon jade talisman!"

"Don't you know the value of the jade Amulet of the green dragon?"

The jade fairy prince asked.

Chen Ge really doesn't know about this.

To tell you the truth, if it wasn't for the lack of gold coins, Chen Ge would not have sold the green dragon jade talisman. He had not had time to study it in depth.

But hearing the words of Prince Yuxian, Chen Ge knew that the jade Amulet of green dragon was definitely a special treasure.

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Chen Ge shook his head and replied, "I don't know. Please tell me about it."

"The green dragon jade talisman is the symbol of the green dragon. The person who obtains the green dragon jade charm can possess the power of the green dragon. The power of the green dragon is the most powerful force among the four sacred beasts!"

Prince Yuxian told Chen Ge about the jade symbol of Qinglong.

After listening to Chen Ge, they were all surprised. They didn't expect that the green dragon jade Fu had such a great effect.

Chen GE has some regrets at this time. He regrets that he will sell the green dragon jade rune.

But now he has no way to repent. The things he takes out are like water thrown out and can't be taken back. Moreover, the person who bought the green dragon jade charm is still the prince of the royal family in the sky. It is even more difficult for him to repent. Chen Ge can only recognize the planting.

"Prince, the green dragon jade rune is yours now, so even if you tell us about the information about the green dragon jade rune, we won't have any idea. Please rest assured of this!" Chen Ge looks back to Prince Yuxian.

Prince Yuxian stares at Chen GE's eyes. He can see that Chen Ge is not lying.

"Well, Prince Ben will believe you." Prince Yuxian chose to believe Chen GE's words.After a brief conversation, Chen Ge and the three left the auction house.

Although there are some regrets and regrets, Chen GE has no way. There is no regret medicine in the world, but fortunately, they get a large amount of gold coins, which is a psychological comfort, better than nothing.

With the gold coins, Chen Ge and his wife could find a better place to live and have a good dinner.

More than 10 million gold coins on the body, enough for Chen Ge three people to eat, drink and have fun in the sky this year.

At night, Chen Ge and Zhou Nuo live in a room, Lin Zilan alone.

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Originally, Chen Ge wanted a room for one person, but Zhou Nuo said he didn't dare to live alone, so he had no choice but to agree to live with Chen Ge.

Sitting in the room, Chen Ge takes out the green dragon eggs in the storage bag and puts them on the table.

Is it possible for a dragon egg to hatch?

"Chen Ge, do you think there will be a green dragon in the eggs?" Zhou Nuo walked to Chen Ge and sat down. He looked at Longdan curiously and asked Chen Ge.

"It's not impossible, but when will the eggs hatch?" Chen Ge responded lightly.


Just listen to this time, the dragon egg came out a crisp broken sound.

Then, there were cracks in the eggs.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ge and Zhou Norton show surprised eyes. Their eyes are wide and they are watching Longdan closely.

The next second, the dragon egg completely disintegrates. A green dragon pokes a small head out of the eggshell. Two eyes, the size of Chen GE's thumb, are wide open, staring at Chen Ge and Zhou Nuo in front of them.

"Wow, what a lovely little green dragon!"

After seeing Zhou Nuo, he couldn't help it any more, and immediately he exclaimed. Such a lovely little green dragon is really too much to be loved. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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