The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 845: 845

With that, Zhou Nuo stretched out his hand to catch the little green dragon.

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The little green dragon immediately opened his small mouth, revealed two small teeth, and roared at Zhou Nuo.

Such a lovely call, really let people feel incomparable love.

"You little fellow, I am so gentle, you are still so fierce!" Zhou Nuo Du mouth toward small green dragon reprimand a sentence.

Little green dragon seems to understand Zhou Nuo's words, immediately shrink into a group.

Chen Ge sees this, also can't help but show a smile, and then stretched out his hand to hold the little green dragon in the palm of his hand.

Xiao Qinglong enjoys lying in the heart of Chen GE's hand, constantly rubbing against the palm of Chen GE's hand, and completely trusts Chen Ge.

"It seems that he trusts you very much. You can see that you have nothing to do with it!"

Zhou Nuo saw this, immediately some small happy said, oneself a big beautiful woman also can't compare with a man.

In fact, it's not because Chen Ge always takes the dragon eggs with him, so long Dan has already been familiar with the smell of Chen Ge, so the little green dragon inside will regard Chen Ge as his most trusted person.

They stayed with little Qinglong until late at night.

However, after some familiarity, little green dragon and Zhou Nuo are also familiar with each other. Instead of regarding Zhou Nuo as an enemy, he is willing to let Zhou Nuo embrace himself.

The next morning, Chen Ge and Zhou Nuo were awakened by little Qinglong.

Little green dragon hopped around on the two people's bodies, and from time to time he opened his mouth and roared.

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See this scene, Zhou Nuo immediately understand: "Chen Ge, it must be hungry!"

But this is a problem for them. What should Xiaoqinglong eat? It's definitely not the same thing they eat.

Later, Chen Ge put the little green dragon into the storage space, and then left the hotel with Zhou Nuo and Lin Zilan, and went out to find a place to eat.

The three finally found a restaurant to eat and ordered a lot of delicious food.

Chen Ge put some meat into the storage space to feed little green dragon.

However, little green dragon is lying on the ground, and has no interest in the food that Chen Ge put in.

"It doesn't eat? Not even meat. " Chen Ge was puzzled.

Thinking that the little green dragon doesn't even eat meat, what is it going to eat?

But Chen Ge didn't want to worry about it for the time being. The three of them had enough to eat first.

After dinner, Chen Ge and the three continue to look for food for Xiaoqinglong.

At this time, when Chen Ge three people passed a gorgeous manor, the little green dragon in the storage space of Dun time began to agitate.

Chen Ge felt that there was something wrong with the little green dragon, so he immediately released the little green dragon. He saw that the Little Green Dragon flew quickly to the gorgeous manor, as if attracted by something.

"Hello, you little fellow!"

It's too late for Chen Ge to stop.

Under helpless, Chen Ge three people had to jump up, jump over the fence into the gorgeous manor, toward the direction of small green dragon fly quickly.

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When Chen Ge and the three arrived, they only saw little green dragon lying under a tree, chewing something in his mouth, and there were a lot of small debris on the ground.

"What is it eating?" Zhou Nuo asked curiously.

He thought that little Qinglong didn't even eat meat just now. Now he is eating. What makes him excited.

Chen Ge stepped forward, squatted down to check, picked up some debris on the ground.

"It's the crumbs of fruit. It should be eating fruit!"

After checking, Chen Ge began to preach.

It's clear that these crumbs are fruit like substances.

With that, the three immediately looked up.

A look, sure enough, there are countless fruits on this tree, these fruits are emitting pink light, very dazzling.

"Wow, what kind of fruit is this? It's so beautiful, and it's so watery!" Zhou Norton time couldn't help exclaiming.

They have never seen such a beautiful fruit. It is not something that exists in the boundary and the earth. It can only be seen on the land in the air.

After looking at it, Chen Ge immediately reached out and picked a fruit.

Put in the palm of his hand, Chen Ge actually felt an inexplicable energy gathered in his palm heart, incomparably mysterious.

"Shua Shua!"

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The next second, saw Chen Ge three people around suddenly fly down and down, two wearing white robes, with white wings behind the women.

"Who are you? How dare you break into here and eat our holy fruit

One of the women angrily pointed to Chen gesan and asked.

"Brother Chen, these two people are not weak!"

Seeing the arrival of the two women, Linzi immediately felt something wrong, and quickly reminded Chen Ge.The strength of these two women is at least above the level of real life.

"Well. Sorry, we didn't mean to break in! " Chen gekan explained to the two women.

"Don't talk nonsense. It's all in your hands. Dare to say it's not intentional. I'll teach you these foreign thieves a lesson!" The better built woman angrily scolded.

Voice down, two women at the same time toward Chen Ge three people launched an attack.

"You go first, I'll deal with them!"

Chen Ge see this, immediately toward the Zhou Nuo behind him and Lin Zilan reminded.

Zhou Nuo and Lin Zilan didn't object to it, so they immediately stepped back and left.

Chen Ge is fighting with two women with a sword.

Although the two women's strength reached the level of real life, they were still unable to defeat Chen Ge.


Chen Ge a sword Qi cut out, the moment will be in front of the two women to shock fly out.

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The two women were a little surprised. They didn't expect that Chen GE's strength was so terrible. They were not Chen GE's opponents together. It seems that they met a tough opponent.


At this time, a halo flew from far away, separating Chen Ge from the two women.

As soon as the halo fell behind the curtain, a woman in a yellow robe and a crown came out of it. She also had a scepter in her hand, with a pink gem on the top of the scepter.

"Stop it all!"

The crown woman said a word from her mouth.

Chen Ge and the two women had to stop.

"Master master!"

Then, the two women knelt down respectfully in front of the crown woman and called.

"Step back, I'll take care of it!" The crown woman said an order.

After hearing this, the two women immediately got up and left.

After the two women left, the crown woman looked at Chen Ge and asked, "is that little green dragon your pet?"

After listening to Chen Ge, he took a look at the little green dragon who was still enjoying the fruit, and then nodded to the crown woman and responded, "yes, it's my pet. I don't know why it is interested in this fruit." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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