The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 846: 846

"This fruit is a heavenly fruit, a holy fruit!"

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Later, the crown woman opened her mouth and introduced Chen Ge.

Tianlingguo is the holy fruit of Lingkong in a century. It can replenish human energy and repair injuries. It is also the fundamental substance of Lingkong medicine.

"But why is it interested in the fruit? It gives it nothing to eat. " Chen Ge is still some doubts staring at the crown woman asked.

"Ha ha!"

The crown woman smiles softly.

"This little green dragon is one of the miraculous beasts that I fly across the land. You should have captured it in the secret place? Its food is not meat, but the fruit of the day

Then, the crown woman continued to patiently explain to Chen Ge.

After listening to Chen Ge, he fully understood that, so it is.

"The little green dragon chooses you as the master, which shows that you are really extraordinary. I hope you can cultivate it well, and when it grows up, it will bring you incredible harvest!" The crown woman reminded me with great care.

Even if the crown woman doesn't say that, Chen Ge knows that he will certainly cultivate Xiaoqinglong.

With that, the crown woman waved her hand and instantly picked hundreds of tianlingguo from one side of the Tianling tree and put them in front of Chen Ge.

Chen Ge saw the situation, dumbfounded, do not understand what the crown woman this means.

"Are you?"

"You are predestined with me. Little green dragon needs the fruits of heaven and spirits for food, so these fruits should be given to you by me!" The crown woman said with a smile.

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With that, the crown woman immediately jumped and flew away.

Looking at the crown woman's departure, Chen Ge also reacted from the accident, and quickly put all the heavenly fruits in front of her body into her own storage space.

After all this, Chen Ge left the manor with little green dragon.

At this time, the little green dragon has eaten and drunk enough rhythm, and directly falls into the storage space and sleeps.

"Hey, you little guy, it's you who are in trouble. It's me who cleaned up the mess. You're still sleeping so recklessly. I don't know whether you are the master or I am the master!"

See little green dragon sleep, suddenly let Chen Ge some helpless way.

But Chen GE has no way to take this little green dragon. Who let this be his pet? His pet has to be spoiled by himself.

After leaving the manor, Zhou Nuo and Lin Zilan have been waiting outside the fence for a long time.

When they saw Chen GE's safe return, they were relieved for fear of something wrong with Chen Ge.

"Chen Ge, are you ok? Not hurt? " Zhou Nuo hastily came forward and carefully looked at Chen GE's concern.

Chen Ge shook his head slightly and replied, "it's OK. It's all misunderstanding."

Hearing this, Zhou Nuo and Lin Zilan are relieved. If Chen GE has something wrong, they will be very sad and painful.

"By the way, Zhou Nuo, brother Lin, what is the purpose of our coming to the mainland?"

Later, Chen Ge looked at them curiously and asked.

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To tell you the truth, Chen Ge doesn't know what he's going to do in Lingkong. He has no direction at all.

"Well? Don't you know the purpose of flying to the mainland? "

Lin Zilan listen, some suspicious look to Chen Ge asked, the expression appeared on the silk micro surprise.

"I don't know. Do you know?"

Chen Ge frowned and asked.

Lin Zilan and Zhou Nuo looked at each other and both nodded.

"Chen Ge, the purpose of our coming to Lingkong is to enter Lingkong academy and become a more powerful and powerful monk!"

The next second, Zhou Nuo was staring at Chen Ge and replied.

"Lingkong academy?" Chen Ge suddenly became suspicious.

Then Zhou Nuo and Lin Zilan gave Chen Ge a detailed introduction about Lingkong Academy.

Lingkong academy is the largest monk Academy in Lingkong mainland. Every ten years, it selects talents from different continents to study in the Academy, so as to become the most powerful monk, and those with outstanding achievements can also become the chief Bachelor of Lingkong academy, which is a supreme honor.

That's why there are so many people who want to enter when the land of the air opens.

However, Chen Ge, as a human being on earth, did not know this news, because the land in the sky was not open to the earth, but to the boundary.

After listening to the two, Chen Ge suddenly realized.

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"How can I join the Lingkong academy?"

Chen Ge asked curiously.

Since the Lingkong academy is so powerful, Chen Ge would like to have a real experience. Maybe he will encounter some magical opportunities.

"You need to pass the test of Lingkong academy to enter!" Lin Zilan replied.

"When to test?"

Chen Ge continued."Three o'clock in the afternoon!" Lin Zilan blurted out a reply.

Chen Ge took a look at the time, it was 2:30 in the afternoon, and there was still half an hour left before the test time.

"It's two thirty now, half an hour left, so let's go quickly!" After watching, Chen Ge immediately proposed to Zhou Nuo and Lin Zilan.

Zhou Nuo and Lin Zilan naturally did not have any opinion, immediately nodded to agree to come down.

With that, the three immediately headed for Lingkong Academy.

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Lingkong mainland, Lingkong Academy.

At this time, many people gathered outside the gate of Lingkong academy, with thousands of people.

Despite the initial screening of the challenge fantasy, there are still many people who have come to join Lingkong Academy.

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However, the number of people recruited by Lingkong academy is only 200 each time. That is to say, only 200 people can join Lingkong academy after being eliminated from the thousands. This is a great competition.

The three of Chen Ge have arrived at Lingkong Academy.

"It seems that many people have come to attend this year."

Seeing such a sea of people, Zhou Nuo couldn't help sighing.


As soon as the voice dropped, I heard only a light bell ringing, which came from Lingkong Academy.

Shua Shua Shua!

As the bell rings, four figures twinkle on the gate.

These four figures are the four guards of Lingkong Academy. They are specially responsible for the security of Lingkong Academy. Moreover, everyone's strength has reached the realm of true God, which is extremely terrifying.

The appearance of the four guards instantly made the whole scene fall into silence.

The powerful aura swept over all people's hearts and felt a nameless pressure.

Chen GE's three people are no exception. Although Chen GE has a strong sense of consciousness, Chen Ge is still somewhat unable to bear the strong in the realm of true God. After all, the gap in strength is too wide. It seems that there are many strong people in Lingkong academy, which is indeed the most powerful existence in Lingkong mainland. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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